God Bless !
God Bless !
Well, Moons, you KNOW I can't resist taking a closer look and here's what I found. There is an "E" and a backward "J" circled on the sword. There are many more, but that's just a couple.
There's a heart in the large shadowed area (circled) and that shadow animal I circled is either a rat or an elephant lead by one shadow human and followed by a second shadow human. icon_scratch
deja vu all over again. I think I thought this before I wrote it and then once I typed it was I knew I had thought about this before it happened, then I happened and thought it was a coincidence! Man I am a lucky person, to see all this stuff so clearly! I must be doing God work, because others read my work and are happy to have understood me..I see eye to eye with them because of my keen understanding of the true graffiti, written by the ancient alien miners and codemakers.The Centurion's helmet is low on his forehead and that nose is shaped just like the one the cartoonist put on Dick Tracy, years ago. Under that course nose is a large jutting chin kinda like Jay Leno's. laughing7 Talk about coincidences. coffee2 Guess I should illustrate.
HEY, MOONS. Did you just that knat fart errrrrrr, poot??
rangler said:Nice owl Kim,
perfect for your flower garden, as he is an orphan...not to be confused with a sign
of Spanish he is not anchored firmly in the earth as is the codemakers rule...
a real cutie though..he should adopt fast!
anyone else have some owls they want to post?
(c) copyright 2007 all rights reserved rangler
here are twins! two owls to signify a cache within a cache. this turned out to be true, at the
omega dig a confirmation rock was found two feet down, a heart/dog shape pointing to a larger omega cache..very unique and a whole lot of 'fun'