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It only took 8 years but this afternoon I found my first gold coin. I had a friend down to detect some "old faithful" areas as the "good" sites are still not available. This is the same friend who found the 2 cannonballs on my site the last time he was here to detect...same site too! The day started pretty slow and I was somewhat disappointed that the sites I had been hoping for were not available. I did have the backup plan and we executed that. Phil started with a couple coppers and I with a button and a musket ramrod thimble. Phil called me over to pinpoint a target in his hole...

🥇 BANNER First GOLD coin and its a 400 year GOLD HAMMERED!! :) :) :) :) :)

First GOLD coin and its a 400 year GOLD HAMMERED!! :) :) :) :) :)
Hi folks wow what a day ive had woke up feeling c**p and was meant to be going detecting early like i normally do but i stayed in bed but by 12.30 i was bored as hell so i went out on some pasture which i have done for years( 3 years) got my xp deus out for the boot and notice that i didnt have my head phones which i thought anyways got on the field and within 10mins i didnt have any good signals but then i have this screaming signal from the Deus box so i dug the plug of grass and turn it over and this GOLD HAMMERED was just laying there no joke i cried my eyes out for a good 5mins...

🥇 BANNER This could have been a once in a lifetime hunt!

This could have been a once in a lifetime hunt!
This could have been a once in a lifetime hunt! MORE FOUND

4 Part Story with 4 different hunts with more treasure and pics ......maybe more soon!

A friend of mine said he had a day free so, we set up a hunt. I knew of a very large park yet to be explored by either of us. We hunted for several hours and got about 15 coins or was so clean and not even one pull tab!
We gave up on it and decided to go have lunch. After, my friend Danny said he had a little time but not much as he had a football game to watch. We headed to a new site that...

🥇 BANNER Favorite site finally gives up silver!

Favorite site finally gives up silver!
Took the dogs for a hike this morning and stopped by my favorite site. Went there last week and got a large cent and a king George. Today was thinking I need some silver and I got it 1796 half dime. Also pulled this nice 1802 large cent and a few buttons. Thanks for looking.



🥇 BANNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! without a comment

who knows it knows it

I was an evening outside yesterday on an old field.
I found Roman, Byzantine coins and objects earlier already here.
The weather was cool and windy, because I was just two hours.
I found just one roman bronze first, and later found this silver coin. I didn't know what I found out, what this is, just at home only what I found.
A couple of lead pieces and ammunition came yet later, and this silver object and the denarius.
This is a short story, excuse me for a bad english, I hope that understand this?


Was able to get out today at a beach that I have hunted quite a few times in the past... A lot of the areas were closed from the Hurricane, but I managed to squeeze my truck in a small area that just fit.... Got to swinging and every target was coin after coin today. Not much in the way of jewelry or junk... a few pieces of silver here and there... there were a few others swinging there too... I went out far on the mud flat to get away from the other guys and got a loud hit and dug a quarter... checked the hole and got a VERY LOW tone.... could it be a ring? Hmmmmm out pops this little...

🥇 BANNER BIG Silver coin spill topped with Gold

BIG Silver coin spill topped with Gold
This sunday hunt went slow with lots of trash, a few scrappy coins till my coil came over a big signal. 2 Reichsmark silver. Random loss i thought and detect ahead. A few steps the next turned up... :icon_scratch: I started gridding in both directions for the next two hours and more popped up. One bigger 3 Mark was a heavy hit in my earphones but it came better. 5 Mark nearly blows my ears off. 38mm diameter is the second biggest silver i ever dug. Looking at 2, 3 and 5 Mark silver only 1 Mark was missing in the collection but as last coin from this spill i went two steps higher and...

🥇 BANNER The Roman Eagle soars again!

The Roman Eagle soars again!
I had an evening hunt yesterday with a buddy on a freshly harvested potatoe field. Easy to walk and dig, nice weather and wet soil like we all like. The second signal when on our way was this beautiful 2th century roman eagle mount from an travel coach. It seems to be a rare find with not many reported and in this condition. The rest of the evening was slow some bits and pieces my buddy got a part of a fibula, part of a roman chest handle and two roman coins and i managed a terret ring for chariot reins, possibly roman too because of the context, but could be also iron age. We have fairly...