Am I the only one who packs heat while detecting?


Lived in Livingston and Bozeman when I was very small. Have sen what a Griz can do.
I used to hunt with a partner. Which is always a good Idea when in the bear's turf. Even better when both of you have some protection.

The standing joke between my partner and I was I don't have to run faster than the bear, I only have to run faster than you. My partner died in 1989 and I just haven't found a new one ,,,,, yet.

I prefer the large frame S&W 44 mag. My rifle shoots the same ammo so there is less to carry.


OD: HI Again , You lived in Montana? Sheehs when I was in the Border Patrol in the 50's, I had quite a bit of correspondence with Ed Mc Givern and Elmer Keith.. They, along with Bill Tony and Bill Jordan in the Border Patrol were my mentors in fast draw and looong range pistol shooting. They taught me good. I managed to beat the Mexican national pistol champion, and could count on a sure hit on a man sized target beyond 3-400 meters.

I always managed to be "put to the test" in each region that I was exploring or hunting a treasure by the locals. They were quite impressed, and I later found that my reputation always preceded me, it undoubtedly saved me from some serious trouble except for the above incident.

So Yes I did and do carry, there is no question that it has helped me, but I have to admit that my area of searching is in quite remote areas, areas where there is no law.

I always packed the S&W .357 Hiway Patrol model with a 4 " barrel and Keith long range front sights. I favored the .357 over the definitely superior 44 Mag simply because I had to pack my ammo for months at a time, there are no stores out there.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. If I remember correctly, my Border Patrol badge no was 5681

Of course I pack heat, you want me to freeze?



I'd love to get down near Bozeman and Butte again.
Lots of mining history in that area.
I'm in the Northwest corner of Montana (Libby/Troy) area.
There is probably more to detect here than I could in a lifetime.
We are in the old Sylvanite/Keystone mining area.
Lots of ghost towns and mining camps.
I need to get a partner.
I have a friend who has a detector and he always says he wants to go but every time I get ready he always begs off or is too tired or something.
I finally just quit asking him and go by myself.
Sheesh! Were only mid 40's.
Not quite fossils yet!
You ever get up this way and want to detect email me through my profile.
Just let me know ahead of time as I am rather hard to find.
I live on an unmarked county road.

Old Dog said:

Lived in Livingston and Bozeman when I was very small. Have sen what a Griz can do.
I used to hunt with a partner. Which is always a good Idea when in the bear's turf. Even better when both of you have some protection.

The standing joke between my partner and I was I don't have to run faster than the bear, I only have to run faster than you. My partner died in 1989 and I just haven't found a new one ,,,,, yet.

I prefer the large frame S&W 44 mag. My rifle shoots the same ammo so there is less to carry.


Does this usually keeps the undesirables at bay...

My Heat.jpg

IndianaSmith said:
kindafoundabuckle said:
I carry a small pistol in my pocket. This is the first I ever mentioned it to anybody. Why do I carry it? Simple! When me and my hunting partner hit the big one (gold or silver bars, box of rare CS plates, a virgin tot lot) it will be put to good use. I dont want to split the big one with anybody. Its like the old Bugs Bunny Cartoon - two go out but only one comes back. For his sake I hope we never find the big one since he is a good guy but you never know.....

LOL, apparently he (your partner) isn't a member of this forum ;D

"Two men enter, one man leave"...Tina Turner in Mad Max- Beyond Thunderdome


Actually, he IS a member of this forum. Hmmmm... And for KFB's information, he packs too. ;) So if we ever hit the big one, I'll know to get ready for a squarin' off! :D


Well, a lot has been said here, it's hard to keep it all straight but let me try. I carry when ever I leave the house. I have my Concealed Carry Permit here in Wyoming, I had one in Texas and will try to keep one as long as possible. Sometimes the pistol is on me, sometimes it's in the console. I prefer having it within arms length.

I have never had to use it, I showed it once by pulling back a jacket and resting my hand on it. God help me I never want to have to, but I am ready to if need be. Bad things happen to good people and you never know when that might be. A good Police Officer will tell you it's nearly impossible for the Police to defend you as a person. Especially in bigger cities where crime rates seem to have their own momentum. they can defend us as a people, as a group but much like a group of people floating in the ocean, some will be picked off by sharks. I just want my chance to survive and protect those near and dear to me, as well as anyone else who might be in serious peril. To protect your life or others has always been the rule. By the way it's a Springfield Arms XD9MM and I practice with it every chance I get.


[=CoinMiner . it's a Springfield Arms XD9MM and I practice with it every chance I get.Mitch
HI Mitch, ya got it ! Practice and practice until it's handling is automatic and you have complete confidence of your ability to shoot accurately under stress. Many, if not most, police ARE NOT!!

This way you exude a sort of confidence that can be felt, and many times because of this, it will never come to an actual shoot out, or even a confrontation.

Remember the baddies are hopefully in a winning - to them - business, or they will go else where. That is your job, to convince them that you are not worth the risk to them.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I have three rounds of shot-shell and two rounds of hollow-points, in that order. Being a single action, the rolled up $20 goes in the cylinder that the hammer is resting on. The old timers know the reasoning for this.

For $20 I hope you ain't expecting much of a burial or a marker. Drag you off the main trail, lash a pair of sticks into a cross and kick leaves over you, maybe. :D

Assume I'm carrying at least one firearm when detecting (where relatively legal). Concealed carry at a tot lot may not go over big here in NY State. No images because that would be a tip-off. ;)

"I carry either a 1911 .45 automatic..."

Like you I used to keep my Colt loaded with all sorts of exotics; from the Magsafe +P+ SWAT load to the Speer Gold Dots. The more I thought about it the more I came to realize that there are cemeteries in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific Islands occupied by many that fell to a single, well placed 230 g Hardball. With the litigious sea we swin in daily I would hate to have some zealous DA ranting on about "more lethal" ammo that was designed especially to kill. Well Duh...That is the name of the game. Since the revelation, I load only 230 FMJ and practice shot placement at different ranges, strong hand and weak hand.

Pax Christi
Rev. Joel+

Practice, practice and more practice is absolutely essential and I would add that you should practice with the same ammo you intend to use for self-defense.

HI, absoloutley correct! Essential.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Like you I used to keep my Colt loaded with all sorts of exotics; from the Magsafe +P+ SWAT load to the Speer Gold Dots. The more I thought about it the more I came to realize that there are cemeteries in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific Islands occupied by many that fell to a single, well placed 230 g Hardball. With the litigious sea we swin in daily I would hate to have some zealous DA ranting on about "more lethal" ammo that was designed especially to kill. Well Duh...That is the name of the game. Since the revelation, I load only 230 FMJ and practice shot placement at different ranges, strong hand and weak hand. Pax Christi Rev. Joel+
You my friend, have it down pat. Only thing that I might add, is that I do not trust these super expansive rounds at varying velocities for penetrating various materiels to work consistantly as hoped. I will always favor the full weighted round, especially the new semi wadcuter design for the 1911..

A well adjusted 1911, not the mil one, can hold to jack rabbit hits at 100 meters easily.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
Like you I used to keep my Colt loaded with all sorts of exotics; from the Magsafe +P+ SWAT load to the Speer Gold Dots. The more I thought about it the more I came to realize that there are cemeteries in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific Islands occupied by many that fell to a single, well placed 230 g Hardball. With the litigious sea we swin in daily I would hate to have some zealous DA ranting on about "more lethal" ammo that was designed especially to kill. Well Duh...That is the name of the game. Since the revelation, I load only 230 FMJ and practice shot placement at different ranges, strong hand and weak hand. Pax Christi Rev. Joel+
You my friend, have it down pat. Only thing that I might add, is that I do not trust these super expansive rounds at varying velocities for penetrating various materiels to work consistantly as hoped. I will always favor the full weighted round, especially the new semi wadcuter design for the 1911..

A well adjusted 1911, not the mil one, can hold to jack rabbit hits at 100 meters easily.

Don Jose de La Mancha

If my only concern was 2 legged varmints I would likely use the FMJ ball ammo in My .45 but the possibility of bear encounters is very real here.
I am friendly with the game wardens in this area and they all carry the .40 S&W auto's with Cor-Bon ammo for their service pistols as they are even more likely to have a close encounter with a bear and the Cor-Bons are quite effective on bear.
I also use a bone stock GI colt 1911 with fixed military sights and the old diamond type walnut grips. (I like the nostalgia of the GI version)
I can keep all 7 shots on a paper plate at 50 yards which is more than accurate enough for anything I may run into.
If I'm going to town I just shove a S&W Cheifs Special snub nose 38 with Plus p's in it in my pocket.
It's small and invisible in a jacket pocket and although I do have CW permit I prefer not to draw attention to the fact I am carrying.


Guns are used 22,000 times a year in the U.S. to protect innocent people from criminals, but you wont here that on the TV because the Communist's (democrats) don't want men to have guns, because it threatens there control over the people.. Carry often :)
Cops are reactive by nature they respond after you are hurt, mugged, injured or your wife is raped, you have to protect yourself.

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