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This could not of worked out any better! It rained on Saturday & it was a lovely windy cool day for what is our LAST CHANCE to detect this field before harvest. Conditions were perfect & something happened that has never happened to me. We normally call a early silver in the hunt 'the kiss of death'. Well I dug a Celtic Gold on my 'first dig', I couldn't believe how deep it was, over 8 inches & I was thinking deep shotgun shell.:laughing7:
This must be the end of my personal mega roll over the last 4 hunts, my highlights have been;
3 Roman Silver, Hammered, Celtic Gold, Celtic...

🥇 BANNER First GW Inaugural Button and It's a Beauty!

First GW Inaugural Button and It's a Beauty!
I had two goals for this detecting year and this is one of them! I hiked to a new site on Sunday and literally the third hole I dug was this:


It was only four inches down in some nice clay soil which I think is why it's so well preserved. I hadn't even decided if the site had been hunted before, so to say I wasn't expecting this to turn up would be an understatement. And to top it off the shovel didn't come close to hitting it so no rueful scratches or dings to make me feel bad every time I look at it! :laughing7: After some extremely...


Got out over the weekend with Lookindown and I'm still in shock. It was just a beautiful day and the crowd was massive. The beachgoers were everywhere. The water was full of people and the beach was even more crowded. We got there early and only about 1 hour into our hunt I got a beautiful middle tone on the CZ21 and after about 3 scoops this beauty made it into my scoop. I actually got it on video but it is way too revealing and too much bad language to put it up but I probably will at some point. To say I was in shock would be an understatement. I have never found a Diamond Solitaire and...

🥇 BANNER Holy cow I can't believe I found 1798 US SILVER

Holy cow I can't believe I found 1798 US SILVER
I've had some health issues lately and been unable to get out. Well I've been able to get out the last 3 days. Found old copper and buttons each day. Today I went to the same site I've been beating up. Got in the iron and went low and slow. I was rewarded with this beauty. These are just today's finds. Still running pretty high on adrenaline. Good luck to all. Art

🥇 BANNER Equinox finds Spanish treasure! - Re upload

Equinox finds Spanish treasure! - Re upload
My Dad and I failed to adhere to TreasureNet's rules and posted our find on his account. The following is a reupload of my Dad's post. Apologies and thanks to anyone who has already taken the time to leave a comment, like, or banner nomination.

Last week, my son and I went on another “Treasure Coast” trip, this time armed with our new Equinox 800’s.

Our last trip to St. Augustine had me finding the only “old coin”, an 8 Reale, that I was sure was authentic, but my 21 yo son had the opposite opinion. For the last 6...

🥇 BANNER Gold posey ring found this weekend!!

Gold posey ring found this weekend!!
Just got home from a few days of digging. I managed to go across something I never even thought of digging on the final day, which is a colonial posey ring. It was found on a site in Eastern Virginia that is rich in history. I contacted the British museum so hopefully I can get it dated and more information. My brother, Leonard Short, managed to repair any damages on the ring and it looks superb now! So if you want any repairs of stuff, let me know and I'll give you his email. Information on the ring he gave me is it's: 22-24 KT gold, 2.04 grams in weight, 3.3 mm wide and 7.25 ring size...

🥇 BANNER My Holy Grail....A Confederate Belt Plate!!

My Holy Grail....A Confederate Belt Plate!!
A very sub-par detecting day turned spectacular in a matter of seconds on Saturday afternoon when I dug a screaming "82" on my F-75. My hunt was into the eighth hour and I had only scored a couple of small pieces of lead. My hunting buddy hadn't done much better so we decided to move to another part of the property. While exiting the field I continued detecting and after just a few steps the detector stopped me in my tracks with the "82". I dug a large plug and lifted out the target. I was confused at the small clump of dirt with 3 little prongs sticking out. I liked the shape and a little...

🥇 BANNER Revolutionary War USA Relic? No Idea, but I Know It's Old!

Revolutionary War USA Relic? No Idea, but I Know It's Old!
Deep in the woods today near the spot where I found a Rev War era stirrup. Got a low 70's signal 6 inches down and thought I had dug a flat button. Wiped it off and noticed that one side had grooves on it instead of a shank. Then I turned it over and saw a USA logo on it! Looks similar to the Rev War button logo, but not quite the same. It's 1" in diameter and appears to be brass.

Did some research online, but I drew a blank. No idea what this is or how old. Hoping it's Rev War, but it could be later than that. What the heck did I find?


🥇 BANNER AMAZING .... Intact 1680s bottle pulled from early trash pit!!

AMAZING .... Intact 1680s bottle pulled from early trash pit!!
On Saturday my buddies Stan and KMac invited me to make a return trip to our favorite early colonial pit without our friend Dan who unfortunately had scheduling issues. We picked up where we were digging last time which was an area absolutely loaded with debris down to almost the 4 foot level. Huge oyster shells were packed in tight along with plenty of brick, bone and early glass making for very difficult digging. We were all dying to get our hands on a few more wine bottle seals, but they were quite elusive in spite of the heavy concentration of black...