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🥇 BANNER "Dont Tread on Me" amazing find

"Dont Tread on Me" amazing find
Just got back from a trip to the SC low country for Thanksgiving and found this incredible button. Putting together some research on this one and will post more.

Definitely my best button found to date. front.JPGback.JPG

Found this info so far. Need to track down the single gilt back with 7 stars.


Information courtesy of: http://www.georgewashingtoninaugura...uttonsand-later-dateamerican-patriot-buttons/

🥇 BANNER Rotary seal is now complete!

Rotary seal is now complete!
A couple weeks ago I posted this rotary seal commenting that I would return to the 1756 home site where I found it and try to find the stone seal.

Second matrix.jpg

That was actually the second one I had found. The first one I found back in June 2016, same site, did not have the bezel ring.

Well I returned to the site today to burn off a few Thanksgiving calories, I was amazed to find the actual seal and bezel ring to the first one!
In situ.jpg

I got home, and after some careful cleaning...

🥇 BANNER A Coin Spill for the Ages: Spanish Silvers, Large Cents, and a massive Old Silver!

A Coin Spill for the Ages: Spanish Silvers, Large Cents, and a massive Old Silver!
The day started at sunrise with me hiking through the dark woods. You see, I snuck out at 6am and before any of my 15 Thanksgiving guests awoke. After a 3/4 mile hike I arrived at my target site. It turned out to be a complete bust full of beer cans and illegal dumping.

So instead of going home I hiked to a spot about a half Mile away I've had my eye on for quite some time. It had great features; next to a good river, had high ground, and fertile soil. There was no record of a home existing there according to 1841 and later maps, so this was a complete gut hunch. Upon arriving I find an...

🥇 BANNER Incredibly Rare Dragoon Militia/Special Order Regiment Button 1790-1812

Incredibly Rare Dragoon Militia/Special Order Regiment Button 1790-1812
ssss.pngIMG_007211.pngHi everyone,
I haven't posted in a while, hope you've all been well. Yesterday, I found this 20mm flat eagle button. The closest match I can find are some Diplomatic Service buttons from the early 1800's. Has anyone seen this one before? The back mark reads: Double Gilt. Any input is appreciated!


Update: Through personal correspondence with several advanced collectors, it...

🥇 BANNER The Atrocha

The Atrocha
Hi MD'rs, I was detecting the beach today waiting for low tide to kick in. I noticed 3 other folks detecting in relatively the same area so I kinda circled around them and came into some neck deep water before I knew it they disappeared so I made my way back to where they were and ( Holy ship wrecks Batman ) I found an eye popping chain 28 inches long 18kt with a 18kt cross and emeralds. It is modern but the wife nicknamed it the Atrocha. 45.6 grams in weight. WOW!!! Best find of the year.

🥇 BANNER Trade silver brooch, trade axe and silver spill

Trade silver brooch, trade axe and silver spill
Hey all, it's been some time since I've posted....time with the family and hardly any chance to get out...Glad to be back!!! Now I will have to catch up on all the great post most of you have been posting!
I managed to get out yesterday for 4 hours and about 8 hours today, here is the finds for the combined last 2 days...
I was finally able to knock off a big bucket lister off!! with a Luckenbooth silver trade brooch and about 5 minutes later I hit an early 1900's pocket spill, my biggest silver spill to date(8 silver-posting a few samples found)...Didn't think my day could get any better...

🥇 BANNER it wasnt on my bucket list because i didnt know it existed

it wasnt on my bucket list because i didnt know it existed
awesome day at the 300 acre farm field beautiful 1803 bust largy 1837 hardtimes token 41 merc what more could i ask for then on the way back to the truck which i lost track of how far away i was it happens all the time i get a nice loud singing in my ear ,i drop down dig it and i look at it the date is 1787 i was like what the hell is it looks like a token very old token so i send a couple pics to my buddy then my phone rings and i knew i had something awesome hope u guys enjoy it as much as i do.the coin wasnt on my bucket list because i didnt know it was out...

🥇 BANNER Intact James Shell...Never In My Wildest Dreams!

Intact James Shell...Never In My Wildest Dreams!
I would have never dreamed I would get an intact James shell from a hay field 16" deep with a 5X8 coil. I can't believe I found an artillery shell, period!

I also found a round iron ball nearby. I guess its safe to say it's grape shot given this location?

I have a few questions...Its hard researching from a hotel and I cant go cleaning on this shell here.

Will this have a fuse? or is there a James with a solid nose?
I was under the impression that all James' had to be drilled to make them inert. Are any solid?
Was the James Confederate, Union or both...

🥇 BANNER 1849 Gold $1 coin!

1849 Gold $1 coin!
Stopped by my spot today for quick hunt, glad I did! I've found several bullets and buttons at this site, this area was occupied by Union troops. My first target was a big 3 ringer, larger than all the others I've found(previously dug bullet for size comparison). About 10' away I dug a couple of head stamps when I got a solid 51 on my At Pro. I've quickly learned to dig everything....about 8" down, out popped this beauty! First gold I've ever found. I left everything laying and walked straight to the car to douse it with water, that's all I've done to it... scared to touch Took a...