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<<<HIT THE JACKPOT>>>Updated
Well I thought I would try for some more capbadges on the Dump field & got a couple (that I need again).

A hallmarked silver ring - Birmingham - 1894

Star find - A coin which has been on my top 5 wish list for years:

Julius Caesar silver Denarius - dated 49-48BC - 100 years before the conquering of Britain.

Julius was the first to invade Britain but failed. Looking at the coin it has 100 years of wear & although minted in Rome came over in the late 1st century AD.
See better example:


🥇 BANNER 1792 Half Disme!!!!!!!

1792 Half Disme!!!!!!!
Today was the highlight of my 22 years of detecting. My buddy Dale and I went relic hunting today. We hit a nice cleared site and began finding both union and confederate relics. After awhile I got a signal that hit like a bullet on my Explorer. I was surprised to see a silver coin in my dirt pile. At first I thought I had dug a Spanish silver but after looking more closely I knew I had something very rare. A couple years ago I dug a 1916 D Mercury dime but that doesnt compare to this 1792 Half Disme. Here is a little history of this coin. There were 1500 minted and then Secretary of State...