Am I the only one who packs heat while detecting?

In Maryland, it is impossible for me to get a permit to carry a handgun, but I do come prepared at all times; but rather than slinging lead, I'll sling my Kabar!

Just like when I go hiking, I always bring some sort of fighting knife with me. I know its illegal to carry a concealed weapon, but when it comes to protecting my friends, family, and myself, the law doesn't matter to me.

8) I currently reside in Wisconsin which DOES allow open carry of firearms but not concealed. I am a resident of Florida and have a current Florida CCW license. Two days ago I was exploring a race track in my area that was built in 1896 (have full permission from the owner) and it is very, very remote so...I loaded up my Bond Arms Derringer in .410/.45 Colt and off I went. I didn't see any two legged critters worth shooting but I have run into them in my life and I was the one who walked away the victor. No, I didn't shoot anyone but I COULD have. That made all the difference. Laws vary from state to state and in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and I think about 20 more states they now have enacted the "Castle Doctrine" which is very, very good for us honest citizens. I am a firearms collector and own many, many firearms and also have a Federal Firearms License. Knowing ALL the laws in every state I visit is extremely important and I can tell you that in Florida, Alabama and Georgia and most likely every other state that has enacted the "Castle Doctrine" law you do NOT have to retreat and you can STAND YOUR GROUND AND USE LETHAL FORCE as long as you are in a place you have the legal right to be. the state of Florida if I were in the Walmart parking lot metal detecting and some gang bangers tried to rip me off, car jack me, or hurt anyone I could legally use lethal force to stop them AND....this is the best part: I CANNOT BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME BY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND I CANNOT BE SUED IN CIVIL COURT. Another good one for all the anti gunners out there: In Florida it is illegal to register a firearm and each occurrence carries a $5,000,000.00 (yep 5 MILLION DOLLAR) fine. So Florida protects the honest people and the anti gunners hate Florida and most southern states that also allow people to protect themselves. It may not be "politically correct" but my advice to everyone who protects themselves or their loved ones is this: "Make sure there is only one side to the story".
Sorry to get off topic a bit but I do know the laws and study them extensively in every state I travel to or through and another thing is to stay current with all the laws. is a good place to start but make sure you ALWAYS click on the link that takes you to the actual state you are researching to get the actual true text of the law.
Stay safe and pack heat when metal detecting and anytime you legally can. It is your duty and your right to do so.

I am a Vet and a proud Life Member of the NRA. How many of you support our right to bare arms, or do you let someone else carry the ball to protect your rights?

On land I carry iron since I too have a CCW. In the water I have my dive knife and scoop. It is always better to know your surroundings first and always be alert.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have one.

I am a member of the NRA and am active in the fight to change the brainwashed minds that guns are not evil.
I do this by engaging the brainwashed often and have turned quite a few around. Now that the socialist's are in power we have are work cut out for us, and I am quite serious when I say along with all who love freedom, " from my cold dead hands" I will obey the constitution, not the communist's. The right to bear arms is not given to us by the second amendment, it was en to us by God, the second amendment simply states that no one in the goverment can take away that right which we already have at birth.

Bravo to you real men, who stand up for what is right, in the face of overwhelming ignorance and critiscim

8) You said it Sandman! I have been an NRA member since I was a young pup and in 1988 I bought a Life Membership. I couldn't afford it so I had to make quarterly payments to pay the $300 fee. Best investment of my life! Now that I am further in life and much better off financially I upgraded my membership recently to Endowment Member and have since purchased a total of five NRA Life Memberships. I bought memberships for all four of my sons of which only one really understands the 2nd Amendment and fights for our Constitutional rights. The other three are not into guns (yet) and hopefully one day they will realize how important it is and pick up the banner and carry it. I also am a member of Gun Owners of America and the 2nd Amendment Foundation. I also purchase military firearms from the C.M.P. (Civilian Marksmanship Program). I carry (in states where it is legal to do so) and keep my CCW current no matter which state I currently reside in. Two states allow concealed carry without a license, those states are Vermont and Alaska. You can still get a CCW in Alaska if you want to and that is so you will have reciprocity when traveling out of Alaska. Vermont has never had a license system and allows any person who meets the requirements to purchase a handgun the right to carry it concealed. In Wisconsin it is illegal to own, possess or use ANY electric shock device such as a Taser or hand held on-contact stun gun. Makes no sense to me since it would be better to not kill someone with a non lethal weapon than to shoot them with a firearm. But hey, that is why we have our wonderful politicians, to make these laws that make no sense. Get active and protect your rights in this country. two cents!

RevJoel said:
Old Dog,

As my feeble mind can remember the report was more of a high freq. crack than a boom, bang or pow. It really assaulted the naked ear to the point that it became down right uncomfortable to shoot. Flinchitis in a fist!

I have a 10" barrel in .22 Hornet for a T/C Contender. Most painful report of any firearm I have ever owned. Not much recoil, but the muzzle flash and bang is fierce. Like an ice-pick in the ears. As quoted above: in the high registers instead of a deep "boom" or "crack". I think it has to do with the relatively slow powder (IMR4227) igniting past the muzzle. I haven't fired it in years. Who wants to have to wear ear protection when hunting woodchucks? Just too nasty and not much better from a pistol than a .22 Mag. (LOVE my Ruger Super Single-Six convertible).

When the NRA refused to defend the 2nd Amendment rights of those that legally collect and shoot Class III firearms, my support of that organization went down quite a bit. I send money to GOA and to JPFO. These good folks don't distinguish.

I always have a Glock Model 36 in the car (legal NC CCW) but I don't usually carry it. I used to carry a can of pepper spray, in case I came across a dog that didn't want me in his territory. I was fly fishing a small stream, many years ago and had the holy crap scared out of me when german shepard appeared out of nowhere barking and growling. I was thinking about finding another can of spray to carry, again.

I carry a sidearm or two when I travel to remote regions of Death Valley for protection.

My sidearm of choice is a 9mm Beretta 92F as well as the 84F.

HH from M2

It is true, the goverment would have to disarm the people to have total control, the Goverment knows that we voluntarily submit to its rule, if the people rose up in even a few states the Goverment would be powerless.
We can never let them take are arms, and brave free men would not let that happen.

I am usually packing something. BUT, if I am going to be in an area when kids are present like a school (most states have laws prohibiting firearms in school zones) then I do not.



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Yes cause they want us to believe the police can protect our children, that law only keeps good men like you and I from carrying in schools.
It's not like the criminal is going to say, "hmm hey man guess we can't shoot up the school, cause there is that one law ya know"

Ahh the left, they never get it right :)

This has actually turned into a great topic.

Now this is just me, but....honestly....the law doesn't mean anything to me when it comes to defending me, my wife, or children. They are the only thing in this world that I love and live for. If I have to go to prison for the rest of my life because I shot some shIIIItbag that came into my house (or yard) and would/could do them harm......then that's fine with me. I live near downtown. The neighborhood is ok right now. It wasn't a year or two ago. St. Paul PD cleaned it up for the most part.

I also work in a position where my life (and the life of my family) is threatened on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis. Some have even looked us (my family) up and found the names of my wife and children. They know where we live. They are determined. Some of these people we live around have no problem coming after your family or you. Luckily for me, my wife understands this. And because she understands this, my family is safer. I call every night to tell her exactly when I'll be home (and call when I'm about to come in the house). It is a crazy way to live at times, but I accept it. There is no screwing around with my family. They are all I've got and the only thing I care about. Our's is not a place to come around at night or day uninvited or with bad intentions. And I can also say that it pays to get to know your neighbors. Both of my neighbors understand my situation and would be the first to start a war if anyone 'jumped a fence'. This may seem crazy, but...this is our life. And I can also add that these situations don't affect our lifestyle too much. We are happy!!!!

Prime example of why people should legally carry, one of the places I detect is down a dirt road in the boonies, just this past saturday a jogger was attacked, robbed and beaten severly by 6 illegal immigrants while he was jogging, the police caught them AFTER the guy used his cell phone to call police......the police can't be everywhere and i will not be a victim, there would have been 6 dead robbers if they would have attacked me.....the anti gun left would have youo think that guns are evil and bad, when it's the lefties that are evil and bad......and stupid to boot

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