Am I the only one who packs heat while detecting?

I just purchased my self a Taraus 45/410 shoot colt 45's and also 410 shotgun shell great for two kinds of (SNAKES) two legged and the slithering kind. and for back Taraus 9MM. one never knows wife wants me to get my Concealed weapons permitt maybe 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

my home is well nys it is a pain in the arse to get a permit but not impossible.
the libs around here talk about an annual fee to be implamented in wich turns me off because they get enough of my size and smarts keep me out of danger,but
uncle buck comes along just in case. ;)


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Do I pack...most definantly!

Charter Arms 38 Spec Snubnose.

Will I use damn right! And yes I have an unrestricted license.

Do you hear banjo music?

rommelvon said:
the police can't be everywhere and i will not be a victim, there would have been 6 dead robbers if they would have attacked me.....
correction you ambushed them ::)

KirkPA. I got a glock 22 that fires bullets made from melted wheat backs. I would use colonial coppas though I cant seem to find any of those here in KS. Also, a young kid walking down the street just traded me a wooden box of wheat ammo, er wheat pennies, for a worn merc dime! Thats ok, my wife complains about me leaving those Da#$# merc dimes in my pockets and wrecking the washing machine because it gets overloaded by wilver. ;D

rebelLT said:
KirkPA. I got a glock 22 that fires bullets made from melted wheat backs. I would use colonial coppas though I cant seem to find any of those here in KS. Also, a young kid walking down the street just traded me a wooden box of wheat ammo, er wheat pennies, for a worn merc dime! Thats ok, my wife complains about me leaving those Da#$# merc dimes in my pockets and wrecking the washing machine because it gets overloaded by wilver. ;D


Re: Enough is Enough
« Reply #17 on: Today at 06:08:57 AM » Quote Modify Remove

College age students should have been packing, or are they to stupid to know the cops are not for their protection.
Don't say get rid of the guns, the killers would have used clubs or machetes like the MAU MAU in Africa.Or molotov cocktails.


??? A friend of mine is a stout Dem and he and his wife (she is a lawyer) have always hated gun ownership by private citizens. I have known him and his wife for twelve years and I couldn't get them to join me once at the gun range to for target practice. They live in Tampa, Florida which has the most rights of any state to protect citizens against criminals. In Florida you cannot be arrested or sued in Civil court for use of lethal force in protecting your loved ones and the Castle Doctrine is in strong force there. Also, it is illegal to register any firearm in the state of Florida and the fine is $5 million per occurrence. So...the point of this rant? Recently my friend called me and said he and his wife decided to get a firearm for their home. I asked "Why?". Turns out one of the women that works with his wife had a home invasion "Almost" happen to her. It was 9:30 at night, in a very, very nice neighborhood in Tampa when a knock was heard at the front door. She looked through the peep hole and saw a nicely dressed, young black woman standing there. She called her husband from the living room before opening the door and he brought his Taurus 92F in 9mm with him. He peered through the peep hole and did not recognize her either. So the husband keeps the handgun down by his right side a bit behind his leg and opens the door. The woman says she is lost and needs to use their phone if possible. (right). The husband notices a man hiding in the bushes in front of their house and asks the woman who that is with her. The woman tells him it is her boyfriend and asked if he made him nervous. Just about then the guy comes running toward the front door to smash through but the husband is ready and brings up the Taurus quickly. Guess who won? Not the home invaders, that is for sure. This is what our country has come to and yes, we MUST protect ourselves. If you believe in "Dial-A-Prayer", otherwise known as 911 then good luck to you. This event changed my Liberal friend and his wife's opinion of the 2nd Amendment and they now own a firearm for their protection. It is so sad that people don't learn from the ill fate of victims until they become a victim their selves. A gun is a tool, we use tools everyday. Why must there be so many people who don't understand that an inanimate object does nothing by itself and that People Kill People with any means necessary.

Good point Rca, too many think it can't happen to them. Just glad to be here with so many people with good old common sense & the guts
to stand up for themselves. True Americans in my eyes.

I carry. Why? I was at a doughnut shop one night and two guys came in and robed it.One went over the counter and the was behind me when I turned to see a revolver pointed at my head. We all had to get down under the table until they left. the cops came and took statements and when I got home the video was on the 11o'clock news and the report described the guys and the video showed that the one guy came all the way down and stopped one step from my table, he had no resone to come down that far but for one reason. I did reconice the guys and called the cops and was told that they would get back with me. But after three tries, I gave up.
If I had bent carring I mite not of bent able to do any thing at that time but after I was under the table, I could have defended my self if I needed to.
Go figure, A doughnut shop and no cops.


You wouldn't believe some of the looks the parents give me at the local tot lots! :P

But seriously, the AR stays at home! ;D


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Old Dog said:
Thanks Jim,

The way you work it is to rotate the mags, it gives the springs a rest, have one in the weapon and two loaded, three more empty and on standby, when doing a serious cleaning and check always check contact points as well on mags as the catches will wear. not just on the mag but in the weapon. Just like maintenance on an automobile. You need to change the mags out when they start showing signs of wear. This is the natural course of things. prevents a breakdown when you need performance.

Its funny in a movie where someone swings a weapon up and the mag falls out ......
Not so funny when the chips are down


The two loudest sounds in the world: Hearing a click when you expect a bang & hearing a bang when you expect a click.

Ruger P85 9mm

rommelvon said:
I carry everywhere (legally) and I make sure to strap my sprinfield xd40 on my hip especially when I'm out in the sticks, this world has gotten so crazy, plus you never knww when you could run across a pot field meth addicts cooking in an old house...or even a wild animal. I can't be the only pistola carrying treasure hunter out there ;D

Heres a few of my other toys


I sometines carry also...and legally.
I like looking at every one's toys...but do the thieves, and the
Freedom guys ;)

Of course...maybe the thieves will think twice about breaking into our homes :) ;) ;D


I say I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by six.
I have a concealed permit. The next hunter will be scooping up some round pink things in the sand if you get my drift.

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