Hi Seahunter,

I see that you must of mastered taking underwater pictures, as the photos of the coins look great ;D. If you recall one of my posts, I had mentioned that I wanted to take some time off of work and come down to meet you and your dive team. If the invite is still open, we will be in the area, just south of you, the first full week in June (3-10). If possible we would then like to make the necessary arrangements to meet with you and hopefully plan for a couple of dives. If the invite is still open, I would then send you a PM with the details as to where we will be staying and our contact information.

take care,



Hey guys, I just wanted to update this thread with the link to the videos from the Riobravo. Tom and I posted them to YouTube.com so they will be available to everyone. Check it out. I added a little something to it. Here are the links.


Hello Everyone
I apologize for not answering some of your recent questions. I have been busy diving and working. We have found over a hundred coins now and we seem to be getting closer to the trail. Most of the cannons have been removed and we are diving in the general area of the last known cannon trying to relocate it. I will definitely post pictures when we find it.
Don, of course the invite is still open to you and everyone else, circumstances permitting. I only have room for about two extra people on any given day right now.
Goldfever, no one has ever kept a coin, but I have promised those who have found them that if I am able to retain them after all the divisions that the first coin they found would be my gift to them.

Hi Scott,

Just sent you a PM - with my info.



It's getting to be that time of year again...sounds like you guys are on the right track. Maybe we should think about contacting Joe and the Rio Bravo crew again and start planning another long weekend of hard work and big holes! :D I talked to Joe about 2 weeks ago, and everytime I do, he makes a point to mention that he's still REALLY interested in a "reunion" sometime when all the schedules can work out.

Keep on that trail! We are planning another trip sometime in June, so we'll see you again very soon. Thanks for all the opportunity!


Hello Guys&Gals
I'm new to the site and just read the old thread, Love the array of valuable info and I'm interested, Whats the Prerequisites....
I sent TreasureHunter a IM, but dont know if he got it, or if I'm toooooo late
I need something to do for a month or longer

I come by this post every other day or so, just to whet my appetite and to look at the beach cam to see if you are out hunting, and noticed a couple of days ago that the camera seems to have moved. It now appears to be pointing more to the north and has a great view of the parking lot... :(

I know that treasure hunting is your game, and not camera adjustments, but thought I would pass it along to the others. I am getting the last of my gear ready, and can be down after the first of June, or thereabouts.

Looking forward to meeting you soon.

re. the Jupiter Inlet webcam....it may have moved due to the strong easterly and NE winds from last week. It may have also been moved on purpose so that the local govt. can monitor the beach erosion. Or...Seahunter moved it so we can't see him working hiis new 'honey hole.'

Scotty Lee and I went out yesterday afternoon and found four nice pieces of eight and then Dudeman joined us this morning for a couple hours before the weather ran us off. But we managed to find two more nice eights and made a couple new friends - dudeman and his wife (Bill and Carol) . What more can a treasure hunter ask for.


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I'm hoping you would be so kind as to allow me to join you....i sent a mail just following up on here.....please email me at ssjsbpb@hotmail.com with any q's......this is a major dream of mine and im hoping you will allow it to come true

Scotty Lee and I went out yesterday afternoon and found four nice pieces of eight and then Dudeman joined us this morning for a couple hours before the weather ran us off. But we managed to find two more nice eights and made a couple new friends - dudeman and his wife (Bill and Carol) . What more can a treasure hunter ask for.

Just wanted to thank you for letting us hang with you and Scotty. It's all Carol and I have been talking about since this weekend! We can't wait to come back down again- you guys are great! This is what dreams are made of- Thank you so much. We'll bring the Vienna Sausages next time (ha). Take care-

Hello Dudeman
You are welcome. We enjoyed diving with you and hanging with you and your wife. Looking forward to the next time.

You are welcome to join us also.


ScottyLee and his son Brady were joined by DandyDon and Bigkid4 today and they found 28 coins. In one hole they found 24. Our best day to date, but I have a feeling there are even better days coming. Looking forward to meeting more of you. Last year we found 113 coins and this year we have found over 30 in the last couple weeks. Bigkid may have some pictures to post soon. I didn't have my camera.


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That is UNREAL! Congratulations! You guys must be close!

Any Star of Limas?

Hi Robert
I think there may be one or two Lima Star 8 reales. A little early to tell, but found a couple more Mexicans like the one you found in October, which was the only one we found last year. By the way , I turned in the coins for division last week and may have them back in a couple weeks and am pretty sure I will be able to retain the coins you guys found. If so I will have them made into necklaces and give them to you next time I see you.

Woohoo! 24 coins! Awesome, Scott! Was it random or did Bigkid have input on it? I know he used to do well at Jupiter years ago and knows the area well.

Pictures, second try. ;D


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Man! Wish I could come. I'm a scaredy kat of deep water (unless I'm fishing) but I'm pretty sure I could get over it for the opportunity to do that ;D

Way to go guys......
Pic gt67f= may have 1 star Lima...
bottom row first single cob from right......hoping for you.
Please be careful cleaning...lol, just kidding.

You guys are doing a fantastic job bringing those babies back for all to enjoy.

Thanks again for posting.


That is Awesome! Congrats and im sure there is so much more for the finding plus other little goodies.

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