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🥇 BANNER It took almost 20 years , today I found a GOLD COIN !

It took almost 20 years , today I found a GOLD COIN !
I'm still shaking :hello2:!!!! Went out this morning with Ryan , EAGLEFORCE , and his buddy Tino and hunting a school that gave up big gold years ago . This school also gives up a silver once in a while too . As for the silver finds today I found a 1943 S Washington and a 1944 Canadian silver dime . They were both about 7-8 inches deep . Also found a 1946S wheat at 9 inches ! Now for the BIG one ! I was out in the middle of the soccer field when I got a +72 at 5 inches . I was thinking a penny or a game token but it was not ! I pulled back the plug and saw GOLD ! I took a picture and...

🥇 BANNER Unusual find this morning @-120ft depth...a -30 BC find during scuba detection

Hi guys,

I was out this morning for a quick dive with my new Ebinger UW 722C PI detector and I had a few very very deep signals. To be honest they where so deep I couldn't dig them as I was diving on my own down 120/130 feet (I know it's bad :nono:). Diving configuration Rebreather Nitrox 32/68 gas mix with 50% Oxygen poni for spare & deco.

I was digging what appears to be "clother signals" for this detector and look what I've uncovered: an eyeball partial wine Amphora which appears to be from -30 BC -> +30 Period.

It looks it is originating from south spain / portugal. Feel free to...

🥇 BANNER 1833 Slave Tag in Charleston

1833 Slave Tag in Charleston
Went to Charleston to visit my sister this weekend as a late Christmas. Carolina Tom(also known as Coin Kicker) called and said him and Todd Lipe both of the Charlotte Silver Mafia were going down also. Tom asked if I could find us a place to all hunt together on Sunday. I found a place and was there at sunrise on Sunday morning. They wouldn't be at site for a couple hours so I started hunting. 30 minutes later I pulled this Tag out. I called CT/CK and sent him a picture. Come to find out they were an hour away and stopped for gas and hunting an old school. Well I think they made...

🥇 BANNER Bucket list silver X2....then X2 again!!!! OMG.

Bucket list silver X2....then X2 again!!!! OMG.
Updated cleaned up pics!!!

I'm stunned.
The street tear outs are still producing, a few wheats here, clad dimes there...the occasional silver keeps me going...then today happened.
The AT Pro sounded off a choppy 90-91-92 ..... Wierd. It wasn't clear or consistent, but I was intrigued. The target seemed big, so the dig began.....not expecting to see a clod of dirt, perfectly flat on one side, and round....and, big? I'd seen this before, when a coin is broken from its grave, there is that pretty flat dirt to the side of the coin...but not like this.
I reached into the hole, and I felt a...


This is a culmination of three hunts, two different places. Yesterday was the killer day though. A rise in the fields looked like a good place to go, I worked myself there. There were pieces of melted tin, small lead shot, and melted copper strewn everywhere on the hill. I loaded two big pouches of the crap with only hitting an Indian penny. I got frustrated and moved to a little incline attached to the hill. That is when a bright 92 signal screamed in my headphones. Out pops the 1847 half dollar in beautiful shape. The 1877 S seated quarter was two feet away followed by another 92...

🥇 BANNER 1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree

1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree
Back to the site in New England that has produced Tree coins in the past, dug this pine tree 10 inches down in a tangle of roots. Hoping that the experts can identify the variety. Let's hope the weather is not like last year so we can hunt all winter. P1010966.JPGP1010965.JPG

🥇 BANNER 1805 HalfDime??

1805 HalfDime??
So planned on running some errands then hitting a known spot for some morning detecting...Errands got thwarted so decided to drive a bit hopfully find a spot to hit for and hour or two til i could finish my errands...Happened upon a home construction site with some older looking stonewalls, asked the workers if they minded and they did not..So, coi to soil and were gettin some old shotshells horse/ox shoe halfs, foil...and bang clean 81 at 2"? thinkin some modern change i can see the rim of it on the surface..huh...what 1805????Intally thought it was a quarter but no 25 im...

🥇 BANNER It took 45 years but finally won the Gold - and a nice silver!

It took 45 years but finally won the Gold - and a nice silver!
Weather in this part of VA has been wet and warm - lot of rain over the past few days so ground is very soft, since all the chores got done and had some time to myself, I headed down to do a little hunting at a neighboring farm that dates back to the 1750's. Stone walls surround the property so started there. Lots of iron, some large flat buttons, some smaller ones, and finally around the old smokehouse foundation, got a solid 85 on the ATP. Pulled a 1787 GEOIII silver shilling at about 4". Spent some time working the foundation and pulled a couple of flat buttons. About to call it a...