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🥇 BANNER CRACKING FINDS.. 2 Viking key in the hole

CRACKING FINDS.. 2 Viking key in the hole


🥇 BANNER 5 Walking Liberty Spill

5 Walking Liberty Spill
Hi, as we all know... you can't find good stuff everyday....

For the last 2 weeks, I struggled to find 1 silver, a Barber dime and 3 indianheads 1899, 1901, 1903.... this is after 5 morning trips of about 3 hours each..


Yesterday, I went for a walk and about a 1/2 mile from my house, I saw a guy moving out of this old place.... I remembered I had detected there once 27 year's ago, when a guy who had permission, took me there.... I was a second season rookie and only found a "V" nickel and I think he found 1 silver.... Well, the place had...

🥇 BANNER Bottle with a note inside 5 to 6 inches deep in the ground.

Bottle with a note inside 5 to 6 inches deep in the ground.
This bottle had an aluminum cap that was glued to a cork in the top. I hit the top and broke it off .Update--->
What i thought was cork was paper that was stuffed in the end of the bottle and it looked like cork.
Not glued like i thought.
It looks like the paper inside the bottle was holding the cap and wasn't screwed on...

🥇 BANNER Gold Ring With Eagle On It

Gold Ring With Eagle On It
Had a great metal detecting adventure yesterday! I found civil war bullets, colonial buckles and buttons but the main find was a gold ring with an eagle on it! I have not been able to find a similar ring anywhere. I believe it is a military ring since it has the eagle with what appears to be an olive branch in his mouth. What I thought were scratches on the back appears to be some sort of makers mark or symbols? If you figure it out let me know! video here

🥇 BANNER After 21 years of detecting it FINALLY happened.....1st Gold Coin!!!!

After 21 years of detecting it FINALLY happened.....1st Gold Coin!!!!
Yup.....that's right.....after 21 years of detecting and digging what seems like a bazillion holes I finally popped my first gold coin!!! I won't bore you all with a long story.....I'll keep it simple....

Chuck Norris kicked the mountain's butt and took its gold....then the mountain came back for more and I took its silver too....the end

This is where I was hunting...
1925-D 2 1/2 dollar Indian.....its a little worn and has a few scratches and dings but I don't care
The rest of the coins from this area...

🥇 BANNER A Rare Find - 17th Century Pewter Pipe - Native American & Handmade

A Rare Find - 17th Century Pewter Pipe - Native American & Handmade
A recent search of the woods has me reconsidering my preference for searching open fields. I had been scouting for a potential cellar hole but only located the ruins of a barn. Over an hour of searching produced two plain buttons and a more satisfying recovery, an ornate horse bridle rosette of pewter and brass (possibly dating early to mid-1800s). Here’s the rosette.


I widened my search area to hopefully locate the house foundation but only came upon another barn site with old trash scattered about the brush. Retreating back to the first...