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Yup, just sitting pretty wedged between some rocks in an old foundation:

Box Plate.jpg

Didn't even need the shovel, I just pulled two of the huge slate slabs apart and it fell out of the crack. Based on the signal I was expecting some iron sheet, and when I first picked it up I thought it was instead brass flashing, but then the light hit the engravings and I saw the 1775! :hello2:


I don't have all the details on this yet as information seems to be tough to come by on these pieces and odds are this was custom...

🥇 BANNER 1732 8 reale pillar dollar from the 1733 fleet !!

1732 8 reale pillar dollar from the 1733 fleet !!
This piece was stuck to some rusted iron conglomerate but rang in at 31 on the nox. I was blown away when I saw the date of 1732 !! The absolute holy grail of milled 8 reales....the very first ones 1732 !! Very very very hard to come by.20200614_111354.jpg I've been trying to find one of these for a long time and searching for them is one of my favorite past times.....if you look at my avatar you'll see a mint condition 1733 pillar dollar....another very rare and desirable year for these coins !! These coins were salvaged...

🥇 BANNER War of 1812 Belt Plate...Marked!!

War of 1812 Belt Plate...Marked!!
Today was a bit of a shocker. I was exploring a modern woods dump hoping for an older bottle or two but it was a total bust. Everything in the dump was less than 50 years old. Right beside the dump was a small clearing right on the side of the road that was open so I decided to do a quick swing before moving on. First couple targets were trash, car parts, a can, crusty iron and I was about to call it when I got a decent signal. Wasn't expecting anything more than trash so I was shocked when I popped the plug and saw what was there. From the shape I knew it had to be a belt plate...

🥇 BANNER Giant pocket spill or small decide!

Giant pocket spill or small decide!
Good morning fellow diggers,

I was poking around in the woods yesterday, trying to get some quality detecting time in before the rain. I was way off trail when I came upon a very solid, very loud signal that sounded too good to pass up. After a little probing, I discovered that the signal was directly under a very large, flat rock. With a little effort I was able to flip the rock over, and pin-point the target. Long story, short the target turned out to be the world's biggest pocket spill, or a cache of coins hidden by someone back around 1920...

🥇 BANNER Finally one of my white whales. 1652 3 pence

Finally one of my white whales. 1652 3 pence
Went out to my favorite field tonight. Have dug a lot of silver coins and Sterling pieces there. Also have found quite a few Arrowheads there also. Wasn't getting many high tones so I decided to start digging Indian penny signals. After about a half hour I got a signal that bounced from 15-17 on the nox but for the most part it was mostly reading 16 with a solid sound. After digging a plug a saw a small disc. Assuming it was a play token. After looking at it I thought it looks like silver. Then after looking at it more I could see the word NEW. With a 165 and the hole. Then I realized...


Man oh man, what a day. Had my former supervisor over for some digging. Got a civil war button and token at site 1. Site 2 gave up a whole lotta stuff. Wheat cents, fatty indian, spoons, utensil handles, buttons, and low and behold, a 1880 near uncirculated $5 gold piece!!!
He told me to calm down and not have a heart attack on him.

🥇 BANNER 17th Century Ball Pouch Contents - Colonial Warfare Frozen in Time

17th Century Ball Pouch Contents - Colonial Warfare Frozen in Time
The first find from a few weeks ago came soon enough – a fired musket ball recovered only a five minutes into my search. It was immediately followed by a much-deteriorated lug handle from a copper cauldron dating back to the 17th century. These were promising finds, but further signals proved elusive as I wandered around about the woods for the next two hours or so. I desperately hoped for further indication of an early site that had also seen action during King Philip’s War, a devastating conflict that raged throughout New England from 1675 to 1676. It was a war of annihilation...


I drove to NOLA and the parks were filled with people nobody’s worring about the virus apparently, so I drive along the bayou and came across a grassy field that I’ve driven pass a thousand times but it was just cut so I stopped. I was surprised to see a lot of iron square nails, white shells and brick in the clay. It was hard digging but what the hell. My first find was a brass thing I thought interesting then 1897 V nickel very interesting I was freaking out. Then I found a 1926 buffalo. So I came across more iron square nails which were falsing in the low 20’s. Then I hit a spot where...