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🥇 BANNER Antler Knife, Pontil Bottle, CW Buttons and more...

Antler Knife, Pontil Bottle, CW Buttons and more...
After weeks of rain, I was dying to get out to sift. It seemed like bands of rain swept across the US every day for the last 2 weeks, so when the sun came out on Thurs, I was out the door. Sadly the soil was too wet and the grass waist high, so I just hunkered down in one small area to dig nails. Thurs was one of those hunts that started out amazing, with multiple bone pieces turning up early on, followed by a complete pontil bottle and the General Service button, which gave me the right attitude for digging nails for 5 hours. In all, on Thurs I dug exactly 100 nails and a few dozen...

🥇 BANNER Wow! Im Still Speechless!!!

Wow! Im Still Speechless!!!
Wow! I'm Still Speechless!!!

I dug this yesterday in our British camp here in the Upstate of SC...yes, upstate South Carolina...

1666 Rich Fellows In, Dorchester RFS Farthing!!!



Video Link:

🥇 BANNER Biggest 22k gold ring Ive ever found!

Biggest 22k gold ring Ive ever found!
Biggest 22k gold ring I've ever found!

Finally was able to get out to the beach after a long winter. Ice still on the lake but temperature today was 34c. I was working in the wet sand and got a nice crisp loud signal on my AT pro. Using the small 5/8 DD coil, I took a scoop,..still in the hole, and another scoop,..still deeper. I took 3 pretty deep scoops and then finally on the 4th scoop I had it, dumped it out on the side and when I scanned over, it blasted my ears ringing up a solid 79 on my AT pro. My heart was pumping when I seen that bright buttery yellow and the size of...

🥇 BANNER AMAZINGLY rare variety 1652 Oak Tree Threepence - Find of a lifetime!!!

AMAZINGLY rare variety 1652 Oak Tree Threepence - Find of a lifetime!!!
Wow. I've been preparing to write this since I found the coin, but I couldn't even concentrate enough to get my thoughts down, let anyone perform my professional or family duties. Let me set this up a little first though. During the course of the past few years, it has become an obsession for me to ponder the infinitesimal probability of finding of a MA tree coin on every property, park, beach, foundation or town square I drive by. When I saw Abe's incredible pine tree shilling a while back, the possibility seemed somehow more real. Here was a guy in what used to be part of...

🥇 BANNER fantastic 1640 8 reale cob found Im massachusetts.

fantastic 1640 8 reale cob found Im massachusetts.
fantastic 1640 8 reale cob found I'm massachusetts.

Did some door knocking today first house first permission was told have at it after a couple hours and an indian, a barber dime ,and a merc. I started swinging near where they had the gas line marked that seemed like it eas dug at an earlier time, about 4 to 5 feet from the line i got a booming hit at about 4 inches and this was it .Not sure if it's real or not but got my heart pumping about the size of a half dollar kinda heavy and why would there have been a hole in it then filled

🥇 BANNER Dug Up a VERY OLD Gumball Machine - And It Was Filled with Coins!

Dug Up a VERY OLD Gumball Machine - And It Was Filled with Coins!
Certainly one of the more unique treasures I've found this year. A 70+ year old buried gumball machine that's clearly been in the ground for a very VERY long time. Still had a nickle in the slot from the very last customer that tried to use it long ago. Watch the live "cracking open" video of me revealing the cache of coins that was within.

In total there were 17 US nickles, a US Wheat Cent, and a South American "5 Centavo". Most of the coins are buffalo nickles, there are a few Jefferson nickles - a couple appearing to be of the silver "War" variety, the 5...

🥇 BANNER Find Of A Lifetime

Find Of A Lifetime
I don't post that much anymore but I figured I had to post this one. Met up with a couple hunting buddies and forum members, Park pirate and Ed upstate at a local pounded park. Very tough to get anything out of there anymore. I guess the treasure gods were smiling down on me today cause I found a good one. After 20+ years and hundreds of Indian heads today was the day....
HH Butch NY


Colonial Watering hole deja vu ...ANOTHER EARLY SILVER RING...AND CHECK THIS ONE OUT!
Well I am a sad but dedicated soul. It was cold and windy (30mph sustained winds) this morning, but the water temps are warmer then the air, so I said "lets roll."

It was downright miserable and I probably was second guessing myself every minute until I made it back to the same hole that produced the other early silver ring and cob that I recovered earlier this week. As soon as I declined down into it I heard an iffy signal and after a few minutes of work on the bottom, up surfaced this beauty! Another early silver hand-etched ring! This one has overlapping hearts and similar...

🥇 BANNER Civil War era bone saw frame "amputation saw"

Civil War era bone saw frame "amputation saw"
Hi all hope you are having a great 2016... this is one of the best things i have ever found.. i guess i need to be more clear it was found 4/6/16 in Pa near Philadelphia.....its solid sand cast brass no identifying markers... it was found at a spot where 1,000 revolutionary war soldiers encamped, and in 1863 600 civil war soldiers encamped there it was also a civil war hospital site for wounded from Gettysburg... im gonna say the item is civil war era .. but a person from the UK says its 1770's British style which would be even more awsome.
I can just imagine the history that this...