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🥇 BANNER WOW -- 1835 $5 GOLD COIN !!!!!

WOW --  1835 $5 GOLD COIN  !!!!!
TNET Members

If I was not living this I would not believe it!! I have been fighting the flu for the last week or so and had lost my voice completely for a few days, but was feeling a bit better and had the bug to get out and hunt a bit. Especially after Mark dug a sweet Cast Brass Tongue buckle at a site he was scouting for us. Turns out he had a "matching" wreath from a different site.

So Mark and I headed to the buckle site so we could check out the camp site that Mark had isolated. It was a very cool site so I got some scenery shots and then we cleared some ground of branches and...

🥇 BANNER Yesterdays productive hunt yields rare rattlesnake and stars button plus much more

Yesterdays productive hunt yields rare rattlesnake and stars button plus much more
Yesterday's productive hunt yields rare rattlesnake and stars button plus much more

It's been a very slow January for me as I've only managed to get in about 4-5 hunts which is a sad excuse for someone who's retired and can hunt every day. But my buddy Dan and I finally made it back out yesterday, and we had to brave the frigid low 20s, a biting wind and frozen ground to get in a little swinging. We returned to the spot where we found a 17th century house site in a logged area not long ago. But the finds there were sparse to say the least, so we decided to give the adjacent field...

🥇 BANNER First cache

First cache
Found at a house built in 1840. I dug this up and heard it rattling around. My imagination set in and I thought there must of been a couple quarters inside or maybe even a ring?? I tried to open it but dirt and corrosion said no. Brought it home. Couldn't get to it for a couple days and then finally it was time to open it. I took a dental pick and scored the seam where the 2 pieces close and then ran it under some water for a minute. It popped right open and then I saw what was inside. 2 stamps and 3 wheat pennies. The pennies are badly corroded but one of them is legible with a 1920...

🥇 BANNER -550 BC Coin found Scuba detection with CTX

-550 BC Coin found Scuba detection with CTX
Hi all

Found today in the Med sea, -9m scuba diving using Minelab CTX 3030 with Coiltek 10x5 CTX coil.

View attachment 1110034MAE-CTX-roundup.jpg



This coin is over 2500 years old!

Created by the Grec chamber of...

🥇 BANNER Winter camp Gold!

Winter camp Gold!
The other day I was digging in the frozen ground a winter camp and had found 4 bullets and some camp lead in about 2 hours. Then I broke my shovel trying to pop out a large plug. It was a iffy signal with the GPX, either iron falsing on both sides of the target or 2 targets. Anyway I came back the next day and opened it up only to find a square nail. Without checking for another signal I started digging down to the plow line to see if the sub-soil was where it was suppose to be because I've found several Fire-pits there. When I threw out the 1st scoop the clod broke apart and out popped...


Hello All,

I am still in disbelief at this day. When I found a Planter's Bank Counterstamped Quarter-Cut 8 Reales back in 2013 with a five digit price tag, I thought I'd never, EVER again see something that rare or valuable under my coil again.

Well, today I found a SECOND one of these incredible coins! Only 75-100 examples known, and I now have TWO in my collection. Here is what Q. David Bowers says about these coins in the book "100 Greatest American Medals and Tokens." The history of these pieces is quite fascinating, and closely related to the historical reason that the US dollar...

🥇 BANNER Epic Coin Spill . . . !

Epic Coin Spill . . . !
I am posting this separately from Mark's (49r Relics) post so I can answer questions, introduce myself and post pictures.

As Mark said, we were lucky to find a few new sites that we could detect on after he did some research. Me, Mark (49r Relics) and Ron Swenson (Ron CA) were all on this hunt and we all started detecting the site, spread out in different directions. It was my first day out with my new XP Deus so coming from a Minelab I knew I had better step my game up with Mark and Ron swinging CTX's. It was literally my first good repeatable signal that started this off. One thing...

🥇 BANNER Amazing Coin Spill, Find of a lifetime for me!

Amazing Coin Spill, Find of a lifetime for me!
So after 35 years of detecting I had the find of a lifetime. I was doing some research in the state library and came across an old hand drawn map of an area I have never researched before but the cartographer indicated where houses and cabins were and the map was dated 1851 (that's early for California) there were lines which after research I figured out were early Township lines, I was able to match them up to Google Earth and found 22 new sites. After 4 months of trying we finally got permission to hunt 2 of the sites and another 2 are on public land.

So the California Relic Adventures...

🥇 BANNER Once in a Lifetime Find!

Once in a Lifetime Find!
I went out digging on January 1, 2015 and made my best find ever, a Virginia Tongue in perfect condition! What a way to start the new year! I don't know if I will ever top this one, my hands were shaking sitting there holding it. You just never know what is coming out of the ground next, I sure wasn't expecting to ever find a Virginia Tongue but it happened. A memory that will last a lifetime. Thanks for looking and happy hunting.

🥇 BANNER Colonial Era Sterling Salt Shaker

Colonial Era Sterling Salt Shaker
Found this over the weekend on a site of an old farmhouse. Thought it was modern but today I cleaned it and saw the hallmarks on the bottom. There are three markings: a crowned lion's head, a lion, and a "C". I think this might be over 200-year old English sterling silver. :D Maybe it's from the age of pirates! :skullflag::blackbeard::laughing7:

Edit: Research indicates that this is indeed an early colonial artifact. It was made in London in 1738 and was probably exported to the 13 colonies shortly thereafter. Despite my initial assumptions of it being a salt shaker I'm now convinced it...