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🥇 BANNER Civil War Revolver!!!

Civil War Revolver!!!
I was metal detecting at a early 1800’s-1920’s homestead which throughout the years has had Civil War soldiers sent to capture Confederate sympathizers camp outside, the Mormon battalion camped there, and a lot more occurred. You might remember my post about how I found a Civil War revolver cylinder if not it has a lot of history of the site so here is the old post: I found this awesome Cylinder to a revolver near a Civil War skirmish site and a Civil War trail in San Diego California. Here is a little back story: In San Diego there were many Confederate sympathizers and in 1861 16...

🥇 BANNER I just found a $1 gold coin!

I just found a $1 gold coin!
Well today was the day. I went back for an after work hunt to my newest field permission. I went back to the area where we had found some flat buttons on Saturday. Did not find a single flat button there today but Im still in disbelief of what I did find. Was finding some old junk when I got a bouncy low tone. I saw the reeded edge in the clod and at first thought gold plated clock gear or kids gold ring. Soon realized what I had and could not believe it. It was hard to focus after that but I did later find a KG III but who cares. I found a 1852 gold dollar!!!

🥇 BANNER Incredibly epic Civil War Trash pit dig. 7 plates in 1 hole, leather pieces, hooks et

Incredibly epic Civil War Trash pit dig. 7 plates in 1 hole, leather pieces, hooks et
Had the most incredible day digging in the Fredericksburg area the other day. After not finding much things changed very quickly. Here are most of the finds from 1 trash pit minus some of the leather. Basically I was hunting a CW camp and had a pretty choppy signal after opening the hole signal got a little better. Down about 12 inches I saw the breast plate lying vertically and was pumped to have found that but then I noticed another shape under the breast plate and that was the US boxplate right under it. I then opened the hole and noticed leather fragments everywhere, the pin pointer...


As everyone knows, the last few weeks have not been too conducive to relic hunting because of all the snowy, cold, and wet weather we have been having. Southeastern Virginia, however, was fortunate to have a break for a few days last week and weekend (at least on Saturday) and I jumped at the opportunity to get some time in swinging my XP Deus. For years I had been wanting to get permission on a piece of property that I knew might have witnessed some shelling during the Peninsula campaign but the landowner was not fond of relic hunters. Permission had...

🥇 BANNER I dug a Confederate buckle today!

I dug a Confederate buckle today!
A buddy and I decided to hit a place we have hammered over the last year. We have found a lot of nice items in the place, including three Eagle Breastplates, two Union Cartridge box plates, and one US belt buckle, Several of these have been found in the last month. We have also found minies, a few buttons including one Confederate block I, some silver and copper CW period coins, broken spoons, etc. The place was evidently used as a picket post, we think after the Battle of Gettysburg. The place is not on any known maps I have seen, so there would have not been any reason to LOOK for...

🥇 BANNER Bronze, silver, gold and iron in one day!

Bronze, silver, gold and iron in one day!
Hi guys.
Because of the great results with Deus on both old sites that I have been searching with Garret, yesterday I decided to research one of my first sites. I have searched twice with at pro there, 5x8 coil bringing home one silver Drachm and one silver Denarius.

Getting there

I spent two hours finding almost nothing then deus was screaming in my ears. I thought about a can and ignored it. I took two steps forward but I turned back.
This beautiful Follis came out. This was the one that showed me which way to go...

🥇 BANNER Roman Votive Figurine and rare Silver

Roman Votive Figurine and rare Silver
3 hours on day3 on the new Farm with 2 great finds. Must have missed the third... :laughing7:
We covered the dug holes as usual, but our footprints in the mud looked like there was a horde of wild boars in the field.
After all that rain and melting snow there was water just below the surface.

We worked towards what looks like the main site on this field finding more musket balls than roman stuff.

A German 20mm shell (very dangerous) we left for Bomb Disposal...

🥇 BANNER Bucket lister-British trade musket serpent sideplate

Bucket lister-British trade musket serpent sideplate
Closed out my 2017 hunts last week and man did I feel luckier than a lucky penny
when I pulled this intact British trade musket serpent sideplate out of the ground.
I've seen other examples posted online,but they were mostly broken off pieces.
Intact side plates are very rare cause first off these british muskets were notorious
for exploding barrels and so the sideplate would be destroyed in the process.
Also some Native tribes would "ritualistically" kill the serpent by breaking it into pieces
and burying it.
Beginning in 1690 English gun makers used decorative sideplates in place of...


Tom(CA) and I have been working a site that we found from hard work and research and it's produced several 1850's - 1860's seated coins, and some rogue early 1900's coins, as well as a variety of period relics.

We tried to get one more trip in before Old Man Winter completely shut us down, and it did in fact shut us down, but not before I finally, got something I've been looking for for a long time, and after watching others find them over the years, I was starting to think it would never happen.

Well it finally happened, and it turned out to be a good one, an 1865 San Francisco...