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🥇 BANNER *Possible* Colonial Iron 3" Smooth Bore CANNON DUG TODAY!!!!!!

*Possible* Colonial Iron 3" Smooth Bore CANNON DUG TODAY!!!!!!
Hey folks, I am pretty excited to say that I think I have dug what appears to be an exploded cannon barrel fragment!


CANNON FRAGMENT CONFIRMED!!!!!!!! Thanks THECANNONBALLGUY for an excellent ID and narrative!

I was hunting in Mebane, NC in a yard where an old home once stood and I got this iffy signal on my Garrett AT-Pro(bouncing from iron to silver dollar) and I decided to dig it. Boy am I glad I did. I finally hit some metal at about 9" down, and started carving around this massive chunk of iron with my worn out Lesche. After about ten minutes of hard core digging, I...

🥇 BANNER Once in a life time find

Once in a life time find
I had written a nice post and up loaded the pictures and then I X the page and all gone. So, I will not be rewriting the post as I had it before. Anyway, it was to 8 to 9"s deep and came in as 1240 on my E-Trac, but sounded really nice compared to other 40's. Here it is... 1626. Any help as to what coin it is will be appreciated. Thanks...HH.


Here is the story of how I got to dig this coin...

Don Hit the nail on the head, and WildCat, Eric gave me some insight as to the history and why this coin...


I got a really big hit in about 30ft of water. It took me about 1/2 to dig it out of the clay. When I started cleaning it I found the fuse!! Needless to say I kept it well soaked while I fulled the fuse out and while I was rinsing all the powder out of it I noticed it was full off musket balls. Also pictured is an oak gun powder barrel top with Regimental markings.

🥇 BANNER My first C S buckle find

My  first C S buckle find
Took my grandson out for a short while and found what I have longed for what seems like an eternity. image-3782594366.jpg image-3084307909.jpg Found in Jackson ms area. The tip of one hook is missing but still has a lot of the black enamel inlay still there. image-2702704993.jpg I actually found this sat morning but this is the first chance I have had to post it.GOD receives all the glory for my finding this. It is truly answered prayer for me.when I found it I was running around and jumping like a kid at recess until I noticed I had...

🥇 BANNER 1652 Massachusetts 6 Pence

1652 Massachusetts 6 Pence
Hello tnetters, I don't post very often, I'm more of a sandbagger! I hunt with Brian W who has posted some of his finds here before. Today we hit an area we've had our eye on for quite some time and it didn't disappoint. An hour into the hunt Bri comes walking down a hill towards me with an incredible button.... I'll wait for him to post that if he chooses to. It was quite a nice button to say the least. Anyway I'd been digging shotgun shell after shotgun shell, flashing, lead pieces, can tops etc. With little light left in the day I found a complete colonial shoe buckle, very nice...

🥇 BANNER A Little Gold Coin From France Found In The Canadian Wilderness

A Little Gold Coin From France Found In The Canadian Wilderness
Hey folks, I haven't posted any of my finds here in awhile and I hope that everyone enjoys seeing this one. I love to hunt Native Artifacts and older Relics out in the bush and came across this coin beside a portage that has been used for years and years. I don't get too many signals while bush whacking so I dig everything that goes beep. This coin was a few inches under some mud and rocks on the edge of the river. I can't believe that I actually found this while looking for Artifacts, found a nice little stone knife for my troubles that day as well. This is probably my first and last...

🥇 BANNER The One We Have Waited For, Privy Heaven!!!!

The One We Have Waited For, Privy Heaven!!!!
Hello all treasure freaks this is the one we have waited for. The one I gave a little teaser trailer on with the previous digs that I posted. This one took a bit to get it all together and all cleaned up after the fantastic dig that we had just unearthed. I suppose it all started a few years ago with the first pit that we had dug and discovered what a great hobby it was to actually dig up history. Several hundred pits later and we finally hit a privy that I think will go down as one of the best experiences I have had treasure hunting.
It started out with some luck, then we added just a...

🥇 BANNER Victorian 14k Gold pocket watch Update; This one may cut the mustard!

Victorian 14k Gold pocket watch Update; This one may cut the mustard!
I have not posted here in a long time ! Many reasons but this find trumps it ! I thought you guys might like seeing the watch I found today . I was hunting at a very junky site I have hunted many times . I cleared two iron signals and still had a screwtop overload signal on top of the ground snug up against a little tree , I brushed away the duff up against the little tree and Gold was staring back at me. One third of the watch was not covered in dirt. I took some insituation pics of the watch with my cell phine if you are interested I could post them . I also found an Indian head a...