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🥇 BANNER Found an eagle breast plate in NY.

Found an eagle breast plate in NY.
So we took a ride out to western ny. Hunted 4 foundations that were clearly hunted before. Picked up 1 or 2 finds at each site. The at pro didn't let me down. First site I found a bat wing buckle and an eagle breast plate. I could not believe it when I saw it. Never thought I would find that in NY. That was on the top of my bucket list. image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg

🥇 BANNER The most GOLD I have ever found in one hunt ! All 22K !

The most GOLD I have ever found in one hunt ! All 22K !
I hunted the school that gave up the 14K 35 diamond ring I found years ago , see my Banner finds , hoping it would give up another . Boy did it :hello2::hello2::hello2: !!!! Only 10 minutes in I had a +10 at 3 inches , 22k gold ear ring with 3 diamonds ! The next great find was the biggest ! +22 at a half inch , Big 22K gold neck less with pendant :headbang: . Then not more than 20 feet away I had a +16 at 2 inches , 22K gold pendent ! When I got home and cleaned them up gave them all an acid test and weighed them I was shocked ! I had found over $900.00 in GOLD !!!!! Total weight was...

🥇 BANNER My First Gold Coin! Need help idenifining please!,

My First Gold Coin! Need help idenifining please!,
Hello all. I'm still shaking as I write this. I'll try and keep this short. I bought a new Whites PI about 3 months ago. The 1st month I found a old silver ring very deep. After that and a couple of weeks of trying to figure how it works. Nothing but junk and very little of that I may add. I started to regret buying it. Come to find out the coil was bad right out of the box. Whites replaced it and had me going. Thanks to there awesome service. I went out to my spot where there was and old hotel back in the 1700s or so. I've been hunting low tide about a 100+ yards out. I get a hit and...

🥇 BANNER Last hunt with Iron Patch and claimed "Victory" - Rare early cufflink!

Last hunt with Iron Patch and claimed "Victory"  - Rare early cufflink!
It was my last hunt in the Iron Patch stomping ground and we returned to the site where he had dug the Machin's Mills halfpenny and I was not left disappointed. In fact, I could not wait to get home before posting this one up! I've dug a few bits here and there this trip, enough for a decent post with yesterday and today, but sites are tough, so this find both saved the day and my hunt in general... as far as getting a good keeper on this trip.

Targets were much more plentiful than either of us had expected and about half way through our 4 hour hunt I dig this cufflink and seeing the...

🥇 BANNER "We Bring Good Things To Life!!" It WORKED for Me.

If anybody remembers that slogan it was for General Electric. They sure brought me to life today. On my second dive I was playing in a brand new section of the old area and found another walker. Moved a few more weeds and got a nice mid tone. The rest is history! 22.51 G of 18K with a small diamond. That sure got me going big time. 728.00 in scrap. That's the way I like them!!

No other gold. Just a walker, the Washington, 4 mercs, 3 silver rings a brass ring and a STEEL ring? What is up with that! (Big ring by the brass one) Two V nickels a 1906 and a 1912. Three buffalo...

🥇 BANNER Unbelievable Hunt This Morning. 4 Silver Dollars Unreal

Unbelievable Hunt This Morning. 4 Silver Dollars Unreal
Hey everyone

Had one of those hunts this morning that I wanted to share with you guys

I got up at 5:45 and headed out to a old park that's been producing these past couple hunts

I haven't been out much due to heat and travel base ball. Typical day had a few oldies and then it happened.

Just got done digging a older clad and I look up and see a large silver coin on the surface. I'm like no way a Morgan on the surface

I was pumped. I shot a video filled the hole and bam another one sticking out of the side of the ground. Video number two

Then they just kept coming. 4 total and I was...

🥇 BANNER My first gold coin and its a $10 Indian !!!!

My first gold coin and its a $10 Indian !!!!
10.png10a.pngFinally got out today with my son and was not expecting a 1915 $10 gold Indian. We had been hunting for about 1 1/2 hrs. and my son was in the truck taking a break and I moved to a spot on the back side of the church and started finding 3 back to back wheat pennies. Than a old great seal button than the gold hit. I didn't know it was a gold coin and thought it was a piece of trash in the side of the hole so I used my digger to pop it out and scratched the obverse.(rooky mistake) Lesson learned to go easy on...

🥇 BANNER Military buckle?

Military  buckle?
Hi all, just returned from a hunt and I might have found a nice piece of history,not sure. I dug all this stuff at a 1700s home but I did not find any buttons or coppers of the era like I was expecting.
I did get a couple silver quarters 1940 and 1956 but I was wanting something a bit older.
After a couple of so so hours of hunting
I got a good hit about 5 feet from the side of the house and about six inches deep I spied what looked like a nice old military belt plate!

If any one has information on this buckle please let me know what is. Found while on vacation at Cape Cod Mass...

🥇 BANNER 1759 Pistareen and some other bucket list finds

1759 Pistareen and some other bucket list finds
Haven't posted for a bit as I have a computer problem and it's a pain to post from my tablet. Got out last Saturday to a favorite park. Didn't find much, but then again, it depends on your perspective. Found 2 Indians including a nice old 1864. Also found 2 toasted shield nickels and a piece of a small silver spoon or fork. An Indian or shield nickel is probably on a lot of bucket lists, but I've found plenty of both. On Ann earlier visit to this park I had also pulled a few Indians in addition to a nice Barber dime and a couple of shield nickels. Again, bucket list items for many. It's...

🥇 BANNER 1909 S VDB To Go Along With a Handful of Barbers

1909 S VDB To Go Along With a Handful of Barbers
Hey guys! I'm a long time member and regular reader here but I don't post too often, unfortunately. Usually only when something exceptional pops out.

Being predominantly a coinshooter, this one's pretty exceptional :) 1909 S VDB that came out alongside a nice handful of oldies on a great hunt in an out-of-the-way patch of turf.

Here on the west coast we don't get a lot of the good stuff you guys get back east - colonial coppers, large cents, busts, and loads of reales. But at least we get a lot of S mints (and a few more gold coins for the lucky hunters out here).

My second 1909 S VDB...