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So.... My buddy HomeGuardDan invited me down to do a little digging with him and his friend Bill D. (VA). It's been a while since we dug together and for some reason he forgot to tell me to leave my lucky horseshoe at home. I had a great hunt! Ended up with three cut silver coins (circa 1700's) and a really interesting gold cuff link with a huge stone from the same era. The stone doesn't look like the normal glass ones I find, so I have my fingers crossed! The gold coin rounds out the finds. Thanks Dan and Bill, you're both all right in my book. Let me know when my hunt ban is...

🥇 BANNER 2000 year old GOLD.

2000 year old GOLD.
Went out today 17th Jan it was extremely cold but otherwise very bracing ,Decided to try the field that produced the Woad Grinder and the new type Roman Brooch from last week , but the 1st time a signal was received l realized the frost had made the ground so hard that it was impossible to dig !! So l almost called it a day. But as l had made the effort to travel several miles to the farm l decided on another approach , the adjoining field was still stubble from around six months ago and had quite a bit of weed growth and l thought it would be much easier , which proved to be the case, so...

🥇 BANNER First hunt of 2013 produces multiple colonial silver!!

First hunt of 2013 produces multiple colonial silver!!
My good hunting buddy Dan and I got back out yesterday and hit our new site for the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] time, and the first time since before Christmas. This place is very early and holds a high probability of containing colonial silver, although we had yet to swing our coils over a nice coin before today. Dan had been under the weather for a few days and wasn’t sure he could even make it out, but the lure of those early colonial relics was too great and he was determined to get out and hunt the entire day. We started out gridding where we left off in the field last time. It’s a large area...

🥇 BANNER Unreal day!! Relics, and a 13 projectile point cache!!!

Unreal day!! Relics, and a 13 projectile point cache!!!
I'm still amped up from this, even though I'm exhausted!

Me, my father, and a good friend went relic hunting today at a site that my friend had hunted for years. It's been a good spot for him in the past, but isn't producing a whole lot these days. He had found a few musket balls recently, and invited us to hunt with him. We gladly took him up on it, as it was a beautiful day, and had rained yesterday, so the ground was conductive, and easy to dig in the sand. (not so much in the wet clay).

Not long into it, I found some melted camp lead, and then a nice .69 cal. musket ball...


G W BUTTON DUG 12-5-2012
Thought some of you folks would like to see this button I just dug from the South Carolina Low Country the other day. Me and three digging buds were hunting a hayfield that had given up a few eagle buttons and old coins. It's a place that's been pounded for 20 years but not long after we got there I dug an 1890-O Morgan dollar so I knew it wasn't totally hunted out :laughing7: Then I got a signal that read around 32 on the F-75. That kind of number usually ends up being a buck shot or some other small piece of junk but to my surprise it turned out to be an eagle coat button that got hit...

🥇 BANNER Best Long Weekend Ever! Some great Colonial finds, silver, buttons and more!

Best Long Weekend Ever!  Some great Colonial finds, silver, buttons and more!
*Update*Best Long Weekend Ever! Revolutionary Rattlesnake Button

After my car accident a couple weeks back, I haven’t been able to detect as much as I’d like. My left arm, which is usually my digging arm, is continually dislocating at the shoulder, however (with the OK from the Orthopedist and orders to stay active and limber) I can at least drag the shovel without it bothering me too much.
All told, the long Thanksgiving weekend was very good to me. I was able to get out and swing the Deus each day for at least a few hours between Friday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday I...

🥇 BANNER I finally struck GOLD ! 1861 GOLD !

I finally struck GOLD ! 1861 GOLD !
Today was the day... A little over 6 years ago an ex-coworker brought a handful of relics into work with him. That day after seeing them I knew I wanted to try this hobby out. So the first chance we had he took me out digging and I have not stopped since. It was on that first day out that I mentioned to said co-worker that I would love to find a gold coin. As I recall after he had a good chuckle he said "good luck". Well here I am 6 + years later and to him I say thanks for my first time out digging and thanks for wishing me that "good luck". A gold coin was at the top of my wish list...


I haven't posted anything in a while because I have been letting Vol1266X (Quindy) post our finds as the Tennessee Trio, which includes Josh. He asked me to post this button because of its rarity. We went to a new site on Tuesday which Josh had found for us. Josh found two reales and a bunch of flat buttons and a ball button. Quindy found a flat button a ball button and some round balls. Quindy would have found more but he spent a lot of his time filming Josh and his finds. haha I had found a few round balls and a flat button. Toward the end of the hunt, I found a dome button which...