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🥇 BANNER It's a CIVIL WAR DOG TAG! Louisiana Pelican Button Stunner, Eagle, Bullets, Silver

It's a CIVIL WAR DOG TAG! Louisiana Pelican Button Stunner, Eagle, Bullets, Silver
Hello All,

I just don't know how to even process the hunt we had yesterday. I've found something that was a bucket list, Dream Find for me for 25 years-something that I thought I'd never, ever dig. As I'm still cleaning bullets and brass pieces that I dug, I felt that I just had to get this posted to share with all of you. Here's the video:

We got up early and went to a new field that we've been wanting to try out. The rains have been horrible here in Louisiana this fall, with many crop fields complete failures and the soybeans rotting in them...

🥇 BANNER IT HAPPENED! 2018 Out with a Bang CS Tongue&Wreath

IT HAPPENED! 2018 Out with a Bang CS Tongue&Wreath
It has been months since my last post. This year I was extremely busy and I decided not to mess with the bees, ticks, snakes and tigers haha during the hot months. Waited till harvest then got to work. I will soon do a wrap up of some of the relics and coins found this year but I figured this deserved a thread of its own. Just as last year, im still hunting the same 2 farm permissions. One colonial and the other visited a couple days ago civil war. Every time the farmer plows with his deep 18'' its like a semi- new site...

🥇 BANNER Rev War Rattlesnake Button!!!!

Rev War Rattlesnake Button!!!!
Where to begin? I wasn't going to get out today. Thank God I did! My buddy and I got into a new permission and in the back of their property they cleared a big section of brush and trees. So we started out back. We found some decent stuff nothing crazy. Then I found a large cent, my buddy found a King George 1st copper. About 2 minutes after he dug the KG1 I dug a button. At first I though it was British. It looks like a crown in the middle. Then I saw rattlesnakes and counted 13 dots on top.

I didn't want to get too excited but when I got home and busted out Don Trioni's book Insignia...

🥇 BANNER Santa came early this year

Santa came early this year
Got out this last Saturday for a lil half day detect while the weather was nice and the wife was busy shopping.:laughing7:
Had planned to meet up and go to a certain spot with somebody but they fell through. So off to a closer spot and off to a new area I went.
I liked the angle of slope the exposed bedrock and the spot just screamed out at me since last time I walked over it and my group was well ahead so I had to pass it up and catch up with friends.
So I set my pack down and start setting up and tuning the GPZ and by the 3rd re tune it was ok at best, the ground was hot!! Start off...

🥇 BANNER Epic Holey Seated Coin Cache Dug

Epic Holey Seated Coin Cache Dug
I haven't been getting to hunt as much as I'd like to this year as my wife and I had a baby girl in May. She's a doll, but those of you with kids know the drill :tongue3:

Anyhow, my wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday this month and I told her I wanted to go detecting for a few days at one of our old haunts, and to my amazement she said OK :headbang:

I was planning to go with TomCA, but he wasn't able to make it and I ended up going solo. This is a remote Spanish outpost site that we researched years ago. Tom's less crazy about it then I am, but I like the history around it...

🥇 BANNER Chasing the dozer's and popping cherries, First US Gold Coin 1853-0 + a little Seated

Chasing the dozer's and popping cherries, First US Gold Coin 1853-0 + a little Seated
Well tonight I finally dug my first gold coin, and it only took 7+ years.
I have been hunting a street tear-out the last 2 weekends, and recently they have started bringing in the limestone.
I couldn't wait until the weekend to get back over there, because I was afraid the backfill would be completed due to heavy rains predicted for this Saturday.
I normally don't night hunt, but I just had to make sure I could hit this spot at least one more time.
So I get over there this afternoon, and sure enough they are moving dirt. The whole stretch is almost completely covered up with crushed...

🥇 BANNER The Find Of A Lifetime! No Stamp Act Button 1766!!

The Find Of A Lifetime! No Stamp Act Button 1766!!
I went to another cellar hole today, along a ATV/Snowmobile trail. I was happy with the buttons and buckle parts I was finding, then I found this!!


I didn't know what it was at first, but saw the bust and writing and knew it was good though. I was fantasizing about it being a George Washington button, but figured that it couldn't be one. When I got it home I looked at it under a light and read, "No Stamp Act 1766". I nearly had a heart attack reading that, I was probably holding the most historic thing I had ever held. I didn't even clean it, I...

🥇 BANNER Once in a lifetime find. Double Eagle

Once in a lifetime find. Double Eagle
I started hunting a spot that had been a logging camp in the early 1900's. I had been finding axe heads, square nails and many other period items. As it turned out I eventually found several coins over a long period of hunting this place. The first coin I found there was a Barber dime. To date I have found this Double Eagle, a Half Eagle. 3 Morgan dollars, 2 Barber half dollars, 1 Barber quarter, 3 Barber dimes, 1 Buffalo nickel and a 1915 spoon from the Pan Pacific Exposition in San Francisco.

🥇 BANNER 1767 FRENCH GRENADIER SWORD!!! Pepperbox Pistol and our 100th Seated Silver!

1767 FRENCH GRENADIER SWORD!!! Pepperbox Pistol and our 100th Seated Silver!
Hello All,

I'm absolutely shocked. Evidently I've just dug a 250 year old, 1700's military sword of the type carried by the U.S. Continental infantry troops during the Rev War. There aren't too many things I could dig and be completely shocked. Well this is it. Here's the video:

Went out with Shangalang and my wife, Diggergirl. We hit the cane fields after speaking to the owner of the property and seeing how they were doing and how their Thanksgiving was going. Pretty soon Shang hit a shield nickel, then I got a V. Then Diggergirl came smiling...