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🥇 BANNER Rare 1600s Latten Spoons, Georgian Shoe Buckle, 1797 LC, My Best Relics Ever

Rare 1600s Latten Spoons, Georgian Shoe Buckle, 1797 LC, My Best Relics Ever
Today was a crazy day. I've been making plans to get to an incredibly early site for months now. But it's a very tough place to get to and several factors have to be considered including tides, wind, boat size, and peoples schedules. Today everything lined up with the exception of the wind. It was blowing pretty darned hard but I had my mind made up. The big problem is that you need a fairly small boat to get to this location but you've got to go across mikes of open ocean....very nasty and unpredictable ocean. Small boat and open ocean is a recipe for disaster and that's almost what...

🥇 BANNER Found 1810 Bust Half.... My Dream Coin

Found 1810 Bust Half.... My Dream Coin
I recently received permission to hunt a 1800's mill site that has been owned by only 2 families since it was built. Due to the fact that the overgrowth was booming due to all our rain in the last mont and finding ticks on me. I decided to hunt the creek. After getting instruction and encouragement from HomeGuardDan I decided Sunday I would give my Deus its first of many to come swimming lessons. After trying HGD creek technique for a while I finally found a Porsche metal car a screw cap or two and lots of iron.About and hour into my hunt I walked up the shoals toward a dam used to divert...

🥇 BANNER Henry VIII Testoon

Henry VIII Testoon
The word rare tends to get a little over used. I have though never found one of these coins. Or known anybody that as. It's a Testoon of Henry VIII, third coinage 1544-7, it's extremely dabased silver, Spink 2364. as to value, I will happily spend a couple of hundred pounds, having the coin professionally cleaned. I found the coin after digging several shot gun cartridge brass ends . The signal just sounded like another one. The other picture is a 17th century clothing fastener. Had a couple of these recently. Got to resist the urge, to try and clean the coin myself. Could be a very...

🥇 BANNER Its comming up date!!

Its comming up date!!
It's comming up date!!

Sunday May 3,2015 I found a ring of a life time. Over 2 1/2 Diamonds. the center stone is 1.5 ct. Pics. and apprasel to follow later.:hello2::hello2:

Well it's over 3 ct. in diamonds . the center diamond is almost 2.25 ct. all set in 18kt white Gold. the value retail is over $12,000, it sold for $8000 cash The ring was found with a sand shark and was over 12'' deep in the wet sand. This s the Biggest Diamond I have ever found that I got to keep. There was 3 other guy with detector there.

🥇 BANNER Rare Washington Inaugural Button Found

Rare Washington Inaugural Button Found
A week ago me and my detecting partner Angelo were detecting without any luck and I found a new pile of rocks in the woods. We spent a couple of hours at this 'new' site and had to leave. We went back yesterday and spend 4 hours there with out XP Deus detectors! It is the MOST awesome Metal Detector I have ever used. Over the two days I found a small Batwing buckle 5 large cents 17_ _, 1807, 1810 1817, 1817 - Angelo got an 1818. We got several HUGE silver plated buttons, other HUGE coat Buttons, Tombac Buttons, cast pewter buttons. We also pulled a couple of...

🥇 BANNER Not sure if this qualifies as a cache ..... but in my eyes it does

Not sure if this qualifies as a cache ..... but in my eyes it does
So a little back story for this find . Where I live in Upstate NY the poet Allen Ginsberg stayed for a period of time and I have access to land adjacent to his farm that he frequented in the 60s and 70s . I was doing some research online looking at old maps of the area looking for old homesteads in what now is a large tract of old growth timber . I have permission to hunt the area so as I was turkey hunting today I combined some hunting with a little scouting for cellar holes . I found a small cellar hole this morning and when I was done with my hunt I walked back in with my Etrac and my...


Followers may remember a while ago me Crusader and Cru'Dad working over Roman site well known to us when 'Fan' the wonder Welsh Sheepdog wandered a few hundred tards away to dig rabbits at the corner of the adjacent field. Unusually,(and luckily) she was too engrossed to hear thw whistle. Good job, as when I got up to her she was digging roman pottery like a professional archaeologist!
A new sister site found, and a productive one it turned out to be! Since then, I have found myself following her around the fields , thinking she must have some sixth sense.
Well, this outing was instigated...

🥇 BANNER Civil War Volunteers Hat Badge?? and NC Sunburst Button

Civil War Volunteers Hat Badge?? and NC Sunburst Button
Hi All! Finally first day with no rain and I went downtown to the old park. Loads of clad and what-not, then this popped out from about 6" down.

I think (and feel free to enlighten me here), this is from the 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers "The Corn Exchange Regiment". Maybe a hat badge or something. Help Help!

It reads as follows:

A.S.L. Ent
Co D
118th Regt P.V.

J.N.K (small letters at the bottom)


I also forgot to post about 3 weeks back that I found...

🥇 BANNER My Greastest Find EVER!!!

My Greastest Find EVER!!!
Found this little coin right before sun down tonight. Found a 1903 IH toasted pretty bad around 2:30 today.
Left the park around 3 and picked up my daughter from school. After dinner I got to thinking about that IH and where I found it and decided to go back and just take another look see.....
Well low and behold 2 feet from that hole I get a repeatable tone and TDI.

And the reward is this little beauty.
Probably never top this but I'll sure will be out there trying................
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gold coin 2.jpg...