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🥇 BANNER Not a CSA belt buckle BUT!!

🥇 BANNER Stunning Early Militia Artillery Belt Plate leaves me stunned! WOW!

Stunning Early Militia Artillery Belt Plate leaves me stunned! WOW!
When you text a find to some of your best buddies and they all curse at you, that's when you know you have something really killer.

Well today was that day for me, and I'm so pleased with this find despite a new fan club being started called "FU Steve" (whatever that means) lol.

I've been having some luck at a site I'd all but written off. You see I've been staying away from the street - perhaps for reclusive reasons, or perhaps because I don't want other detectorists to spot me. Either way, lately, I've been chancing it and scoring lots of large cents and early buttons. Today I was...


SWEET JESUS--I just dug a GW Inaugural--IN LOUISIANA
It's been hours since I dug this and I'm still shaking!

My buddy, my wife, and I all went out for a dig and we got on a little site that had a couple of shoe buckle pieces and some nice pottery and clay pipe stems but wouldn't give up even one button or find. We got worn out with that little, tiny, petite habitants spot, and changed scenery. The killer find from the little site was Shangeolang's nice early complete SPUR! :headbang:

Before I get to the real story, here's the unbelievable video.

In the next site we went to, we settled down and...

🥇 BANNER How old is it? Celtic?

How old is it? Celtic?
Found an old axe head in the woods today. Hoping some experts could give me some clarity. My detecting partner believes it's Celtic. It reads a 55 on the v3i. Thanks for the help 20170219_174357.jpg20170219_174128.jpg20170219_174123.jpg

🥇 BANNER C.S. Button

C.S. Button
I got a chance to get out and hunt yesterday an old home site here in Southwest Georgia. The farmer had recently pulled out the trees of a wooded area to enlarge his field and I'm sure glad he did. I found an eagle cuff button and about twenty feet away was this coat sized C.S. button. This is a two piece and the back was made of iron or tin and is there but badly rusted. Civil War buttons are hard to come by down here as there was no fighting. I assume someone wore it home or perhaps passed through here. Had the bulldozer blade been a half inch lower, I wouldn't have had a very good...

🥇 BANNER Tesoro Mojave Injun Tracks Down Silver Coin Spill And Finds Gold Coin

Tesoro Mojave Injun Tracks Down Silver Coin Spill And Finds Gold Coin
Today didn't turn out as I thought it would. I decided to try a new area of town, but on my way there I realized that I forgot my gun, so I headed towards the 'no trespassing' site to detect the permission yard next door instead. That area of town is a little safer than where I was planning on going.

I grid searched the front yard first, but I didn't expect to find much because I hit it pretty hard with one of my Tesoro detectors a year or so ago. I did however find a few clad coins, a nickel and a couple of wheat pennies.

Satisfied that there was nothing left to find in the front...

🥇 BANNER Found My First Gold Coin Finally!!!!!!!

Found My First Gold Coin Finally!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, I can finally check this one off the list, i finally dug up my first gold coin, Whoo Whoo!! I was detecting a low tide and the first find was a early 1900s silver Canadian dime, hard to read the date, then found the usual junk for awhile and then dug up my first gold coin, i finally did it. At first sight I thought i dug up one of thoes modern thick euro coins that look like gold coins at first and gets your heart beating but im gladd its not the case this time, its the real deal. Thanks for looking and good luck to everone. Whoo Whoo!!

🥇 BANNER 1500s SILVER COIN SPILL/HOARD found in the Swedish woods!

1500s SILVER COIN SPILL/HOARD found in the Swedish woods!

So today I went out to the woods with my friend to hunt for some 1800s/1900s silver at an old "party place" (where people danced etc, can't find the word).
After digging countless of the usual bottlecaps and cartridges I went down a slope, off the paths. I stumbled upon a veeery faint and iffy signal jumping from 50-70 on my AT-Pro. I decided to dig it.
Boy was that a good decision. First thing that pops up is a Johan III of Sweden (1537-1592) 2 öre silver coin. I was stoked! First thing I find of 2017 became my oldest swedish coin I've ever dug!
I called my friend over to show...

🥇 BANNER Scarce Admiral Edward Vernon button circa 1739-1750

Scarce Admiral Edward Vernon button circa 1739-1750
Todd Hiltz & myself got out to a couple Cellar holes today.1st site coughed up some buttons and fizzled out.We then moved onto next site.It was real quiet there.on the backside of the cellar I got one button and turns out to be a Admiral Vernon Button...circa 1739-1750.unfortunately it looked better dirty as the dirt filled in the pits.Also from the same site was this 1600's laten spoon bowl.[FONT=arial...