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🥇 BANNER 1783 Nova Constelatio - Liberty. Justice. Beautiful. Rare!!

1783 Nova Constelatio - Liberty. Justice. Beautiful. Rare!!
I went back to a colonial site for which I had little hope. I was hoping for just a button or a trinket on this dreary Sunday. It took 1.5 hours to do, but I cleared another 20' x 20' section of heavy bramble, and was rewarded with arguably my rarest coin. A 1783 Nova Constelatio!




I believe the variety is a "blunt rays" Crosby 3-C.


🥇 BANNER 1700's Luckenbooth TRADE Silver!

1700's Luckenbooth TRADE Silver!
Hey guys,

Headed back out to an old colonial permission, turned honey hole recently with Stef45. Weather hasn't been great, but we did manage a get in a few hours before the rain ran us off. Every time I walk away from hunting here, I start researching new sites as we assuming it must be pounded out. Countless hours gridding with both the CTX and Deus have almost certainly cleared the good stuff...not quite. Instead of walking in grids, I decided to change the angle of the coil by walking in a concentric circle on the main iron patch. Today's weapon of choice was the mighty XP Deus...

🥇 BANNER 1862 S $10 gold

Got my 15th gold coin. And a key-date gold coin. 1862 S $10. Will probably only merit a "40" grade at best, eh ? Plus I knicked it on the reverse below the "ten" (aargghh).

Got this over the weekend with a buddy on a reconn. trip to a new site we've been researching. A defunct country/mountain resort "in California".

Aside from this one coin, we got no other coins. Which was strange, because we got no lack of other period targets of a 'personal' effect nature. Eg. buttons, harmonica reeds, spoons, suspender clips, period match safe box, etc.... (as opposed to period bullet...

🥇 BANNER Charleston 1850 SLAVE TAG !!!

Charleston 1850 SLAVE TAG !!!
Charleston 1850 SLAVE TAG !!! VIDEO ADDED

WOW-- This has been on my bucket list for a very long time. Just got back from my annual trip to Charleston SC and I'm still on cloud 9!!

Every year I head to the south with a few buddies and we hunt some plantations with high hopes of a great find. I have seen a couple other slave tags dug but was never the lucky one to pass the coil over it. Well, my time came and I was the one that was lucky enough to swing the coil over it.

This plantation was a mid 1700 plantation and we did locate the slave cabins or at least the few bricks that...

🥇 BANNER HOly Molie, found a cache of gold!!!!!

HOly Molie, found a cache of gold!!!!!
update: thanks for all the comments for these finds, ive been looking at them all day, this site was settled as early as 1712 so it could have been buried then or a later time, but i will not scrap, separate, or sell, in case anybody was wandering......Just went to a new field where a early 1900s house was and pulled a silver half and Rosie. Then I get a deep faint target and over a foot deep I get this silver plated case. And 4 gold rings inside! They tested at least 10k except one is 18k. Holy crap, I'm still out here in the field going at it, but had to post this. 1 has a date of 1730...

🥇 BANNER 3 inches of frozen ground reveal KEY date indian 1877 and nothing else

3 inches of frozen ground reveal KEY date indian 1877 and nothing else
Hit the park this morning, an area that has yield some really nice IHPs in the past. To my surprise the ground was solid as a rock, some areas were diggable, I was pulling nothing but trash, iron, foil, and nails. I then get a bouncy tone at 8 inches deep, I'm thinking more deep good sounding iron.
To my surprise this little green gem pops out, Im thinking let it be an Indian, i have pulled some deep wheats from this area as well. An an indian it was, As i clean the obverse with my thumb, I was surprised to see the last two digits of the date 77, At the point i decided not to clean...

🥇 BANNER 19th century gold

19th century gold
Here we are at the beginning of 2017, starting from scratch, nothing in the till. So how did the first hunt of the new year turn out?

As amazing and unpredictable as the finds of 2016!

First coin of the year was an 1893 V-nickel, very toasty but still readable. Next coin was silver, at least 35%, in the form of a 1943 P War nickel. After that came two wheats, a 1950 followed by a 1909. These first four targets were dug in an area of high EMI, so I had the sensitivity down to 70, still plenty of depth to get the V and the 1909. There was also a child's junk ring in the hole with the...

🥇 BANNER 18th Century Silver Stock Buckle, Lock Plate, And a Few Other Goodies.

18th Century Silver Stock Buckle, Lock Plate, And a Few Other Goodies.
I've been on a 3 month long break from metal detecting, and got the itch to go out today. I'm glad I did. I found what I believe to be a 1700s era stock buckle. Its made out of silver and has a makers mark of DR which is the intials of a silversmith named Daniel Rogers from Ipswich, MA. I also found large cent (date unreadable), a dandy button, a sweet looking lock plate, some kind of pull knob, thimble, musket balls, and a flat button with writing on the back that says warranted orange rich. Can anyone tell me how much the buckle may be worth? Thanks for looking!

🥇 BANNER AWESOME button, reale, relics, coins.......

AWESOME button, reale, relics, coins.......
Back to the hunted out colonial field. Had a really good day today. Decided to head to the back of the field and found an iron patch. Made some adjustments on the CTX and listened. Started finding buttons, an Eagle I button, a 1/2 Reale, a large cent, 2 cent, IH, a Rosie lol, some horse tack, an unidentified chunk of ornate silver, and other typical finds for an area like this.
I called my buddy on the cell phone, he was on the other side of the field. Told him to come over as I was finding some good stuff. When he gets there I show him my finds including the big dandy button. Tell him...