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🥇 BANNER Discoil kind of day.

Discoil kind of day.
I went back out to the historic Native American site today that I've been metal detecting after finding the tomahawk or trade axe yesterday. (I posted the axe on "Today's Finds yesterday) Today, was shotgun shell and beer can day and I wasn't really finding too much of what I was looking for. Close to the end of the hunt, I was walking along in the field and spotted what I thought at first was a 4" PVC pipe cap laying about 75 feet away. Thinking that it was odd for a pipe cap to be out in the middle of no where, I walked closer and found this discoal laying out in the sun in plain view...

🥇 BANNER French Colonial-1752 silver, cut silver, knee&shoe buckles & silver Auspice Maria

French Colonial-1752 silver, cut silver, knee&shoe buckles & silver Auspice Maria
French Colonial-1752 silver, cut silver, knee&shoe buckles & silver Auspice Maria

It’s been a while. Winter had me busy doing other activities but I finally got out and went on a road trip. I happened to have some great research and dropped in on a site that I don’t believe was ever touched before. There was nothing. No cleared ground, foundation, or anything...just woods. With no stone nor brick, I believe the house was of Earthfast construction, common to that area back in the 1600’s and 1700’s. I gridded and found the site iron within a 1/2 hr. I started with a few flat...

🥇 BANNER Fellas .. I think I just paid for my Pirate Black Devil 2 PRO for times over today!!!

Fellas .. I think I just paid for my Pirate Black Devil 2 PRO for times over today!!!
Today was the first nice day we have had in a while, so I headed back to the property I recently got permission to hunt. Last time, I hunted the woods, but today I ventured closer to the house.

Aside from the normal trash and bits & pieces, here are my finds for the day!

1970 Quarter............. 1969 Penny........ 1983 Nickel......... AND THE KILLER FIND OF THE DAY: a 1980 1 OUNCE of FINE GOLD Krugerrand from South Africa
1971 Quarter .............1975 penny........ VA 280 Seal ...

🥇 BANNER 1851 Quarter Eagle GOLD

1851 Quarter Eagle GOLD
Long Island, NY

Only had a brief amount of time to get out this morning but sure glad I did. Went back to what has been a very productive wooded area where a house once stood. Have pulled numerous buttons, copper and silver coins dating from late 1700's thru mid 1800's. Today I stepped it up to gold. Minelab Equinox 600 gave me a solid 16 reading from several directions but also a bit of iron tone nearby the target. Dug it anyway as it was very repeatable. Low and behold I see the glimmer of gold coming from the rim of a coin. I gently pulled the coin out and sprayed with some...

🥇 BANNER Beyond Epic Colonial Hammered Coin Cache!

Or, perhaps call it a spill. How many coins does it take to make a cache anyway? A friend of mine has a nice colonial site which has been totally hammered for years and years and years. At the end of the year I got a HUGE iron signal on the XP Deus, and decided to go for it and dig it. Well, it was a nearly intact colonial hoe. Now that's something you don't see every day. It was about 15" deep. I noticed some shells and charcoal in the hole, so covered it over and determined to come back and dig some more. I did that a couple weeks ago (I really lose track of time these days). In...

🥇 BANNER January 2019 second gold coin from 13xx

January 2019 second gold coin from 13xx
What awesome day second gold coin for me , found deep 4inc , this coin close to 13c - 14 c
Accient kingdom in my village 20190120_133634_HDR.jpg


🥇 BANNER Another very quick hunt that produces a Byzantine red Rubin ring.

Another very quick hunt that produces a Byzantine red Rubin ring.
Hi guys
I was just passing by the area where I've found a lot of Byzantine stuff. I noticed someone was building a new road there. So I decided to stop and talk with the owner. It was very muddy on the surroundings so I could check only the soil on both sides of the road. The soil on both sides of the new road was very rich with pottery pieces.
A lot of small and big nails came out.
While the surface of the new road was 50 cm deep and untouched soil I was not expecting to find anything so I was looking only the sides of it. But the unexpected happened. Right on that clean surface I dug...

🥇 BANNER Dug a CC Morgan!

Dug a CC Morgan!
Hello all,

Today I was with a friend from the metal detecting club in western Washington. We hunted a old torn down neighborhood site that has been overgrown, but I have scored goodies at before. My 12 Canadian silver half dime spill was nearby, as well as v nickels and a sharp barber dime.

Anyways, my pouch was full of beer cans cans and a few bits of sparse modern coinage when I was over my prime target. It didn’t sound awesome, like you hope it would, more like a large pop can target bouncing really high, 34 ish on the equinox. I dug down, pin pointer said it was close. Hand in...

🥇 BANNER 1816-1825 Pattern NEW YORK MILITIA EAGLE BELT PLATE but not in the book? HELP!

1816-1825 Pattern NEW YORK MILITIA EAGLE BELT PLATE but not in the book? HELP!
What a way to end the day! 11 degrees when I got to the 2 cellars on private property I received permission to hunt. went there in the fall and the 1st site was and still is overgrown with vines and briars. 2nd site gave up some buttons and a knee buckle last time. decided to go back to both sites today. the clear site gave up a cool cast brass little buckle a few buttons,broken shoe buckle pieces and a cast brass face thing?
headed back to the overgrown site on way back to car with a 1/2 hour left of daylight...

🥇 BANNER Cut 1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree "spiny tree" schilling

Cut 1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree "spiny tree" schilling
I was digging in a colonial field in Central VA and had a pretty scratchy tone however there is little trash so I dig most signals. After it came out of the hole I was sure I had another cut Silver reale as I have dug a few others at this site. After looking at it I noticed the lettering and rope border was different than other old silver I have dug so I inquired about it and got the amazing news its a 1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Schilling. What a piece of US history. Very fortunate and thrilled to have save this piece from a tractor as it was not very deep.