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🥇 BANNER Incredible once in a lifetime find form England

Incredible once in a lifetime find form England
Just got back from a trip to England to go detecting. We hunted alot of fields and did alot of walking in those 5 days or so. Lots of wind and rain, but my luck held out. I was walking the edge of a field and looked down while detecting. Not sure if I hit this with my detector and then looked down, or just looked down. Sticking out of the dirt was this weird shiney object. Thought it was a piece of trash till I picked it up. I looked at it and it looked like a gold swizzle stick for a cocktail. BUT, I knew it was gold, so I called over to the rest of the group. "I found BIG gold", to which...

🥇 BANNER Great day and super nice coin found

Great day and super nice coin found
This past Friday a friend of mine and I got together to drive to a seeded/Civil War hunt. We decided to take back roads along the way to possibly find a house or two to detect. On one house I was able to get permission on, the homeowner was super nice and walked me around the property and even told me about the history. He also told me it had been detected before and that I probably wouldn’t find much.

We started in the front of the house. I immediately dug a no date Buffalo nickel. Next target was a wheat cent which was only 2-3 inches deep. No big deal, but although with it being green...

🥇 BANNER Gold Coin at the Beach

Gold Coin at the Beach
And I thought beaches were only good for sinkers and clad.

Who would have thought?

Anyway I went to beaches in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia in the last week. I visited six different spots. Most were pretty clean, unfortunately. I got no jewelry whatsoever. Once upon a time ago I had taken my small boat along the bay and the Potomac (not telling where this was found, sorry!), and had spotted some conceivable house collapses from the boat and from beaching it and finding some early glass and stuff along the banks. Well, over the last few days I went to three beaches. The first one...

🥇 BANNER No silver but I cant complain about this indian head penny!

No silver but I cant complain about this indian head penny!
Stopped at a small town park I have never hunted before over lunch today. First deep coin signal was hitting in the wheat penny range. I dug it out and was surprised to see a nice green indian staring back at me. I couldn't see the date so I hit it with my water spray bottle and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the date. 1877!!. This is my second 1877 indian head now. I dug one last year and unfortunately I scratched it good with my digger. Not this time! This one survived unscathed and it is in pretty good condition too. Only had about 30 minutes to hunt but I found this and a 1918...

🥇 BANNER I found the first hurricane Dorian treasure coin, 1733 fleet !!

I found the first hurricane Dorian treasure coin, 1733 fleet !!
And the storm hasn't even hit yet. Got an early start on this hurricane prep and was just standing by. As the storm is approaching it has made the winds switch off shore for the last 3 days here in the keys. That offshore breeze and the king tides have swept all the seaweed out to sea and left the beaches and shoreline clean. Got to my spot at full king high beach had to jump off the sea wall and snorkel in 2 1/2 feet of water. Got a strong 33 on the nox....but it was coming from the bottom of an old lobster trap so I started to move on......I didnt get 4 feet away before that...

🥇 BANNER 1792 Spanish Silver in excellent condition!

1792 Spanish Silver in excellent condition!
I noticed the road was being dug up outside my great grandmother’s house so my Dad and I figured we give it a shot. In the past, we found countless 18th century coins and relics but this is our first Spanish silver from here. It looks to be a 1792 Carlos IV 2 Reales from Bolivia. It was probably brought up from the excavator because it was only a couple of inches down in a pile of loose dirt. Love the detail on this one! Only our second Spanish silver in 10 years of detecting!

🥇 BANNER A little piece of local history

A little piece of local history
This is a dog tag stamped Clyde F Goode, Cpl, Co(?) 24th infantry, USA. The reverse is stamped with his serial number. The 24th infantry regiment was a Buffalo Soldier unit comprised of African American enlisted and white officers. They were assigned to General 'Blackjack' Pershing to secure the border from Pancho Villa's forces. All of this about about 6 miles and 103 years from where I'm sitting. Holding a piece of history.
The 24th served with distinction. Hand salute, Corporal Goode.

🥇 BANNER 14K diamond engagement ring from the river!

14K diamond engagement ring from the river!
I got up early this morning and drove to a local river that is extremely popular with tubers. I got on my wet suit, gloves, water boots, and mask and snorkel. The water was cold and the current was insane...kept ripping my mask off my face, but I kept at it, moving upstream by grabbing rocks and fighting the current. I fanned the sediment out of some potholes along the way to my destination, a waterfall about 100 yards upstream from where I started. I found a few things in the potholes, like a glass smoking pipe, a few bottle caps, a couple pairs of sunglasses, and 1 penny. Then as I put...

🥇 BANNER Solid Gold Watch With Family Connection!

Solid Gold Watch With Family Connection!
I was detecting in a small park in Bangor, Maine the other day and got a very deep quarter signal. So imagine my surprise when this pops out!IMG_20190726_101020679_HDR.jpgIMG_20190726_101146715_HDR~2.jpg

A ladies' gold watch with the initials "RWT". After getting it home, cleaning it up and managing to pry the back off of it, the owner's name was revealed: "Ruth W. Thomas" IMG_20190727_141116095_HDR.jpg Then under the back cap, the serial number indicates that this watch was made in 1896. Using this data and a genealogy site, I found her! She was born...