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🥇 BANNER 6 seated spill (2 CCs and a key date)and a shield

6 seated spill (2 CCs and a key date)and a shield
6 seated spill (2 CC's and a key date)and a shield

My best coin spill to date! 6 seated and a shield all in one hole right here in Idaho! Aaaand... I FINALLY scored a CC. Not one but two! It gets better! Look up 1854 "Huge O" seated quarter! Amazing day with Bill Hines​​ Cody Holmes​​ and Ryan Jamison​​

Here it is! The video you asked for! 6 Seated in one hole. My best coin spill yet! Carson city seateds, a key date and more! Please share! Thanks!

🥇 BANNER I had to share this! Ca. 1790 Halbach Baltimore Pistol Butt Cap

I had to share this! Ca. 1790 Halbach Baltimore Pistol Butt Cap
After a few failed permissions (and a few "maybe's" ) I gave up and moved to a 1920's abandoned house that was on the old maps (hmmmm, a "newer" house was put there where an older house stood) and my research showed its flying colors. The site was a bit trashy but it wasn't too bad! :)

I started off in the front yard and my first target was from the "newer" homesite... A 1946 nickel. I only had about an hour to hunt so I concentrated in the area. Then I got another similar signal down 7" and I see a coin sized disc. I couldn't see anything on it except... Silver plating! A early 1800's...

🥇 BANNER A bucket list find, a surprise big silver.

A bucket list find, a surprise big silver.

I went to a place I call zip city. It's a modern park, never expect too much and usually that's
what I get. It's a place where one can expect clad and maybe hope for a bit of bling. The hits are just regular
enough to be able to stay interested but there's not much trash. So, it's usually a nice peaceful walk.

As you can see from the bulk of the finds:

2015 (309).jpg
2015 (310).jpg

( a "no value" token)

2015 (312).jpg

This is why I call the place "zip city" :) ...

🥇 BANNER Low hopes and an entry level detector but I still ended up finding an awesome relic!

Low hopes and an entry level detector but I still ended up finding an awesome relic!
Anyways, Today I headed out to a place that did not look that good. I have tried with my T2 before but never found much but shotgun shells and pulltabs but gave it a try today. I decided to bring someone along and let them use my T2 while I used my old Fisher F2 from two years ago (did I mention that it goes crazy and will frantically beep due to the coil cable being lose). Anyways, I was not expecting much when I got a signal right in the middle of the biggest patch of poison ivy in the whole place. I figured it was worth it and dug. I battled through roots and leaves (which unfortunately...

🥇 BANNER Fantastic Bayonet found at our school!

Fantastic Bayonet found at our school!
Hi everyone,

We at the Kindle Farm School are fortunate to have our campus located on a property that dates from the 1750's. Our treasure hunting class finds all kinds of neat items, but none so far as neat as this one! Last week while doing some trail building we uncovered this absolutely incredible bayonet. It was in found adjacent to a stream bed and either washed out of the hill side or was dug out of the stream while preparing it for the trail bridge. After comparing it to pictures we found online, it looks like those that were made between the time of the American Revolution and...

🥇 BANNER EPIC Hunt - 21 Rings 7 GOLD - Hunt of my life A-TEAM

EPIC Hunt - 21 Rings 7 GOLD - Hunt of my life A-TEAM
Got away with the family on a solo mission. The rest of the A-Team, Lookindown and DavidFL couldn't make it this time and man I wish they were there. My wife and daughter went with me and it all still seems like a dream. We got to the beach at about 8am. It's a private beach that the workers in the area say they never see anyone else hunting there. I got permission before I went and I still can't believe how it all went down. As soon as I entered the water there were targets every few steps. This is a huge beach so I took my time and dug all of the good targets. The first...

🥇 BANNER my best silver yet 1800 draped bust dime

my best silver yet 1800 draped bust dime
UPDATE! NGC coin grade has arrived...AU details Stained. 2662135-001

So tonight after work I grabbed the 3030 and braved the tick and fly infested forest that I enjoy hunting. I invested in a head bug net. Great purchase it worked very well. So I got to detecting and it wasn't to long before I got a nice silver hit. Dug this awesome 1800 draped bust dime. Wow! I can't stop looking at it. Was a few other flat buttons and what looked like a worn to the flat draped half cent copper.

🥇 BANNER Gold Coin!

Gold Coin!
Went to a favorite old park today and got a big surprise. After detecting for 35 years I finally found my first gold coin. It's a 1871 half sovereign. Also found a couple of V nickels, a war nickel, buffalo, Merc and Indian, but who cares? I found a gold coin. Talk about a feeling of excitement. Glad I had a couple of buddies there with me. They were as excited as I was. Could I have actually made a banner find?



