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🥇 BANNER GW INAUGURAL BUTTON found today...Still in shock!

GW INAUGURAL BUTTON found today...Still in shock!
Hey Everyone! Im still pretty speechless but I was able to get out to one of my favorite spots this evening. The owner gave me permission to do a goat pasture that sits right next to his house so thats where I darted to first. At the far corner of the pasture I got a decent hit on the T2 and out popped this 1789 George Washington Linked States Button!!!!!!!!:o The realist in me assumed that it was just a nicely decorated dandy but after closer inspection I saw GW and long live the president around it....My heart just about stopped!! I was less than a quarter mile from home so I...

🥇 BANNER Another "What are the odds" post. 22K!

Another "What are the odds" post.  22K!
Back in January I found what I thought was a once in my life time find. A 1932 gold 10 Guilder coin. This morning I went out and found a few junk earrings and a couple coins. Then I came across this signal that reminded me of the gold earring I found the other day. I thought what the heck. What I saw in the scoop was yet another gold coin. A 1911 gold Sovereign! Relatively in the same area as the previous coin. Now I'm wondering how these coins got there. Thanks for looking and good luck out there!


WOW......... Dad & I spent 4 lovely hours in the sun on the same field as yesterday.
This was our last shot on here before the crop would start to show, so it was a 1 hit weekend!
The hotspot we found yesterday had been gridded out, so on a hunch we skipped loads of runs & started higher up the slope.
I was happy enough with Dad's 1921 Florin which hardly ever show up, but what was to follow was amazing....

3 Jettons
1 Scrappy
1 Poor hammered Penny
Victorian Royal Artillery Button
Tudor Button
Gilt Leather Mount
Tudor Strapend
Tudor Dagger Chape
Frag of Roman Bracelet...

🥇 BANNER Waist Belt Buckle ID Help

Waist Belt Buckle ID Help
My hunting partner, Buck, got us on the site of an old building from ca. 1830 that had been torn down. I found this buckle behind where the building stood. There were known Confederate and Union troops that camped in this area at the end of the CW.

I have looked at several books on buckles and so far come up with nothing. Closest I come is in "Plates and Buckles of the American Military 1795-1874" by Sydney C. Kerkisis. On pages 10, 11, 12 there are buckles show of similar design but the belt loops are not the same. And those buckles are Infantry, Artillery and generic service...

🥇 BANNER 1600s Spanish 8 REALES COB!, KG III Halfpenny, 1773 VA Halfpenny, Pewter Spoon Bowl

1600s Spanish 8 REALES COB!, KG III Halfpenny, 1773 VA Halfpenny, Pewter Spoon Bowl
1600's Spanish 8 REALES COB!, KG III Halfpenny, 1773 VA Halfpenny, Pewter Spoon Bowl

What a beautiful day! Low tide was at 9am so I headed out around 8 in hopes to catch it at it's lowest so I could dig around in the muck close to where I located a potential trash pit last week. When I got to the gate that leads to the field I ran into a member of the hunt club that hunts on the property. He was there trimming some orchard trees and offered to give me a ride the site which is over a mile and a half down the old colonial road. He told me he metal detected as well and had hunted...

🥇 BANNER C.S.A. At;anta Arsenal Rectangular Buckle Found 2-22-14!

C.S.A. At;anta Arsenal Rectangular Buckle Found 2-22-14!
C.S.A. Atlanta Arsenal Rectangular Buckle Found 2-22-14!

CSA b4 clean 22214 F.JPGCSA 22214 B.JPGCSA 22214 F.JPG

I found this a week ago today hunting near an old house in Northeast Georgia. Steve Mullinax authenticated it for me on 2-26-14 and it is simply incredible to now own this buckle. If you'd like to see a vid of the find my YouTube channel is "graysondigger" I also submitted the find to Garrett for find of the month. (A "sacrificial dagger" got it) GARRETT ADDED ME AS A CO-WINNER FOR THEIR FOTM ON 3-19-14!)...

🥇 BANNER Bronze Age , celtic and mediaeval artifacts

Bronze Age , celtic and mediaeval artifacts
In an area where I was two years ago , was very surprised to find fragments of pottery dating from the Bronze Age and a beautiful bronze battle ax dating from the XVI-XIII centuries B.C.This type of ax belongs of Wietenberg culture (was a Bronze Age archeological culture in Central Transylvania , Romania , and it's name was coined after the eponymic Wietenberg Hill near city of Sighișoara). Also on top of a small height , I found an old chain system for hanging the metal pot (kettle) for cooking and/or boiling over an open fire.The way it was...

🥇 BANNER First genuine gold coin!

Hunted a baseball field and found a couple of goodies, right field line and found a ring= junker, continued hunting hitting clad in every line i took, headed for the left field and found the crucifix, looks good ill acid test it latter, i also found a sterling pendant with a star saphire stone this one at center field, finally i decided to humt the grass just outside the infield and it was loaded with clad, i got two good coin spills, the second one was,my best ever, got a high tone on my x-terra id 42=quarter, i pop it out and recheck the hole with my pro-find and got a signal take my...

🥇 BANNER My best find in 20 years!!! Incredible Ring!!!

My best find in 20 years!!! Incredible Ring!!!
After yesterday's great barber half find I was going to take a break today but the detecting bug woke me up early and said lets go, and sooooo glad I did. I have found many rings over the years but not any that I can really brag about, till today! Was going to head to my barber lot when on my way there I took a different route about 5 minutes away from it. Passing thru a neighborhood that dates back to the early 1900's when I seen one of the homes had recently been tore down and a empty lot was screaming at me to stop. After a very slow start and a few wheats and a mercury dime later I was...


Out for a early hunt today.

Lotsa musket balls once again.

But the highlite of this hunt is my buttons !!!

Found the button with RP and CROWN on it early in my hunt ..but didn,t see anything on it until I got home and cleand it up...boy was i surprised.

Found the 75 button at the end of my hunt.... I have seen another one just like it on here somewhere but can,t find it.

I,m assuming they are from the 1700s... |?????????????

Any information on thes buttons would be appreciated...