Am I the only one who packs heat while detecting?


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I carry a small pistol in my pocket. This is the first I ever mentioned it to anybody. Why do I carry it? Simple! When me and my hunting partner hit the big one (gold or silver bars, box of rare CS plates, a virgin tot lot) it will be put to good use. I dont want to split the big one with anybody. Its like the old Bugs Bunny Cartoon - two go out but only one comes back. For his sake I hope we never find the big one since he is a good guy but you never know.....

kindafoundabuckle said:
I carry a small pistol in my pocket. This is the first I ever mentioned it to anybody. Why do I carry it? Simple! When me and my hunting partner hit the big one (gold or silver bars, box of rare CS plates, a virgin tot lot) it will be put to good use. I dont want to split the big one with anybody. Its like the old Bugs Bunny Cartoon - two go out but only one comes back. For his sake I hope we never find the big one since he is a good guy but you never know.....

LOL, apparently he (your partner) isn't a member of this forum ;D

"Two men enter, one man leave"...Tina Turner in Mad Max- Beyond Thunderdome


Old Dog said:
Urban situations require a bit of diplomacy and a personal taser. Not a firearm.
If a man is closer than twenty paces and you aren't already drawn and ready.
It is too late. If he is close enough to hit you, and is going to ... taser that punk!

Yeah, OK. You are right....No one could possibly need a firearm in a urban situation. ::) ::) ::)
Because we all know that no one robs people, kills people or commits other violant crimes to people in the city. They do that all outside city limits.

Where do you get your information from concerning how close a person has to be before it's to late? By the way....Don't you have to "draw" a taser? So if he is closer then 20 feet, you wouldn't be able draw your taser in time based of your "20 pace" rule. The AAT is a great less then lethal tool to defend yourself from an attack, but it is not 100% and there is more to the taser then "Point & Shoot". Oh, and BTW....The civilian Taser only comes with a 15' foot probe, so based on your rule...You might as well just hand it to the attacker and be a good victim and take your beating.

A small hand held unit the size or just a little larger than a cell phone. to reach out and touch someone will definitely discourage anybody.
a couple shots from one of those and the perp will be drooling and squirming like the worm he is.
Especially if he thinks it is a cell phone.


Old Dog said:
A small hand held unit the size or just a little larger than a cell phone. to reach out and touch someone will definitely discourage anybody.
a couple shots from one of those and the perp will be drooling and squirming like the worm he is.
Especially if he thinks it is a cell phone.


There is only one product on the market that will be as effective as the Law Enforcement Taser....It is made by the same company for personal protection....


However, it is not 100% effective all the time. If you aim is a little off and a probe misses the target, then you are done!  I am not willing to bet my families life on it when the situation justifies lethal force.

Will that work on a bear? It looks like eveveryone is trying to protect them selves from a human.How about a bear mace and where can I get one?


I think you misunderstand me. I'm not talking about the kind that fires a remote probe.
I'm talking about the solitary small unit that gets you in close. I mean smell his breath close. two little electrodes in the front. Reach out and touch the guy, literally. a nice shirt or vest pocket sized thing and easy to use in a park type setting.
I never advocate such a thing for protecting more than myself where I am not able to talk my way out of it.Don't want to take a chance of a stay bullet getting more than what I am after in a public place.

If you think I mean in the home, Not so. I have several firearms located throughout my residence that are loaded and checked daily and cleaned weekly and fired at the very least monthly.
Hope this cleared it up.


Old Dog said:

I think you misunderstand me. I'm not talking about the kind that fires a remote probe.
I'm talking about the solitary small unit that gets you in close. I mean smell his breath close. two little electrodes in the front. Reach out and touch the guy, literally. a nice shirt or vest pocket sized thing and easy to use in a park type setting.
I never advocate such a thing for protecting more than myself where I am not able to talk my way out of it.Don't want to take a chance of a stay bullet getting more than what I am after in a public place.

If you think I mean in the home, Not so. I have several firearms located throughout my residence that are loaded and checked daily and cleaned weekly and fired at the very least monthly.
Hope this cleared it up.


Ahhhhhh, You mean a stun gun, not taser. There actually is a difference ;D

I chose not to own a stun gun, because you have to be up close to use it. In a life or death situation, distance if your best friend! However, My M18L also have two contacts on the end of the cartridge that can be used if needed. However, using these only causes pain like the rest of the "stun guns", and will not affect the muscular system like being shot with the probes.

dunn1866 said:
Will that work on a bear? It looks like eveveryone is trying to protect them selves from a human.How about a bear mace and where can I get one?

NO....However they do make one that will work but it is for agricultural use only. I don't know how you would go about getting one. You cant use this on humans, to strong! Why would you want to use "bear mace" on something that was trying to eat you? To me, being eaten by a bear justifies lethal force to prevent me from being his dinner! IMHO

Here is a link to a video Demo

Notice the bulls every muscle lock up, but as soon as the cycle is completed...Here he comes. This video looks sad, but I assure you the bull is fine! You should have seen me when I was tased in my training class, I had 2 guys holding me and I locked up like a board and screamed like a girl LOL.


The earlier models of some of the " stun guns" are powerful enough to knock a guy down.
Hit him with it a couple times and he will not only forget his last name but half the alphabet.

My sister had one when I was growing up. she nailed a boy friend or two with it. Also got all her brothers when they were in a position to give her a laugh.

The things do work well.


Here is another funny video of a training class... It's funny how all these groups out there say that the taser will kill you, its torture, etc....But all of us (officers) have to go through it for our certification.  Boy, sounds just like my training class, a bunch of laughing.  Such torture!!!!

Click on the Officers Name to see video.

Spidey said:
I've got an old Remington shotgun (I like to hunt), but I just don't see a reason for assault style rifles or handguns.

I don't have one, but I would like to get one. Why ? Because the Govt doesn't WANT me to have one, that's why. The path to dictatorship is when they take away the right to bear arms. Once that right is taken, they can systematically take away every other right we as citizens enjoy. It starts out simple and slowly so no one suspects. Perhaps no large caliber handguns first, then it spreads to semi auto rifles, next it's your squirrel hunting rifle and your pellet gun. I understand peoples concerns about guns, but we as citizens have to be vigilant in an ever changing world.

I don't carry while water hunting but still pack if I am in the woods or inner city. Helps to dress like a bum and put duct tape on the detector.

I've studied various martial arts (and am quite proficient) for more than 1/2 my life - im 33. I have been in a few situations where I have had to use what I know to defend myself. I have also drawn (and was prepared to fire) my carry weapon on 2 situations (people, not critters)

A client of mine owned a gun shop several years ago, and we took some video of one of his employees volunteering to get stunned with a stun gun. the video is in my office, I'll see if I can post a link to it tomorrow. Personally, I would stay away from it for 2 reasons... first, because of the range issue, second, because they don't discriminate on who they zap. If you don't know what you're doing, it can very easily be used on you.


spez401 said:
Personally, I would stay away from it for 2 reasons... first, because of the range issue, second, because they don't discriminate on who they zap.

I agree with you on the range issue 100%. Thats why I like the Taser over the stun gun. On the 2nd, any weapon doesn't discriminate LOL

Old Dog said:
If you think I mean in the home, Not so. I have several firearms located throughout my residence that are loaded and checked daily and cleaned weekly and fired at the very least monthly.
Hope this cleared it up.



Bang!, click.....oh,oh!

It's also important with a semi-auto that you rotate clips from time to time and unload the one not being used because the clip spring will take a "set" eventually. Many misfires are caused by weakened clip springs. You probably already knew that but I thought I'd throw it in anyway.


Thanks Jim,

The way you work it is to rotate the mags, it gives the springs a rest, have one in the weapon and two loaded, three more empty and on standby, when doing a serious cleaning and check always check contact points as well on mags as the catches will wear. not just on the mag but in the weapon. Just like maintenance on an automobile. You need to change the mags out when they start showing signs of wear. This is the natural course of things. prevents a breakdown when you need performance.

Its funny in a movie where someone swings a weapon up and the mag falls out ......
Not so funny when the chips are down


I carry either a 1911 .45 automatic with Cor-Bon ammo or a 44 magnum revolver.
I came face to face with a Grizzly once and haven't detected without a handgun since.
I have seen 4 Grizzlies and can't count how many black bears I have encountered.
The one incident where I was face to face less than 2 feet away from a full grown Grizz made me a believer in carrying a big bore handgun whenever I am in the woods, detecting or just hiking.

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