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🥇 BANNER CS Civil War Buckle

CS Civil War Buckle
Well folks ive been hunting this spot for about two months now and have been finding some purdy cool items but never thought I would have pulled this baby out of the dirt...Im purdy sure its real but I see that there are alot of fakes how can I tell for sure and how much do I need to clean it????? photo 1.JPGphoto 1 (1).JPGphoto 1 (3).JPGphoto 2 (1).JPGphoto 3 (1).JPGphoto 5.JPGphoto 4.JPG

🥇 BANNER HOW did this survive 150 years in a Virginia Trench??!?

HOW did this survive 150 years in a Virginia Trench??!?
Thought these were all disolved to dust by now, but popped this one out of a Virginia Trench today Three ringer with full, intact pigskin powder bag. Still full of powder. Clean sand must've helped.


Then a couple of feet away, I pull out a Maryland Cross Kepi pin! Digging buddy told me these were pretty rare. I can't find a dug one on the web. Anybody know just HOW rare? And were these worn by Union Maryland, or Confederate Maryland or both? Solder points for two attachment pins are present on the back...

🥇 BANNER INCREDIBLE DAY - 3 Colonial Silvers including a 1661 Hammered Hungarian!!

INCREDIBLE DAY - 3 Colonial Silvers including a 1661 Hammered Hungarian!!
This Saturday Tom and I made plans to hit two of our well pounded but still productive colonial sites. The first site we hit was is a VERY early site for our area. Between the two of us, we have hit this place over 30 times. But we hadn’t been there since the last plowing. On the way I mentioned that despite finding dozens of coppers between us, the place had only given up 4 silver coins that we know of. Upon arriving at the site, I dug a small tombac right off the bat. A minute later I had another signal that was reading in the high 50’s on my F75. I was thinking another button...

🥇 BANNER Historic houses deliver gold

Historic houses deliver gold
My dad once again has to take credit for securing these houses,what once was 3 late 1800's houses,which now are 1,thanks to past hurricanes.the owner secured one side property after, The one remaining house was way outta place with the rest of the homes built in the time period,so of course ,my thinking was there was money living there,first pic is the garbage
then of course there is the treasure
I looked it up in redbook,does the 3rd lowest mintage make it a semi key date or no


(this thread needs original size pics back;jeff)...

🥇 BANNER CS tongue found today!!!!!!!

CS tongue found today!!!!!!!
Wow. I'm still in lala land after finding this. I'm at Diggin In Virginia and it was a long, tiresome day of digging a ton of iron and a few bullets. Around 2 I headed to another field where I had previously found my US box plate. On my way through the first field I picked up a small mule shoe that someone dug and left beside the hole. This must have been my lucky horse shoe because about 2 hours after that I had a beautiful CS confederate tongue at about 6 inches down.

I knew it was a tongue when I pulled it out, but was floored to see CS staring back at me. It was a lot of hard work up...