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🥇 BANNER "Good Lord...An AMAZING Hunt!!! 1676 French and 1809 Bust Half"

"Good Lord...An AMAZING Hunt!!! 1676 French and 1809 Bust Half"
I don't even know where to begin! My buddy Phil and I got back onto the field where I've been hunting for the past month. It's a generational site and today certainly proved that! We started in a new area and Phil almost immediately found a piece to a sword guard. A couple minutes later he found another part of the guard. I commented to him that there is probably more and that I was going to find the pommel...and sure enough 3 feet from the other pieces I found the pommel! I am very pleased with that as it's a relic I've always wanted to find!



🥇 BANNER First GOLD COIN Today from the Field of Dreams!!!!!!

First GOLD COIN Today from the Field of Dreams!!!!!!
While heading out this morning to the Field of Dreams to meet up with Greylock, I knew it was going to be difficult to top last weekends Charles I Hammered Silver Penny, but I was hoping my good luck would continue. I got to the fields a little after sunrise. Hunting was slow for a while, a musket ball here, a broken Crotal bell there, until Greylock and I headed into an area of cut corn that I haven't ever spent a lot of time in. As I approached a high point in the field, I heard a strange low scratchy signal on my XP Deus. As I kicked the corn husks aside, I saw something shiny and...

🥇 BANNER Is Mercury the Detecting God? :) First Ace 250 hunt! LOL

Is Mercury the Detecting God? :)   First Ace 250 hunt! LOL
Out today with Ironhorse, didn't think I would be as my Explorer has major issues and will have to hit the repair center. I decided I was done, but as the week went on I decided not to quit and borrow back a Garrett Ace I bought for a friend to use. So not only was this a kind or strange and lucky day, it almost never happened! Interestingly enough, the other 17mm version of this button find I currently have was also dug on a day I probably shouldn't have been out, but plans changed, I got the call, and out the door I went. That coincidence just hit me as I'm writing, but it's actually...

🥇 BANNER Virgin Site packs a BIG Southern Punch

Virgin Site packs a BIG Southern Punch
Virgin Confederate Site packs a BIG Southern Punch

Hello Guys, this post is the result of a weekend scouting hunt with my buddy James Bibb. The location was a prospective site we were looking at and so we went to

do some 'prospective' digging...all the while knowing that a handful of Confederate buttons had already been found at this site. After putting a few detectors down

to the ground, we quickly realized that this site was virgin we thought, and mostly Confederate as we were hoping for. Sites like these are definitely a treat and


🥇 BANNER Early american militia cap plate

Early american militia cap plate
I know this is today's finds but I found this on Thursday. And this was one hell of a birthday present. So I went to a cellar hole that was hit hard by other people so targets were pretty much nilch. Getting frustrated I started digging any targets that had a high pitch. When this brass plate popped out. I almost completely disregarded this piece until I wiped it off and saw 10 regt. So I did what I usually do when I get excited I make a dash for the car. So after getting home and cleaning the plate with soapy water I was finally able to make out the script I compy Lt infantry 10 regt. So...


Biggest, Oldest Silver French Coin, and what a surprise.

EDIT; Just figured out what appears to be damage on the obverse is not, turns out it is an overstrike of a previous (1720) type and you should be able to see it quite well in the zoomed pic.

EDIT added a dirty pic.
Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip.
and the whole "find" story is on page 2 or 3.



I found this exciting colonial-period gold cufflink in a farm field about two weeks ago!


My research had indicated that a colonial-period house once stood somewhere nearby on the property. For several years, I had recovered occasional musket balls at the 100+ acre site but little else. Persistence finally paid back last year when I located the approximate house site along with three Spanish silver coins – a single two-reales coin and two of the smaller one reale coins (I covered that story in the 2013 issue of Silver & Gold by Western & Eastern...

🥇 BANNER A find of a life time 1652 Massachustetts pine tree 6 pence

I headed out Monday with a couple of my good friends Scott and Jesse. We go to this site it was an old field used for I don't even know how many years.

This location has been known for putting out barbers, mercs and other silver coins. Jesse made a pass toward the left center of the field about 100 ft from me Scott was hunting about 20 ft from me.

My first signal was a penny signal I figured for sure it was a Memorial, I flip the plug wave the pin pointer over it and notice a small silver edge in the plug, thinking now it was a pull tab I pull this small coin out of the dirt. I...

🥇 BANNER Roman Gold Ring again!!!!!!

Roman Gold Ring again!!!!!!
Went back to the No. 1 field today and standing the storm was worth every minute. Barely could hear the signals in the headphones...
This site isn't producing much but the finds are excellent. Gridding the area of the main building yields an ok Sestercius and a stunning ring. Roman gold is very hard to come by and this is the second gold ring from this site!