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NICE!!!! Did you find them in the same spot or did you move further out?


Hi Chagy
Just a little further east. Just brought up another nice one. Scotty and Joel are still down. Will be running out of light soon so I am going back down. See you soon.

Nice work Scott....we are settled in here in Sebastian, and hope the weather holds down there so we can come dive too. Wednesday - Friday we should be available, so stay in touch and we'll go easter egg hunting with you. :D



Is that the battery we kept blowing around?

I will be down on Wed. to meet up with Chagy and Jason. Looking forward to the weekend!



Thanks for the hospitality last month. Too bad the diving wasn't possible. Did you purchase the boat we looked at?

My son made the team, AAA Durham Bulls (the pitching machine works).

Nice coins. Have you tried using an ultrasonic cleaner? It worked pretty getting the roiugh stuff off of some ole roman coins I bought.


Hi Bob
Good to hear from you. Glad your son made the team and you made it home safe. Enjoyed spending time with you, sorry we did not get to dive. I think the last time we dove before this weekend was March 3rd. We got skunked today but found ten or twelve over the week end.


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Hi Seahunter...

(I don't think I've earned the right to call you Scott yet)

But anyway, I am planning on coming down to Florida for the two day "Treasure Hunters Extravaganza" in Coco Beach hosted by the one and only "Peg Leg" on August 18th and 19th. I am planning on coming down four or five days earlier to grovel... I mean to request permission to come aboard. :-[

I am well versed in the use of dredges, surface supplied gear, low/zero visibility... but I don't know what it's like to dive in anything warmer than 60 degree water temperature. I did see the photos of the diver with the spandex trunks, so is that all the special equipment needed?

I can bring down a couple dozen lobsters to throw into the mix for a dinner.

Seriously, how can I contact you for details as to where to go, how to reach you where do you suggest staying? Pretty much all the logistical stuff?

Thanks for the offer and I would certainly like to take you up on it.
Most appreciatively,



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Hi Wayne
Definitely call me Scott or anything you want, just call. People don't seem to realize how much we appreciate the help and enjoy the camaraderie. This is not easy to do alone and since you can't learn this except by doing it, it is amazing what can be learned by keeping an open mind. I almost always defer to anyone else's ideas on the boat, as long as there is not a safety issue. I am always truly amazed at what I learn by not thinking I know it all, even though I think I do, just like every one. And I am willing to bet that taking that attitude with you will enable me to learn plenty from you. You actually do this in freezing cold water with zero vis. You are my hero. I want to know everything you know and I doubt that four or five days is enough time. I sincerely look forward to diving with you.

Hey Scott, was that a battery in the 2nd pict? and what was the final count on coins yesterday,,,,,,,congrats

Big attaboys on those nice "eggs". Many more to ya!

Hi capt_t
Yeah, Robert guessed it, or remembered it. An old twelve volt. I need to haul it up, but it is kind of a landmark and looks heavy. Saving my strength for the gold. lol. The power of positive thinking can yield amazing results. Especially when laced liberally with good old fashioned hard work.

Hi Scott...

Thanks for the compliments, but I gave up being a hero 8 years ago when I left the police department... now, I work hard, but I enjoy my time underwater. Even on my days off I dive, so now, with my new bionic titanium shoulder, I'll be able to either swim in circles or fan a lot of sand... ;D

Anyway, I'll pm you for the logistical information. I have a time share and I might be able to finagle a week down in the Palm Beach area. I can bring wireless comms or surface supplied with two wire/posts. I use Exo-26Br's for work and they are really comfortable. Wouldn't leave home without them. What would I need to bring and how much.

Hey, are you going to the Treasure Hunter's gathering on Aug 18th & 19th? That is when I would plan the week before or after. Let me know.

Thanks and safe diving to you and your crew,


Hi Wayne
Thank you for that little safe diving wish, that really is the most important thing. I have a picture in my mind of you with your titanium shoulder going around in circles fanning coins off the bottom. lol. Seriously though, you don,t need to bring anything, but if you have something you want to show us, we would love to see it. Diver communications is definitely of interest. Ready to do that now.
Definitely going to Pegleg's treasure show, it is about an hour away.

Hi Dell
Thanks for the insight. I will definitely be on the lookout for those chests. Point me in the right direction and we will go hunt them down.

Hello Scott,

I just wanted to thank you for having me aboard the SeaHunter on Friday and for your hospitality we had a great time as always...
Please say hello and thanks to ScottyLee for me...OK,

See you again soon,

The Chagyman......

Afternoon Scott...

I'm trying to plan on some time to come down to Fla. I will be there for the Treasure Expo, but when would it be best to hook-up with you and how long do you think you can tolerate me? What do I need to bring... are there any places to stay? Where do you suggest? Maybe some of the "regulars" could give me some info on where to go and what to do. :-\

Would it be better to get together before the Expo or do you want to meet at the Expo, have a beer or two (or three) get to know me, give me the once over and then decide if I can participate or if you think I'll end up getting thrown overboard or keelhauled?? ;D

Any good dive shops around where you hang out? I'll need to rent a suit, I guess. Do you have surface supplied.. compressor... bank system... bailout bottles or are you just going scuba. Just asking so that I know what to bring for personal gear. When you have time, I'll PM you and give you my phone number so we can coordinate.

I'll be down in Fla for probably 10 days or so, maybe a bit longer. My daughter will be delivering her first child, some time in August, so I'll be headed down that way with the whole famn damly... now that makes me feel really old at 53... :(

Good luck, fair tides and calm seas to you and your crew.


Scott, once again thanks a million for a great day! Wish we could have spent more time with you, but we got a few dives in and had some good fun. So from Robert and Family, Chagy, Crab, and myself, let me extend a warm thank you. I think Laura had the time of her life, it's hard to tell in this pic with the regulator in her mouth...but she's grinning from ear to ear and is ready to go back tomorrow. I think we've successfully made a treasure diver out of her. :D

Thanks again, it's always a pleasure and I'm sure we'll all see you again soon.



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Scott, thank you again for last weekend.
As Jason put it, diving with you is an experience to always remember, and
I'm not just talking about the shipwreck.
You are a very sincere and kind person, allowing others to share in a unique historic adventure.
You have opened the minds of shipwreck enthusiasts from all over the world, and if we all keep contributing,
there's no doubt the bulk will one day unfold.
I, myself, ponder each day about the true drama that was staged back in the fall of 1659, the Viceroy and his correspondence ship full of possible contraband.
In reference to the location of the blowholes we were diving on, I have a question regarding the beach.
Perhaps Peg Leg could help answer. In past years, I wonder how far north or south coins dating from 1649-1659
were found....metal detecting on the beach. I'm convinced the ship did hit the shallows with extreme force and scattered about, only the heaviest materials localizing near where they were dropped. With artifacts naturally flowing in a northern direction, it would be educational to learn beach finding data in relation to the wrecksite. If tales of detectorists' finds aren't available, I'd be happy to contact the Maritime Museum in the county for possible information. Granted we weren't diving on an intact vessel, and sands and currents dramatically change over hundreds of years, but the spread of beach artifacts may be a significant link to finding the motherload.
Again, thank you, Scott, for your hospitality,
and thank you fellow divers for your welcoming spirit.

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