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🥇 BANNER 153 lbs of Silver.

153 lbs of Silver.
Went metal detectecting in the old silver tailings around here and I got a great signal on the F75. It came in at around 67 on the screen. Oh great another piece of tin i thought to myself. Oh well, dig everything because you never know what it might be. After about 35 minutes of digging and having the hole collapse in on me many times I finally saw the target. It was a nice pink coloured rock. That is a good sign since around here a lot of silver has Cobalt in it. That is one of the ways the miners would find silver veins back in the old days. Anyways, after finally digging it...


heres a more detailed verson some of you ask for more details...ill start of saying that i found this on a old farm and we find a ton of stuff here, stuff from War of 1812 to WW2, and coins that date to 1774. I mean every kind of eagle button and every size. and some real nice war of 1812 buttons. my first coin i found here was a 1844 half dime. but anyways where i found the coin was right in front of an old barn on the ramp leading up to the loading doors. when i was about to scan the area i said screw it ill give it another shot beacuse all i find in this little spot was im...

🥇 BANNER 1761 Two Reales, 1803 Draped Bust dime, and a heavey dose of heartbreak

1761 Two Reales, 1803 Draped Bust dime, and a heavey dose of heartbreak
I started hunting a new field this past winter/spring. The finds were scattered, but there was enough to encourage me that I might find a nice piece of early silver in this field. The first two short hunts had yielded 7 buttons and 4 toasted coppers. The only identifiable copper was a Draped Bust large cent. Last week I finally got a text from a member of the family that owns the field saying that the hay had finally been cut. I made plans with my buddy Tom to visit the field on Saturday. Saturday was hot and humid, the bugs were swarming us, the ground was dry and hard as a rock, and the...

🥇 BANNER Found an awesome coin spill today

Found an awesome coin spill today
Found an awesome coin spill today (Video added)

(I've posted close-ups of all the coins in reply 65 per hogge's request. Turns out, the 1843 has a die crack on the reverse known as the "Lightning Bolt")

I was gonna wait to post this til tomorrow because I haven't even started putting the video together yet :laughing7: Anyway, today I returned to the site where I found the CS tongue and continued my search for the wreath, and certainly didn't expect this.

I was in a little corner about 70 yards from the spot where the CS buckle came from and my first target was the brass ring...

🥇 BANNER U.S. Belt Plate, 18 buttons, 40+ bullets and more

U.S. Belt Plate, 18 buttons, 40+ bullets and more
Hey Guys, been alittle while since I've posted on TNet.. I've been hunting a site that was previously virgin before I began hunting it a few years back. I've taken a couple of friends to this spot over the years and it has produced a LARGE volume of relics but have kept it on the back-burner for a couple years. I've recently started getting back to it and its been producing very well. These are my finds from a couple hours on a few different afternoons thus far.
There's several large pieces of junk brass on this site and you have to...

🥇 BANNER 1597 Gold Dukat

1597 Gold Dukat
Today i went back to the Field where the Roman Denarius was found on thursday. It was a long day, 8 hrs in rain and wind. Thursday the soil was dry to the bone and now when conditions were better the finds were better too. A bunch of WWII scrap like usual (buttons, buckle, cap badge are the better finds). coins were sparse like the last time, but this hunt a beautiful 1597 Nederlands Gold Dukat and a 1638 Cologne hammered Silver popped up! :hello2: I found an scrappy roman sestercius too, but it didn't know where it is... :icon_scratch: Well spent weekend time. Best is that the date...

🥇 BANNER one hole big silver

one hole big silver
as i was driving home from doing a family friend a favor i started to pass a field that i had worked
there was one guy at the far end of the field with an ace 250
i decided to stop and see how he was doing and ask if he got permission for the field
he had only dug canslaw and was about ready to leave and he thought the field was town property
i explained that the land was owned by a land conservancy and he needed to get their permission
showed him the letter that i have giving me permission
as i started to walk away i got a hit that i thought was more canslaw and keep moving
before i...

🥇 BANNER Really Cool Counterstamped 1814 Silver!!

Really Cool Counterstamped 1814 Silver!!
So yesterday i was at a late 1800s house with my friend..towards the end of the hunt i pulled out what i initially thought was a token of some sort. The front has an advertisement stamped in it...JAS S. BRADLEY/FINE PICTURES AND MIRRORS/GILDER AND FRAMEMAKER/154 Wm St. NY/CHEAPEST IN THE CITY....then i look at the coin a little closer and realize it's stamped on a 1814 silver 2 reales!! I guess mr. Bradley was known for stamping advertisements on old silver. I personally think it's one of the cooler finds i've made!

Updated Pictures:

🥇 BANNER Yesssssssssss!

(found out this buckle is a rarity 8, meaning there are 16-30 known)

I have always wanted to dig a CS buckle of any type, and today I was able to cross it off the list!!

I hadn't been out in a couple weeks so I decided to head out this morning for a few hours. I went back to the spot where I found the 1851 Officer's sword belt buckle and sabre guard last month, and not 10 minutes into today's hunt, I found a pulltab LOL. And then, two feet away I scored the buckle. I immediately called a few buddies and was almost so excited I couldn't speak.

Honest to God, when I first dug it I...