Basic signs and symbols you have found

Here is a nice little owl. They come in all shapes. Not my owl.


  • IMG_0393-2.webp
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Nice owl Kim,
perfect for your flower garden, as he is an orphan...not to be confused with a sign
of Spanish he is not anchored firmly in the earth as is the codemakers rule...
a real cutie though..he should adopt fast!
anyone else have some owls they want to post?

(c) copyright 2007 all rights reserved rangler
here are twins! two owls to signify a cache within a cache. this turned out to be true, at the
omega dig a confirmation rock was found two feet down, a heart/dog shape pointing to a larger omega cache..very unique and a whole lot of 'fun'


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Here is another nice combo marker.


  • daggerswordqu.webp
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That sure is a FAT little Centurion isn't it?? That sword is almost bigger than HE is. :laughing7: :laughing7:

Well he is something that's for sure. He is a well fed little guy! ;D And hundreds of miles away from something reminiscent of it. They sure did travel. Not sure if the blade itself is a J. There also might be J a on the blade..with some dots.

Could be some reversing going on there as the centurion who looks robed to me, is pointing to another letter out of the picture. Just a shot along a highway on a sightseeing trip.

Well, Moons, you KNOW I can't resist taking a closer look and here's what I found. There is an "E" and a backward "J" circled on the sword. There are many more, but that's just a couple. There's a heart in the large shadowed area (circled) and that shadow animal I circled is either a rat or an elephant lead by one shadow human and followed by a second shadow human. :icon_scratch:
The Centurion's helmet is low on his forehead and that nose is shaped just like the one the cartoonist put on Dick Tracy, years ago. Under that course nose is a large jutting chin kinda like Jay Leno's. :laughing7: Talk about coincidences. :coffee2: Guess I should illustrate.

daggerswordqu-marked.webp daggerswordqu-marked Merged.webp

Well, Moons, you KNOW I can't resist taking a closer look and here's what I found. There is an "E" and a backward "J" circled on the sword. There are many more, but that's just a couple.

translation: i found some fabulous fractals, and some of them look like letters..there are endless fractals especially when I zoom break the pixels down and make themlook like graffiti..

There's a heart in the large shadowed area (circled) and that shadow animal I circled is either a rat or an elephant lead by one shadow human and followed by a second shadow human. icon_scratch

Translation:The tinfoil hat I wear when I am on my pc picks up later nite tv and makes rats look like elephants, I scratch my jay leno chin and smile as only I know the secrets of the ancient alien miners and monument builders. I am king of my world. Do not try to bust my bubble with the truth as it would disturb me beyond all understanding. I might hurt the rat then the elephant might hurt me...I dont like pain..dont let him hurt me..I will tell you everything I know about that night they came and got me..and ...that hurtful..probe..

Translation: Here in never never land, I can make up stuff as I go and have a delightful time in the curious world that I escape to when ever I can,. I have deluded my self to think I am of a great help to real trackers and treasure hunters after all many ancient aliens in mother ships have traversed this land and let me in on very important messages disguised as pareidolia, but since I was abducted by a mother ship , they gave me a probe the open my eyes and mind to read this cryptic scribbles. I know they are real because I see them clearly with my dick tracy decoder hat!
The Centurion's helmet is low on his forehead and that nose is shaped just like the one the cartoonist put on Dick Tracy, years ago. Under that course nose is a large jutting chin kinda like Jay Leno's. laughing7 Talk about coincidences. coffee2 Guess I should illustrate.
deja vu all over again. I think I thought this before I wrote it and then once I typed it was I knew I had thought about this before it happened, then I happened and thought it was a coincidence! Man I am a lucky person, to see all this stuff so clearly! I must be doing God work, because others read my work and are happy to have understood me..I see eye to eye with them because of my keen understanding of the true graffiti, written by the ancient alien miners and codemakers.
[this is just a mirror your looking into Stack-confusion for confusion]

HEY, MOONS. Did you just hear that gnat fart ......errrrrrr, poot??

HEY, MOONS. Did you just that knat fart errrrrrr, poot??

I know- I know- we have to run this alien code thru our dick tracy decoder hats!! right?!
now your even speaking in pareidolia!!
pareidolia virus - no known cure!


See, Moons. There it is again. :icon_scratch: It has a more of a whining sound than a poot, though.

SS, I too thought the centurion was facing left. However after a bit I could see he was facing the other way with arm pointing. Which leads to some letters. Imagine the fellow hunched over as if fleeing.

Those letters on the blade hard to make out. So thanks! The shadow "rat" too is additional..well..perhaps confirmation or information.

The heart - would need to get closer. The potential symbols on the head of the hilt would need a closer look too.

The interesting thing to me with this vignette is it seems to me the more final symbols are to the right, not to the left. (Not shown in picture). At first I looked to the left.

Okie Doaky, I'll look to the right in the larger picture and see what's there. :thumbsup: The warmer weather is bringing out the bugs. Buzz, buzz. :toothy4:

Edited: I just sent an adjusted copy to you. What doya think?

rangler said:
Nice owl Kim,
perfect for your flower garden, as he is an orphan...not to be confused with a sign
of Spanish he is not anchored firmly in the earth as is the codemakers rule...
a real cutie though..he should adopt fast!
anyone else have some owls they want to post?

(c) copyright 2007 all rights reserved rangler
here are twins! two owls to signify a cache within a cache. this turned out to be true, at the
omega dig a confirmation rock was found two feet down, a heart/dog shape pointing to a larger omega cache..very unique and a whole lot of 'fun'

I have been viewing this as an upside down, shadow owl, with hoyo.....



  • june 24 2010 059 (640x480).webp
    june 24 2010 059 (640x480).webp
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Nice pic Oddrock,
Really like that one, simple , compact, subtle and, A very interesting shape for the hoyo, almost a triangle, almost a shield A...I do see another smaller Owl, fatter and right between the shadow owl, right side up [sunsign] and mucho gordo...perhaps two caches one small one, fat?! Any other signs that might be around this one, looks very much like a "Omega" hoyo
thanks for posting, very nice,
any others out there? we are having an owl convention this week!
this little guy is a favorite of mine, found on line, living near the Columbia river on the Oregon side...just watching the eons roll by...


  • articles-Owl+Mythology-Myth+and+Culture-1.webp
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That hoyo has a pointer on the lower left side and the owl is pointing to the left. If you turned the owl right side up and it's pointer would be indicating the same direction as the pointer in the hoyo. Would that be the trail indicator or is the trail to the left of the picture as we're looking at it?
What does the other side of the rock look like? Is there any evidence of a old trail?

Since it is owls we are perusing here is a pic that I have posted before, but might be seen by the newer members.


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