Am I the only one who packs heat while detecting?

I'm totally pro gun and believe all law abiding citizens should be able to carry. That being said, I believe for must people, it is a wast of time. If a bad person really wants to do you in, they are either going sneak you, or befriend you first, then pop you in the head. Either way, chances are you will never get that gun out. In most places, the odds of anything happening are so slim, that I believe it just doesn't warrant carrying.

You are probably correct. Most police officers go their entire career without a shooting. So our chances are even slimmer.


Do you really believe that your chances of having to defend yourself are less than a police officer???
How many crooks are scared enough of you to think twice before beating,attacking robbing, or killing you??
In most situations the cops will have back up and most,not all, criminals know that if you kill/injure a cop the heat is on.......thats why they rob you and i...
I really hate to say it,but even where i live if im in a town detecting in old areas,they are usually the more rundown parts of town and you do have to be careful..if they have not and they see you with your detector they think hey that guy probably has money and i can sell that stuff for money....
Sorry,but more and more these days you here of the really bad things happening to good people who are just minding there business....

I was using the police statistic to illustrate that gun use even when dealing with criminals on a daily basis is almost non-existent. Many times, police patrol now alone (budget cuts) and they still don't use a firearm except on rare occasions. Can anybody site a single case from there area where a person metal detecting was attacked for his loot? I haven't seen or heard of any reports in any of the several papers I read everyday. It just doesn't seem to happen.


Why does it have to be concealed?Most states allow you to carry on the hip if it's in plain view without a license,even in town.How's your nerve?

BioProfessor said:
I was using the police statistic to illustrate that gun use even when dealing with criminals on a daily basis is almost non-existent. Many times, police patrol now alone (budget cuts) and they still don't use a firearm except on rare occasions. Can anybody site a single case from there area where a person metal detecting was attacked for his loot? I haven't seen or heard of any reports in any of the several papers I read everyday. It just doesn't seem to happen.

Well i know that in my area they patrol alone,but when they stop someone they approach with hand on gun and within a couple minutes there are at least 1 or 2 more for back up.
And it comes back to the old adage..never say never...and most likely if it did happen it would not make news as it would be reported as an assult or robbery and most of us are not news worthy..
And i hope it never does....just a shame you even have to be talking about carrying while detecting....

As stated above we are talking, for the most part about carrying for protection from wild animals not people. I see many more poisonous snakes and wild dogs that druggies wanting to steal my loot.


To be honest, I see more of reason to carry for bad people then for bad critters. There's just a lot more responseability. For example, if your mding in a bad part of town and some big guy comes up, blasts you in the mouth and takes your metal detector, guess what? You can't pull your piece and blow them away. Your going to want to, REAL BAD! If you know what I mean.

when I was about 18 years old -- I was fishing minding my own bussiness at a park near the mad river in near dayton ohio ---2 men attempted to mug me for my class ring and what ever they could "find" on me--they at first acted "freindly" when they came up to where I fishing they had "fishing gear too" so I thought nothing of it at the time ---we "chatted" a bit and I even tied up one of the fish that they caught on my stringer to "hold" for them till they were ready to "leave" since they didn't have one----later on as it was getting dark they "ask" me to get the fish off the stringer so they could put it in their back pack ---I turn around and bent down untying it when "WHAM" A SHARP PAIN HIT ME IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD--- I stood up and turned around ---one of the punks had a "biker" type drive chain belt in his hand---it had a chunck of my scalp with my hair stuck in it---the sob had "attacked" me from behind while I was bent down on one knee to get the fish off !!!! ---the one said to the other ---"I thought you said it would knock em out"---the one with the chain said "it should have"---then the one with the chain said ---"{we want your ring your watch and wallent ---Give them to us or I'll hit you again---I was stunned and dazed and badly hurt ---but more than that --I WAS PISSED OFF---I TOLD THEM TO GO TO HELL ---THAT THEY WERE SCUM TO DO THIS AS NICE AS i HAD BEEN--AND THEY THEY WOULD HAVE TO "TAKE IT FROM ME ": THAT i WASN'T GIVE THEM S-IT!!!
WELL THE FIGHT WAS ON---AS CHAIN BOY ROURED AND CAME AT ME WITH HIS ARM BACK GETTING READY TO HIT ME---I SWUNG MY ONLY WEAPON i HAD TO USE ---MY FISHING POLE---TRYING TO SMACK HIM IN THE FACE WITH THE TIP---IT MISSED AND THE TIP WENT WHIPPING BY THE FRONT OF HIS FACE--i CAN STILL SEE THE EVIL GRIN ON HIS FACE AS HE KNOW THAT HE WAS GOING TO CLEAN MY CLOCK---AND THE SUDDEN CHANGE ON IT TO A LOOK OFF HORRIBLE PAIN---THE POLE HAD MISSED HIM THAT WAS TRUE BUT THE DOULBE TREBLE HOOKS ON MY "JITTERBUG" HAD HIT HIM IN THE NECK AND HAD SUNK TO THE HILT IN HIS NECK--HE SCREAMED AND DROPPED THE CHAIN---HAND FLYING TO HIS NECK WITH OUT THOUGHT WHEN THEY TOO WERE "STUCK" BY THE HOOKS---CHAIN BOY BACKED OFF SCREAMING AND BLEEDING---THE OTHER FELLOW HAD KINDA HELD BACK AND i WAS WAVING THE POLE AROUND--(THE LINE TO THE LURE HAD SNAPPED) SAYING COME ON PUNK YOU WANT SOME?---i WAS IN A RAGE BY THEN AND HE SAID "IT WAS HIS IDEA" AND HE TOOK THE OTHER FELLOW AND THEY SPLIT---i WAS BLEEDING HEAVILY AND STAGGERED TO MY CAR ---i LEFT THE PARK AND DROVE A SHORT WAYS --TO THE FIRE AND RESCUE STATION THAT WAS NOT FAR---i GOT OUT THE CAR WALKED IN AND PROMPTLY PASSED OUT FROM BLOOD LOSS--woke up a couple days later in the hospital with my head shaved---if they had been able to "knock me out" to cover their crime they might have thrown me in the river or even if they had just "let me lay" on the river bank where we were that night a great rain storm came thru and I laying there helpless would have been drown---SO YES I PACK - these days you never know when or where craziness might happen ----better to have one and not need it ---then to need it and not have it---my elderly next door neighbors =---recently had a "attempted" home invasion type robbery---The mans wife call me and the cops and they yelled thru their door to the crooks that their "neighbor" was coming over with his pump shotgun---and that the cops were called---they said when the they said that I was coming over with a "shotgun" that they heard them say "oh s-it" and footsteps getting the heck outta dodge---shoot crooks? ---you bet I will--- in a heart beat---Ivan

HIO: I will not go into details for obvious reasons, but 3 times in my explorations I have had to resort to using my pistol ( a .357 S&W with a 4" barrel and Keith long range front sights) successfully I might add, since I am able to type this post.

Once it involved 5 bandits that had numerous killings to their credit. They had assumed that I had found a large treasure and so we played ring around the rosy for 4 days, ala " The treasure of the Sierra Madre" type thingy.until I finally had a confrontation on "my" terms - nothing further to add here, except that the 2 survivors took off for Chihuahua City. The Federal police later congratulated and thanked me for saving them from some nasty work.

I believe in the simple fact that one must take responsibility for his/her own safety. There is no-one around that will help you these days. The police, "IF" they can respond, will almost always be an "after the fact" thing, not a preventive.

You must remember, the criminal only has to "believe" that you might have found something valuable to decide to take it from you by force, if necessary.

I firmly believe in the simple carving I once saw on a beautifully carved Ivory grip on a single action Colt .45.

" Be afraid of no man no matter what his size, just call upon me and I will equalize"

A better statement for you gals and handicapped guys, cannot be imagined.

Don Jose de La Mancha

teverly said:
Do you really believe that your chances of having to defend yourself are less than a police officer???
How many crooks are scared enough of you to think twice before beating,attacking robbing, or killing you??
In most situations the cops will have back up and most,not all, criminals know that if you kill/injure a cop the heat is on.......thats why they rob you and i...
I really hate to say it,but even where i live if im in a town detecting in old areas,they are usually the more rundown parts of town and you do have to be careful..if they have not and they see you with your detector they think hey that guy probably has money and i can sell that stuff for money....
Sorry,but more and more these days you here of the really bad things happening to good people who are just minding there business....

Agreed...A scum bag will attack you before he will a uniformed police officer.

BioProfessor said:
I was using the police statistic to illustrate that gun use even when dealing with criminals on a daily basis is almost non-existent.  Many times, police patrol now alone (budget cuts) and they still don't use a firearm except on rare occasions.  Can anybody site a single case from there area where a person metal detecting was attacked for his loot?  I haven't seen or heard of any reports in any of the several papers I read everyday.  It just doesn't seem to happen.


You know, I cant think of one....However, I can tell you about dozens of people being attacked or robbed on a daily bases.  Just because it hasn't happened to a metal detectorist yet, doesn't mean it never will!  I just watched the news tonight and saw a story about a lady in a mobility scooter defending herself from an attack / attempted robbery.

Bottom line is this....Are you going to let yourself be a victim?  I'm not! Most of us that have a CCW's are well aware of the laws concerning concealed carry since most states require a class. We also know that if we make the wrong choice in a situation, we will be held accountable. So we do not need to be reminded on T-net about these issues.

I carry my weapon to defend myself from all attacks to me or a 3rd party person. I would also use my weapon if needed, against an animal if attacked. Thats why I carry a firearm with me and the answer to the original question asked.

The world is full of nut cases anymore, when people will rob and kill you for tennis shoes, or beat an 80 year old lady for her pays to carry, I hope just the sight of my pistol will deter a criminal, but if it comes down to it, I'll empty the magazine.......tell the cops you feared for your life....I just pray it never happens, but if it does, I will be prepared

speaking solely for myself of course---have I ever suffered a attempted robbery or been violently assaulted while while metal detecting?---the honest answer is no --- however if you mean while doing an "outdoor" activity type activity by myself---then YES (while fishing) "PS" I was a 6 foot tall 250 lb young man in my prime (18 year old) back then--- I "learned" something from it---personally I don't think a crook cares what your doing outdoors----as long as you look like a easy target---- ie are you "alone"? and unarmed? without alot of folks around as "witness's"? and might you have a few bucks or "something" else "he wants" ---if he thinks he might make a few bucks from robbing you and can easily "get away with it"---he just might try it sadly--- Ivan

Hola Jose,

I have never been accosted by the two legged predator, but I have been followed many times. after seeing that I do carry the followers backed off and dwindled in numbers and in frequency.

I carry a large frame 44 mag S&W in a left handed shoulder holster. And an HRA 44 mag lever action with a 26 inch barrel over the shoulder or in a saddle scab. Yes Joe, an honest to goodness Henry. Octagon barrel and all.

The only time I have ever had to use the pistol was an occasion where a very pissed off black bear treed my partner and proceeded up the tree after him.

Hey, you are right, Don't carry it if you won't use it.
Urban situations require a bit of diplomacy and a personal taser. Not a firearm.
If a man is closer than twenty paces and you aren't already drawn and ready.
It is too late. If he is close enough to hit you, and is going to ... taser that punk!



If you carry a gun you need to

#1 Be ready and able to use it at the right time.


#2 Hope that you never have to.

If you're unskilled/untrained or unsure, that's as bad as being triggerhappy.

It's a tool. Learn the right way, and the wrong way to use it.

Lasivian said:
If you carry a gun you need to

#1 Be ready and able to use it at the right time.


#2 Hope that you never have to.

If you're unskilled/untrained or unsure, that's as bad as being triggerhappy.

It's a tool. Learn the right way, and the wrong way to use it.

I agree, one who goes armed must be well versed in the use of their weapon,and never pull it unless you could use it

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