Where are the new machines????


Hero Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 nokta impact Equinox 800
Well here we are with spring right around the corner. So where are the new machines? ML with some gold machine, and Tesoro with another box machine(I guess these can't fail when you build on top of proven platforms) I say BIG DEAL! Where is the real innovation? Where is the machine that makes us go, "WOW"? If they are planning a march release, then I guess they haven't learned from other companies, which released machines in the spring time. I say it time and time again, release in September. And what about the Deus? My father's theory was they were waiting to see what is coming out. Disappointments all around.

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Hi; Not to put a damper on things ok. I've been digging for 49 YEARS now. I've seen all the new technologies from the intro of the TR to the intro of Disc to VLF etc. ok. My things is this. What you guys suggest, request for the new improvements is great and yup I'd like them too thing is I believe there will come a time when this hobby / Sport will no longer be called Treasure Hunting but rather Treasure Giving.!!! To me the thrill is in the hunt not in every new fangled gadget that comes along having everyone salivating to get one. To me THAT would be the end of Treasure "HUNTING" as we know it. The finds would no longer hold their magical thrill & allure. They would become just plain blase' common items after a bit. I hope and pray that NEVER happens for the sake of ALL of Us here and the true Nature of this great sport We call Treasure Hunting. PEACE:RONB

PS: I'd love a detector that will automatically switch frequencies when being interfered with from exterior emissions. PEACE:RONB

I don't particularly agree with that. I've been detecting for almost the same number of years (47 in June) and love all the "new fangled gadgets" that come along. Anything that will weed out the trash and allow me to dig more good targets is just fine with me. The more competition in that area, the better, as far as I'm concerned. I know some people don't get excited by a wheat cent anymore.....such a shame. It's not the detector dulling their excitement, it's their attitude. I was a bit worried this would happen to me after I went to England and started finding that 2000+ year old stuff. i figured I would get bored finding just a wheat cent. Not so! I still love finding them. To me, new gadgets and new lands to hunt just add to my love of the hobby, regardless of the quality of the finds.

I don't particularly agree with that. I've been detecting for almost the same number of years (47 in June) and love all the "new fangled gadgets" that come along. Anything that will weed out the trash and allow me to dig more good targets is just fine with me. The more competition in that area, the better, as far as I'm concerned. I know some people don't get excited by a wheat cent anymore.....such a shame. It's not the detector dulling their excitement, it's their attitude. I was a bit worried this would happen to me after I went to England and started finding that 2000+ year old stuff. i figured I would get bored finding just a wheat cent. Not so! I still love finding them. To me, new gadgets and new lands to hunt just add to my love of the hobby, regardless of the quality of the finds.

I still have jars full of "common junk" in my cabinet simply because, well, some of that "common junk stuff" is still pretty neat to me and I like finding it, especially some of the costume jewelry, the tokens, etc., it's one of the main reasons why I still dig so many targets when I don't really have to. I often wonder how many neat finds I've passed up over the years, those tones that clearly sounded like junk metals, items like old lockets, pieces of old jewelry, and who knows what else. Seems nearly every hunt I've dug something that wasn't anything like what I had expected it to be, and to me that's still what I love about the hobby, that simple mystery of exactly what's under my coil when things just sound a little less then perfect. Oh, and I still enjoy finding the gold & silver too....:laughing7:

I'll buy the beer if you girls bring your purse's and promise to load them with scrap iron for the swing fest!!

Yea, Im the guy changing out your waterheater while you tell how frigging smart you are!!

This is great, I just changed out my water heater, my first time and I did it all myself. Im rather proud!

New Machines, where are they? A friend of mine who is really involved in photography recently sent me an image of a rock and he told me to bring up the image on my screen and use my finger to rotate the image...I was STUNNED! The camera captures the image and then it uses a huge amount of data to create an impressively accurate 3D image of the entire thing. So the advanced tech is coming at some point, to be sure.

As far as detectors go, my 2 cents are simply this, there are already a number of great machines on the market, the problem being that detectorist can't pick and choose from the entire list of combined manufacturer options in order to create "the desired detector package" that he personally wants in a single machine. Maybe someday, but not yet, anyway? Remember the days when you could walk into the car dealership and order a vehicle with only the options you preferred? Wouldn't that be awesomer, to be able to walk into your local detector shop and do the same at a reasonable price.....:laughing7:

"Why yes, I think I'll have the Fisher CZ-20/21 with VDI and the 8,10, and 15" coil package. Thank you!" I could hunt happily the rest of my days. :laughing7:

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My point was, new machines are just coming out, but for some, detecting season is coming to a close because soon, it will be too hot.

bigscoop, I remember ordering my first car like that and would wonder just what a detector would look like after I got to choose the options. Interesting concept, I would end up with one i couldn't afford or too heavy to swing for long but it would do everything but drive you to the hunt. Would be neat to try the standard plus options route. Who knows what you might end up with!

My point was, new machines are just coming out, but for some, detecting season is coming to a close because soon, it will be too hot.

Too hot? I've never experienced that.....:laughing7:.....(not entirely true....in late July & August there were days when it was simply too hot on the beaches in Florida.)

Too hot? I've never experienced that.....:laughing7:.....(not entirely true....in late July & August there were days when it was simply too hot on the beaches in Florida.)

down south but above FL I heard the ground gets like concrete in hot dry weather. Im up north so it doesn't affect me, but i feel for them.

down south but above FL I heard the ground gets like concrete in hot dry weather. Im up north so it doesn't affect me, but i feel for them.

We have a lot of clay soil so it can get rock solid like that here too at times. It sucks! You could break a wrist trying to recover targets in that concrete.....lol

Soil here (Ontario, Canada) is just reaching it's prime. I'd invite all your southerners up here for the summer, but the truth is, I'd rather you stay home and leave our treasure to us! LOL :laughing7:

On the topic of this thread, as a noob, I have to say, occasional (if not, inevitable) sniping aside, the remarks regarding features you veterans of the hobby consider important is pretty interesting. Manufacturers would be wise to pay attention.

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#56. I hope that your wife makes good money from her hobby. Good luck to her.

Its a hobby.... my wife is shopping for her first long arm and as her hobby she is doing it for the enjoyment i did convince her to get an XP Deus to help fund her hobby :)

Its a hobby.... my wife is shopping for her first long arm and as her hobby she is doing it for the enjoyment i did convince her to get an XP Deus to help fund her hobby :)

A long arm? You poor, poor man. I live in a family of quilters.

A long arm? You poor, poor man. I live in a family of quilters.

LOL So you know how cheap our hobby is. We own a Qult shop because of my wifes obsession.

My point was, new machines are just coming out, but for some, detecting season is coming to a close because soon, it will be too hot.

You have a problem hunting from dusk to dawn? Or at a swimming beach? :icon_scratch:

The new machines are at kelly co , where they have been for the last 5 years.


New Detector Coming soon!

There is a new machine coming soon that triples depth of top machines. LCD high resolution display with ground penetrating imaging.
Imaging displays real time imaging of ground matrix and treasures. GPS enabled to geolocate items for future refernece. Able to recommend places to hunt for valuable relics, coins, and caches. Internet capable via satellite uplink and downlink transponders. (Weather permitting). Ground balance works in all soils, mineralizations and salts. Capable of chemical and mineral analysis of all soils and sands. Multiple frequencies and custom programs.

Manufacturer guarantees performance or money back. No questions asked. Also, voice feedback in over 30 languages. Can be programmed to respond to your voice commands in a nice female "sexy" voice. Forgot to mention, it wakes you in a gentle tone and makes breakfast for you too.

Best part......suggested retail at $499.
Comes with free carrying case, probe, extra size coils, book, DVD, and self digging trowel.

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There is a new machine coming soon that triples depth of top machines. LCD high resolution display with ground penetrating imaging.
Imaging displays real time imaging of ground matrix and treasures. GPS enabled to geolocate items for future refernece. Able to recommend places to hunt for valuable relics, coins, and caches. Internet capable via satellite uplink and downlink transponders. (Weather permitting). Ground balance works in all soils, mineralizations and salts. Capable of chemical and mineral analysis of all soils and sands. Multiple frequencies and custom programs.

Manufacturer guarantees performance or money back. No questions asked. Also, voice feedback in over 30 languages. Can be programmed to respond to your voice commands in a nice female "sexy" voice. Forgot to mention, it wakes you in a gentle tone and makes breakfast for you too.

Best part......suggested retail at $499.
Comes with free carrying case, probe, extra size coils, book, DVD, and self digging trowel.

The problem I see with this post, is that it sounds just a sales advertisement.

The issue is not that the post sounds like an sales ad. The issue is that advertisements sound like a satirical post!

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