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Out for a early hunt today.

Lotsa musket balls once again.

But the highlite of this hunt is my buttons !!!

Found the button with RP and CROWN on it early in my hunt ..but didn,t see anything on it until I got home and cleand it up...boy was i surprised.

Found the 75 button at the end of my hunt.... I have seen another one just like it on here somewhere but can,t find it.

I,m assuming they are from the 1700s... |?????????????

Any information on thes buttons would be appreciated...

🥇 BANNER 1+ Oz gold nugget !! WOW!!

1+ Oz gold nugget !!  WOW!!
I posted this in the Today's Finds and was asked to share it over here too!! I thought it might be a good fit here as well!! :hello2:

Even though I do detect for gold, on this day, I was using the CTX and relic hunting a gold camp. But I know that the readers on this forum will probably appreciate this find more so than a turf hunter or relic hunter. I have found gold with my GPX5000 but score my biggest with a CTX!! Go Figure!

What a surprise this was!!

I got the dig on video if anyone is interested in watching it. I get a bit excited and have a few slips of the tongue!! :dontknow...

🥇 BANNER Best find of the year, Viking age grave

Best find of the year, Viking age grave
Hi to you all. :hello:

On the 1. of January I did an amazing find, :headbang:
A find most detectorists will never get.

I found an early viking age sword! As soon as i realized what it was i carefully put it back in the hole and covered it back up.
Then I called my "state Archeologist" and told him about my find. He was very thrilled.

Today he came to excavate my find. (Third of January)
(You see, In Norway, all finds dating from before 1537 is automaticly protected by law)
And as he dug we found a complete sword (broken in 5 pices), 1 battle-ax and a scythe.
Even thou the...

🥇 BANNER George Washington inaugural button!!!!!!!

George Washington inaugural button!!!!!!!
I got out after work before the snow started and got two good finds today. Ok one of them is an amazing find! The first find is my first .54 caliber Starr bullet, union or confederate? The next good target and my last find of the day was this big dandy button! I've been hunting this trashy back yard for two years now and thought for sure all the good targets are gone. I was totally wrong. After I dug it I saw it was just another dandy button and almost put it in the pouch without any further investigation but for some reason I ran the front of the button across my bibs to see an eagle and...

🥇 BANNER Saved the best for Last!!!!

Saved the best for Last!!!!
I am almost speechless...this is probably my best find of the year, and on the last day of it!! This afternoon I went over to my local stomping grounds only a few houses down the street. On about my third or so target, I pulled this awesome Jade Buddha Pendant. Its amazing how that works sometimes its right at the beginning ! It is pretty big too. Has the 18K mark on back and even has some stones on it that I am going to test. Cant wait to get it cleaned up. Well Happy 2014 to all you Members and lurkers!!


1861 GOLD!
I was already having a great day but my 1st GOLD coin in the hole took that to a whole new level!


🥇 BANNER INCREDIBLE FIND of the American Revolution recovered: BRITISH 71ST REGIMENT OF FOOT!

Guys, I've found a very significant and amazing relic on my last outing. When I popped it out, it simply looked like a regular flattie but perhaps maybe a floral design on it but could not tell through the patina. When I got it home and soaked it, when I pulled it out it went from being a mediocre find to an absolutely terrific find dealing with the formation of our country! You'll recall that John Harris (Devonrex) found a beautiful British 76th Regiment of Foot button last year and was his first in his digging career.....well today, I can say, I've done the same...

🥇 BANNER Rare button

Rare button
I found this button earlier this week, and checking in my Albert Button Book it is listed as being a value of 100 on the rarity scale. It is listed as AY30, Artillery, 2nd. Regiment 1808. I have found very little information on this button on the Internet. There was a previous posting on Treasurenet a few years ago and that person said the only other known button was in the Smithsonian, he also went on to say that only 300 were made. So, it is obviously a very rare button and may have considerable value. The back side cleaned up nicely and has the following "Armitage Phila. Best...

🥇 BANNER 100 francs or / gold medaillon

100 francs or / gold medaillon
good morning t-net ..yesterday friday .i found this fantastique franch 1863 gold coin.value 100 francs .
i use ace 250 +deetech 30 cm dd coil .this coin founded 18 inches deep =45 cm.
avers napoleon lll empereur .revers .empire francais 100 francs .1863
this coin is transformed to medaillon or sorte of jewellry.
im happy .i found 32gms of gold after 2 bronze jewellry.:icon_thumleft:


I have only been at this for a little over a year and a half but I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to find some amazing old coins and some really nice jewelry while at the same time meeting some interesting and genuinely good people. I am also a big history buff and I love researching my finds. I have been working a 350+-year-old farm field that I was fortunate enough to get permission on- for about a month now. I have found some cool buckles and a few World War II era coins ('43 Merc, some wheats, etc) but what I've been really hopeful for is my first LC. So this past Sunday...