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🥇 BANNER Cool CSA plate!

Cool CSA plate!
Found this Friday... was looking in the field and this was found in the last place I checked before I left. I am so excited. This is the best thing I could ever find. :hello2::notworthy::notworthy: buckle_front.jpgbuckle_back.jpg

Looks like a masonic symbol in the lower left of the plate on the back, unless it is coincidence.

🥇 BANNER Early British Camp. stunning 1744 4 Reale

Early British Camp. stunning 1744 4 Reale
I have been researching a site for quite a while and finally got access. To summarize, it is a early (1750) pre rev war site used by British and provincial troops to aid Cherokees and then used up through the Rev War.
My first trip up to scout it turned out better than expected as I dug 3 buttons, a fully intact shoe buckle (beautiful) musket balls and what I had Don Troiani confirm as an officer's waistbelt buckle.
Next trip was just as good with Greg Toney and I digging lots of period relics and then an absolutely, near perfect 1744 4 reale, another early shoe buckle (although broken...

🥇 BANNER My best hunt EVER!!

My best hunt EVER!!
The total is 11 rings in one 4 hour hunt! 5 Junkers, 1 silver, 1 (4.4g 10k), 4 (33.6g 14k). The diamond ring is my largest ever and is hard to take photos of because it's so bright. It was 24 in down at low tide and came out as bright as the day it was made. Lots of inscriptions on the gold so maybe I'll get to return one. If not, the wife and daughter will have to sort things out.

There were tons of targets today. Everything you see came off the beach today...

🥇 BANNER Shakin up again on the old copper trail!

Shakin up again on the old copper trail!
Shakin' up again on the old copper trail!

Only this time it was a good shake up. :tongue3: Ironhorse and I could not let our previous hunt, the worst of the Fall be our last, so we were out on the old copper trail again today.

We hit several fields found a few sites along the way and I was having a grand old time popping coins (10.5 large coppers and an indian head) but a serious lack of buttons.... and a good early military button I had not dug before was the main thing on my list. Even though I was pretty content with our last site of the day giving me a two coppers and...

🥇 BANNER BEST hunt to date!! 6 coppers, 2 seated quarters, a BUST HALF DOLLAR and more

BEST hunt to date!! 6 coppers, 2 seated quarters, a BUST HALF DOLLAR and more
Hey everyone,
Today's hunt started like all the rest but about an hour into it, I got a nice read on my T2 and dug a crusty LC. After that, I decided to grid the surrounding area. About 2ft from the LC I found one of the seated quarters. At this point quite excited. Not long after I got another LC, and then another and another and another and then another!! I was ecstatic at this point. I took my haul back to the car and gave it a few more swings in my gridded area. I sure am glad I did because I found another seated quarter and a few feet from that....AN 1838 BUST HALF DOLLAR. This...

🥇 BANNER Civil War Sharps carbine bullets -- with intact paper cartridges!!

Civil War Sharps carbine bullets -- with intact paper cartridges!!
Hey y'all! I got back yesterday from DIV 32 at Cole's Hill. I had a blast digging with my friends again at a very special property to me. As for finds, I did quite well, especially on bullets. But my find of the hunt came just before lunch on the third day.

I was hunting an area with quite a few relics, all of which were super deep. So I was excited to get any nice subtle deep low tone on the GPX. This particular one, though, just kept going down and down into the center of the hole. Finally I reached the target - a Sharps bullet. But I knew there was no way I got a signal at that...

🥇 BANNER Best Hunt Ever! AMAZING UNIQUE Button, Gold, Silver, and more!!!

Best Hunt Ever! AMAZING UNIQUE Button, Gold, Silver, and more!!!
Had my best hunt ever with Luke (PACIVILWARLUKE) yesterday. Great finds + great company made it an awesome time! Best hobby ever! Thanks so much Luke for coming down!

He decides to come down to do our own little "DIV" adventure. He came over Friday and he slept here and then we woke up at 5:30 to do some digging. We got to the site at 7 where I found 6 eagle buttons, Springfield bayonet scabbard tip, and some bullets. We didn't get much unfortunately. Not even one bullet after getting ten last time I was there. What a bummer. I got a back to an eagle button, two musket balls, and a...

🥇 BANNER 1770 8 Reale found today!!!!!!

1770 8 Reale found today!!!!!!
God was on my side for this one guys. HOLY CRAP!!!!! A solid 97-99 on the vdi. Was expecting a hot rock, they give off those funky signals. But to my surprise, at this pounded out spot, with only 2 buttons found last time out here, and 4 today, I dig a 1770 silver 8 REALES. And it's completely intact with amazing detail!!!

I've been hunting this place since February and it's dried up a bit, but this find was just what I needed to NOT give up on it just yet! Thanks for looking!

🥇 BANNER Revolutionary button and KG II

Revolutionary button and KG II
Got out for at the most two hours today in the woods and my two best finds got me into the Revolutionary War time period.

My first find was what appeared to be a one piece button with some type of writing on it caked with dirt. After rinsing in distilled water I saw USA interlocking letters, it looked familiar, after searching the web I discovered I found the Continental Army uniform button 1777 to 1782.

The second cool find is a very worn KG II copper. By moving around in the light I could just barely make out King George, his head on the front and the outline of Britannia on the...