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🥇 BANNER North Carolina Relvolutionary Button

North Carolina Relvolutionary Button
I found a North Carolina 3rd Regiment Revolutionary Button, At first when I dug it up, It look like it had a VC,
I try to look it up on my phone but when I look at the button again, then I realize it was a N not a V, lol.
The rusty bell is a cool find for me as well and some other stuff..

North Carolina 3rd Regiment Revolutionary Button. Front and back.
better pic of Rev button 001.JPG 1700s homesite 007.JPG 1700s homesite 008.JPG

Rusty Bell...

🥇 BANNER My oldest coin, Nova ?, 1783, just dug!

My oldest coin, Nova ?, 1783, just dug!
Had 2 hours this morning, decided to hit the site where I have found LC's, 3 cent nickels and a slick copper. Faint wheat penny signal.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1511542684.822713.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1511542708.806633.jpg
Thought, "cool a token", size of a LC but a little thinner, but could tell it has some design under the crud

Rubbed some dirt off on my glove and saw US, googled Old Large Cents, found no matches. Sent pic to Steve of PA, he said it looks like a Nova Constellatio, no way! A little more rubbing and 1783, ok stopped rubbing.

🥇 BANNER New site yields incredible find (SC Militia Plate)

New site yields incredible find (SC Militia Plate)
About a week ago I found one of the many home sites I had been looking for. Circa 1805 and gone since about the early teens/twenties.
Went to Va with Greg Toney (SC digger)for a large hunt and after finding nothing but bullets was itching to get back out on familiar ground.
We finally got a chance to get out yesterday and while only scratching the surface, it produced some very early relics and appears to have never been hit.

About one hour into the hunt I got what is to date, my best find. S C Militia plate. Only about 1 inch down, it is a little bent but still in incredible shape. I...

🥇 BANNER Found last night in Fla.

Found last night in Fla.
Hoping to find gold - came up with this instead - water find down real real deep ...barely went off - was a whisper
I fanned like 5-6 ins with dive boot and it got louder - thought I had a big fishing weight maybe - scooped straight down
and rechecked and thought I had a can -took 3 scoops to get it
saw stainless band hanging off of scoop lip and thought I had a stainless chain - big surprise - my eyes are shot had to wait til my GF
walked up and confirmed it said Cartier - I had a feeling it might be - I saw similar design found by another hunter few yrs
back - his was a womans. It is...

🥇 BANNER 1793 chain cent

1793 chain cent
Good evening everyone. This morning I was able to get out for a bit after finishing a few errands. I wasn't to excited or feeling it(lucky) but, I went anyway. Found an iron patch and it all started lol.... Just target after target and NO trash! This evening when I started looking at the finds I noticed one of them seemed different. I mean it felt thicker then the other three I found. As I was delicately cleaning it I noticed the chain. The one side looks good but, the other will be a challenge. In the three hours I was there these are my finds.

Thanks for looking,

I added...

🥇 BANNER Prehistoric Copper Culture spear/harpoon head found in Quebec.

Prehistoric Copper Culture spear/harpoon head found in Quebec.
With the fields frozen solid decided to try my luck in the woods that produced some Native American artefacts in the past. The area is extremely old so anything is possible. Wasn't expecting this though. Unearthed it very deep from under the fallen tree roots so I believe it might actually have been deeper at one point but the tree roots pulled it closer to the surface. Right out of the ground it looked like a small spear head but unlike any kettle points I have found in the past it was very thick, made of what looked like pure copper (not an alloy) and it was very crudely made. I started...

🥇 BANNER 1925 GOLD $2.5 coin!!!! Still in shock!!!!

1925 GOLD $2.5 coin!!!! Still in shock!!!!
Howdy all. Haven't posted in a while due to my new job I got a few months ago. I've been out for a few quickies over the last month or so, but haven't found too much. A good amount of silver I guess, but nothing compares to what happened to me today!

So I got an invite from a friend of a friend to come hunt his house in an older part of the city! I quickly jumped on the opportunity because I am NOT a door-knocker, so I don't get to hunt very many private property yards. I got out there today at about 9am and started swinging. Right away I started finding modern clad and not very many...

🥇 BANNER Mastodon Tusk...

Mastodon Tusk...
Hello folks, been sometime since I've been on here but I can tell you I've not stop doing what some of you on here may remember me doing. That's finding old stuff. I posted this in the fossil forum yesterday after I got it cleaned up some more.I found it Sunday afternoon metal detecting & it was dark before I finally got it dug out. So it soaked all day Monday while I worked until I got home. That's when I started trying to get the clay & shell off & posted it in fossil forum asking a few questions. I still think I can get it a little cleaner so it continues to soak today & likely I'll...