I want to get a 2nd Detector


Full Member
Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Bath ,NY
Detector(s) used
Spectra V3i
I want to get a 2nd detector. I am kind of picky on what I want and don't want.
I want a full color HD LCD Display, Removeable battery Pack, Wireless headphones, headphone jack, rechargeable Battery Packs, AA Battery Pack, I would be detecting in the woods for relics, coins, jewelry. maybe waterproof, multiple coils available
I don't want- non replaceable battery pack, proprietary headphone/ without a headphone plug, battery powered coils, wireless coils, wireless control box, plastic control box. I don't want expensive coils(Over $200).
I'd rather have something Made in the USA. and priced in the $800.00 range or less
I would go with Garret, but I don't like the all plastic cases and lack of a Full color Display. The Apex seems cool, but I don't like the color or the non replaceable battery pack. AT Max looks okay, but it is all plastic no color display
I Like the way the VDI's are on my V3i and that I can knock out any number from -95 to 95, and not a group of 5 that the garrets seem to do. I like the way that I can change the sound of every VDI on my V3i, but that doesn't seem to be the case with any other detectors. I like stereo mixed mod.
I used to own and use the DFX,XLT,MXT Pro,V3i, 2 coinmasters(old and new one)(Didn't like the plastic case of the coinmaster, Classic 5 ID,BH 300 and another but I forget what it was.
I have considered Fisher Research, Garrett, Minelab, XP, Nokta... XP, MInelab, and Nokta are either too much money, no color LCD(most of them), proprietary hardware, coils that are in the $300-400+ range, too much plastic, too lightweight, don't seem to be sturdy. Fisher and Garret haven't updated or made a new detector in 12 years or more. White's are out of business due to people not buying made in USA Brand(buying the other detectors), and the fakes.
I did like my DFX and MXT Pro a lot. Support is almost non existent for Whites Detectors. Garret isn't doing anything with the White's Company they bought and from what I was told at one of their live streams, they do not plan to do anything with the White's Brand(patents,etc.) Garret is coming out with a new detector, but that could be 6 months or 3 years from now. Will it carry any Patents or software or hardware from the Whites side? I have considered the Minelab CTX3030 for its color LCD, but at $2000+ and mostly all plastic :-( Plus ML is one of the brands that helped push Whites out of business(Stiff Competition)
I am not one of these guys that will go for the latest and greatest shiniest, lightest newest machine just because, nor one that will use any brand even if it is or could be faster and deeper than the old. I don't need the latest tech. I am open to new machines with these things but I wont jump right on them. I am still upset that people who bought the other brands helped put Whites out of business, I am upset that Covid and lack of supplies helped put whites out of business, I am upset that the Chinese knock offs helped put whites out of business, I am upset that people are no longer for the American people and their products that bought other brands and the Chinese knock off that helped put Whites out of business. Sure Whites business model could of been better. Sure they could of Advertised their prices and sold more openly. Why did I have to look for a dealer, and call a dealer up to ask about the Whites product that I was interested in?
I was going to go for a XP Dues 2 but with its $1,600 price, $400 coils and no color display and more. I cant. I was going to go for the ML CTX 3030 with the color display, but $2,000+ it is way over priced and it came out, what 2012? I was thinking the Manticore, but still overpriced, not made in the USA as the other ML and XP aren't either.
Some of you might say quit whining, or buy a ML or XP or Nokta, or save your money. Some might say buy a garret if you want made in USA, or a Fisher F75, I would but they aren't Whites and they don't have a color display. and some will say buy another V3i or even an MXT Pro or MX Sport.
I want to try another brand but I don't at the same time. I am pretty upset that Whites is out of business and this is the first time that I can whine and complain about it.

Upvote 2
There is something to be said about old tech verses new tech if you want to call it that, for me detecting was getting very boring with this so called Whiz Bang new tech, so called new tech detectors have a bit of old tech in them nothing has really changed with these other than they are a hand held computer, which personally as I stated I have grown very bored with, I have recently gone back to old tech or what many would call old tech, I have switched back to a couple of new tech beep and dig detectors and for me Detecting is starting to become fun again

the two detectors I have switched two are the Deep Tech Vista X and the Golden Mask Pro 4 WD and I am loving them both, no computer screen to look at, they are just as deep as these so called Whiz Bang new tech computer screen detectors, and in a lot of cases i am finding my two Beep and dig detectors to be Deeper on targets that are heavily masked by ferrous targets, the two detectors I am now using can pull a coin out of a mess of nails and screws with no problem at all

I know people think I am crazy and that is ok, I do not have to prove anything to any one, i only had to prove it to myself, which I have done, yes I still have some of my so called top of the line whiz Bang detectors that have a hand held computer attached that gives you jumpy target IDs and run so unstable that they are UN Usable a lot of times, but they are now sitting collecting dust against a wall in my house, why because they for me became just UN fun to detect with, and that is what the two beep and digs have done for me is make detecting fun again, and personally for me the reason I am having fun with these two beep and dig detectors is probably due to being a nugget hunter, and running the Axiom and Garrett 24K most of the time those also are pretty much a beep and dig detector, for me personally it is all about the tone of a target, and yes I have on occasion glanced at those jumpy TIDs on my whiz bang top of the line hand held computer chipped new tech detectors, but I never really made a dig no dig decision based on those jumpy TIDs, it was all about the tones for me all the time and that is what these two new beep and dig detectors have done, they have taken that dig no dig decision and placed it back in my mind instead of a hand held computers mind.

Sorry for the Long Rant
Which new fangled machines sit on the wall?
Just a query on what doesn't work for you.

How do you like the Garrett 24k? Is it good for coins, jewelry and relics?
I love the 24K for what it was designed for which is a VLF Nugget Detector, its my favorite VLF Nugget detector, out of the four VLF's I have that are capable of using to hunt for Nuggets.

Which new fangled machines sit on the wall?
Just a query on what doesn't work for you.
Well the Legend, for one, the others I borrowed from friends to try out, and were pretty much the same as the Legend, the XP ORX for another is just sitting here against the wall, tried a buddies Deus 1, also tried another friends Equinox 900 and 600, for abut a month while he was out of town he let me use those two to see if I would like them, I liked them but not enough to purchase either, they all worked similar to the Legend, have not tried the Manticore yet or the Deus 2

Lets get something straight rite now, I am not saying any of these High Tech Whiz Bang detectors with a screen are not good detectors, out of the ones I have tried or owned they all had some things I liked and some things I did not like about them, I just became bored with the same old crap I had been using they all found metal objects in the ground, I had three Legends, i now have one because I traded two for different detectors one being the Vista X the other one I traded for the XP ORX, i did not trade the ones I traded because they were bad detectors, I was just becoming bored with the same old stuff a hand held PC on a stick, I had never used a Beep and Dig detector so I wanted to try some out and with Tesoro no longer being in business the only choices I had if I wanted new, was deep Tech and Golden Mask, Deep Tech has a very good dealer here in the U.S, Golden Mask I had to order directly from Golden Mask which is in Bulgaria, that was a nerve racking order not knowing if I was going to get taken or not but I will say the people at Golden Mask really made everything easy and wanted the transaction to go as smooth as possible, everything went off with out a hitch, and i could not have asked for a transaction to go any smoother than that one did, it was delivered very quickly even though it was held up in Cincinnati for four days in customs it took less than two weeks for me to receive the 4 WD, (and yes I was having visions of the FBI showing up at my Door LOL) until it was delivered it took less than 10 days from Bulgaria to me, That transaction between me and Golden Mask went so smooth that I have placed another order for a second detector from Golden Mask, A Golden Mask 7, i placed that order four or five days ago and it has already made it to the U.S and has already cleared customs in Cincinnati and is on its way to Tucson as we type, this last transaction with Golden Mask has gone even smoother than the first transaction and it should be delivered to me on Monday if all goes well, (No Visions of the FBI on this one LOL)

The Vista X runs 16 KHz, the Golden Mask 4 WD runs 8 and 18 KHz selectable single frequency with the flip of a toggle switch, the golden Mask 7 is a detector with a screen but it is 80% Analog and 20% Digital and it runs 4, 14, 24 and 44 KHz all selectable single frequency

Again as I stated the two Beep and Digs I currently own have made detecting fun again personally for me

I want to get a 2nd detector. I am kind of picky on what I want and don't want.
I want a full color HD LCD Display, Removeable battery Pack, Wireless headphones, headphone jack, rechargeable Battery Packs, AA Battery Pack, I would be detecting in the woods for relics, coins, jewelry. maybe waterproof, multiple coils available
I don't want- non replaceable battery pack, proprietary headphone/ without a headphone plug, battery powered coils, wireless coils, wireless control box, plastic control box. I don't want expensive coils(Over $200).
I'd rather have something Made in the USA. and priced in the $800.00 range or less
I would go with Garret, but I don't like the all plastic cases and lack of a Full color Display. The Apex seems cool, but I don't like the color or the non replaceable battery pack. AT Max looks okay, but it is all plastic no color display
I Like the way the VDI's are on my V3i and that I can knock out any number from -95 to 95, and not a group of 5 that the garrets seem to do. I like the way that I can change the sound of every VDI on my V3i, but that doesn't seem to be the case with any other detectors. I like stereo mixed mod.
I used to own and use the DFX,XLT,MXT Pro,V3i, 2 coinmasters(old and new one)(Didn't like the plastic case of the coinmaster, Classic 5 ID,BH 300 and another but I forget what it was.
I have considered Fisher Research, Garrett, Minelab, XP, Nokta... XP, MInelab, and Nokta are either too much money, no color LCD(most of them), proprietary hardware, coils that are in the $300-400+ range, too much plastic, too lightweight, don't seem to be sturdy. Fisher and Garret haven't updated or made a new detector in 12 years or more. White's are out of business due to people not buying made in USA Brand(buying the other detectors), and the fakes.
I did like my DFX and MXT Pro a lot. Support is almost non existent for Whites Detectors. Garret isn't doing anything with the White's Company they bought and from what I was told at one of their live streams, they do not plan to do anything with the White's Brand(patents,etc.) Garret is coming out with a new detector, but that could be 6 months or 3 years from now. Will it carry any Patents or software or hardware from the Whites side? I have considered the Minelab CTX3030 for its color LCD, but at $2000+ and mostly all plastic :-( Plus ML is one of the brands that helped push Whites out of business(Stiff Competition)
I am not one of these guys that will go for the latest and greatest shiniest, lightest newest machine just because, nor one that will use any brand even if it is or could be faster and deeper than the old. I don't need the latest tech. I am open to new machines with these things but I wont jump right on them. I am still upset that people who bought the other brands helped put Whites out of business, I am upset that Covid and lack of supplies helped put whites out of business, I am upset that the Chinese knock offs helped put whites out of business, I am upset that people are no longer for the American people and their products that bought other brands and the Chinese knock off that helped put Whites out of business. Sure Whites business model could of been better. Sure they could of Advertised their prices and sold more openly. Why did I have to look for a dealer, and call a dealer up to ask about the Whites product that I was interested in?
I was going to go for a XP Dues 2 but with its $1,600 price, $400 coils and no color display and more. I cant. I was going to go for the ML CTX 3030 with the color display, but $2,000+ it is way over priced and it came out, what 2012? I was thinking the Manticore, but still overpriced, not made in the USA as the other ML and XP aren't either.
Some of you might say quit whining, or buy a ML or XP or Nokta, or save your money. Some might say buy a garret if you want made in USA, or a Fisher F75, I would but they aren't Whites and they don't have a color display. and some will say buy another V3i or even an MXT Pro or MX Sport.
I want to try another brand but I don't at the same time. I am pretty upset that Whites is out of business and this is the first time that I can whine and complain about it.
Unfortunately I agree with some of what you are saying and some of what you are saying I do not agree with you

Whites as well as Tesoro put them selves out of business, by not at least trying to come up with some kind of new product detector wise, whites was over priced and always were, yes they were good detectors but you have to at some point listen to your customers and come up with something innovative and good, and unfortunately the only avenues us as consumers have rite now is to purchase detectors produced in other countries people like ML, which personally I refuse to pay the kind of prices Mine Lab wants for their gold detectors so I went with the Garrett Axiom, I am happy with my decision, then you have companies like Nokta, Nokta has kind of let the cat out of the bag and proved a detector does not have to cost 4 or even 5 figures to be affective (Props To Nokta for not being Greedy) because that is how I see Mine Lab as a bunch of Greedy rich people, Fisher well I will not even go there fisher has not come out with anything in quite a few Years, (I see fisher going the way of Whites and Tesoro if things do not change)

Lets face it facts are people have become so accustomed with the high tech world that, that is all anyone wants any more, sure i could have ran out and purchased a Manticore, Nox 900, Deus 2 or a GPZ 7000 if I had wanted to, My decision was I wanted to try something different and my choices were to go with two detectors that are produced in Bulgaria, do I wish an American company would produce something that would push me to try their product (absolutely with out a doubt) Garrett may here real soon but that remains to be seen in my opinion, so again we are stuck with detectors produced in other countries, me personally i am OK with that, not going to look back to companies that are no longer in Business (Whites and Tesoro), there are some other great detectors that I have been tempted to try also that are Beep and Dig detectors like Nexus, but every time I look at the prices of the Nexus detectors I almost choke on my coffee LOL, I may become stupid some day and click that buy now button but not at this time LOL.

I want to get a 2nd detector. I am kind of picky on what I want and don't want.
I want a full color HD LCD Display, Removeable battery Pack, Wireless headphones, headphone jack, rechargeable Battery Packs, AA Battery Pack, I would be detecting in the woods for relics, coins, jewelry. maybe waterproof, multiple coils available
I don't want- non replaceable battery pack, proprietary headphone/ without a headphone plug, battery powered coils, wireless coils, wireless control box, plastic control box. I don't want expensive coils(Over $200).
I'd rather have something Made in the USA. and priced in the $800.00 range or less
I would go with Garret, but I don't like the all plastic cases and lack of a Full color Display. The Apex seems cool, but I don't like the color or the non replaceable battery pack. AT Max looks okay, but it is all plastic no color display
I Like the way the VDI's are on my V3i and that I can knock out any number from -95 to 95, and not a group of 5 that the garrets seem to do. I like the way that I can change the sound of every VDI on my V3i, but that doesn't seem to be the case with any other detectors. I like stereo mixed mod.
I used to own and use the DFX,XLT,MXT Pro,V3i, 2 coinmasters(old and new one)(Didn't like the plastic case of the coinmaster, Classic 5 ID,BH 300 and another but I forget what it was.
I have considered Fisher Research, Garrett, Minelab, XP, Nokta... XP, MInelab, and Nokta are either too much money, no color LCD(most of them), proprietary hardware, coils that are in the $300-400+ range, too much plastic, too lightweight, don't seem to be sturdy. Fisher and Garret haven't updated or made a new detector in 12 years or more. White's are out of business due to people not buying made in USA Brand(buying the other detectors), and the fakes.
I did like my DFX and MXT Pro a lot. Support is almost non existent for Whites Detectors. Garret isn't doing anything with the White's Company they bought and from what I was told at one of their live streams, they do not plan to do anything with the White's Brand(patents,etc.) Garret is coming out with a new detector, but that could be 6 months or 3 years from now. Will it carry any Patents or software or hardware from the Whites side? I have considered the Minelab CTX3030 for its color LCD, but at $2000+ and mostly all plastic :-( Plus ML is one of the brands that helped push Whites out of business(Stiff Competition)
I am not one of these guys that will go for the latest and greatest shiniest, lightest newest machine just because, nor one that will use any brand even if it is or could be faster and deeper than the old. I don't need the latest tech. I am open to new machines with these things but I wont jump right on them. I am still upset that people who bought the other brands helped put Whites out of business, I am upset that Covid and lack of supplies helped put whites out of business, I am upset that the Chinese knock offs helped put whites out of business, I am upset that people are no longer for the American people and their products that bought other brands and the Chinese knock off that helped put Whites out of business. Sure Whites business model could of been better. Sure they could of Advertised their prices and sold more openly. Why did I have to look for a dealer, and call a dealer up to ask about the Whites product that I was interested in?
I was going to go for a XP Dues 2 but with its $1,600 price, $400 coils and no color display and more. I cant. I was going to go for the ML CTX 3030 with the color display, but $2,000+ it is way over priced and it came out, what 2012? I was thinking the Manticore, but still overpriced, not made in the USA as the other ML and XP aren't either.
Some of you might say quit whining, or buy a ML or XP or Nokta, or save your money. Some might say buy a garret if you want made in USA, or a Fisher F75, I would but they aren't Whites and they don't have a color display. and some will say buy another V3i or even an MXT Pro or MX Sport.
I want to try another brand but I don't at the same time. I am pretty upset that Whites is out of business and this is the first time that I can whine and complain about it.
I do have a question for you though, you have several Whites detectors listed that you own or have owned and used, you blame us as consumers for Whites going out of business, why did you not purchase any more whites detectors, more than what you have listed ??? I can tell you why I never purchased any whites detectors even when I started years back, they were expensive even years back, yes every thing I read about the Whites detectors they were great but back then still very expensive, why did your buddies not go out and purchase all the whites detectors that were available back then, that whites DFX, V3I and a few others were great detectors but Expensive and heavy, had Whites came out with a light weight detector that was up to the standards of today's consumers and priced them to sell most likely whites would still be in business today, and that is the bottom line but Whites failed to do that and again, I will say Whites was their own worst enemy not us as a Consumer same thing goes for Tesoro, a company has to change with the times no matter how you chalk it up or they are doomed to fell, as I said I see fisher doing the same thing and maybe even Garrett, Garrett cannot keep living off of an outdated detector like the AT Pro, Garrett is at least making an attempt with the Apex and the Axiom, but they still need to come up with some thing different from what they keep coming out with, and it is going to take more than just a new paint job, for me to purchase another Garrett detector.

It is hard to make metal detectors in the USA and sell cheap. The employees need to make allot of money $20,$30,$40,$50 or more per hour now. Plus all the benefits, and then getting chips from overseas.
I agree that whites electronics didn't listen to it's consumers and others in certain departments and other outside sources to improve and have ideas on a certain product that wasn't out yet but the idea was. It was mentioned too White's but I guess they didn't take off with it. Now other manufacturers have been using the technology in their pinpointers and detectors for years.
I would of bought more whites detectors but I was occupied with something else. I had all I wanted at the time.

Just like my other hobby of 3D printers there are only a couple 3d printer manufacturers in the USA and they are expensive. There is Wuxn and Lulzbot that I know of. The Lulzbot is very expensive, way to much money. The Wuxn is better priced than the Lulzbot .I am pretty sure they don't get $2-5 dollars an hour like Chinese manufacturing. Some chinese printers are very cheaply priced, as low as $100-200. There aren't very many people buying the American made printers.
When I bought my coinmaster it was the new one, it was a dark red color and cost me less than $200, I think it was $179 or $189. Then the pricing started going up.
Right now I can't afford a deus 2, and the coils are what $399 for one. Some of us don't even get $400 a week working.

When I had all those detectors that I mentioned, I also had all the coils and extra rods to go with them. I just got some back pay from workers comp. and bought a few detectors and coils.
If I could afford the manticore and xp deus 2 and all coils for them, then I might of bought them.
Also, I had a vehicle back then. Good paying job.

It is hard to make metal detectors in the USA and sell cheap. The employees need to make allot of money $20,$30,$40,$50 or more per hour now. Plus all the benefits, and then getting chips from overseas.
I agree that whites electronics didn't listen to it's consumers and others in certain departments and other outside sources to improve and have ideas on a certain product that wasn't out yet but the idea was. It was mentioned too White's but I guess they didn't take off with it. Now other manufacturers have been using the technology in their pinpointers and detectors for years.
I would of bought more whites detectors but I was occupied with something else. I had all I wanted at the time.

Just like my other hobby of 3D printers there are only a couple 3d printer manufacturers in the USA and they are expensive. There is Wuxn and Lulzbot that I know of. The Lulzbot is very expensive, way to much money. The Wuxn is better priced than the Lulzbot .I am pretty sure they don't get $2-5 dollars an hour like Chinese manufacturing. Some chinese printers are very cheaply priced, as low as $100-200. There aren't very many people buying the American made printers.
When I bought my coinmaster it was the new one, it was a dark red color and cost me less than $200, I think it was $179 or $189. Then the pricing started going up.
Right now I can't afford a deus 2, and the coils are what $399 for one. Some of us don't even get $400 a week working.

When I had all those detectors that I mentioned, I also had all the coils and extra rods to go with them. I just got some back pay from workers comp. and bought a few detectors and coils.
If I could afford the manticore and xp deus 2 and all coils for them, then I might of bought them.
Also, I had a vehicle back then. Good paying job.
I absolutely realize that not everyone has the means to purchase a new detector every time they turn around, but to blame us as consumers for your beloved company (Whites) going out of Business just set something off in me and I apologize if I have said anything that you did not like

there are plenty of used great detectors in the classified sections on every forum, I have seen Deus 2s for around $700, Manticore's $700 to $900, Nox 800's as Low as $450 so its not as though anyone could not do a little searching and find some great deals on some high end detectors, the Legend which is not a bad detector at all can be purchased new with 2 coils for under $700 and I have seen slightly used for around $499 you just have to search the net, Whites is not coming back no matter how much someone goes on about how good they were, Tesoro the same goes for them, something similar to Whites could make a return through Garrett since Garrett purchased the right's to all of White patents and technology, so lets hope Garrett is not wasting all that whites tech and just letting it completely Dye off, the @$ K is the only whites detector that Garrett continued Producing so that rite there told me the 24 K was a worthy detector to purchase for a VLF nugget detector, maybe just maybe Garrett is getting ready to surprise us all with a variation of a White V3I in a lighter more modern, cheaper design, water proof and rechargeable built in batteries detector, now wouldn't that be a pleasant surprise for all you whites lovers, and the rest of us that are truly hoping and waiting for Garrett's next big announcement LOL

I absolutely realize that not everyone has the means to purchase a new detector every time they turn around, but to blame us as consumers for your beloved company (Whites) going out of Business just set something off in me and I apologize if I have said anything that you did not like

there are plenty of used great detectors in the classified sections on every forum, I have seen Deus 2s for around $700, Manticore's $700 to $900, Nox 800's as Low as $450 so its not as though anyone could not do a little searching and find some great deals on some high end detectors, the Legend which is not a bad detector at all can be purchased new with 2 coils for under $700 and I have seen slightly used for around $499 you just have to search the net, Whites is not coming back no matter how much someone goes on about how good they were, Tesoro the same goes for them, something similar to Whites could make a return through Garrett since Garrett purchased the right's to all of White patents and technology, so lets hope Garrett is not wasting all that whites tech and just letting it completely Dye off, the @$ K is the only whites detector that Garrett continued Producing so that rite there told me the 24 K was a worthy detector to purchase for a VLF nugget detector, maybe just maybe Garrett is getting ready to surprise us all with a variation of a White V3I in a lighter more modern, cheaper design, water proof and rechargeable built in batteries detector, now wouldn't that be a pleasant surprise for all you whites lovers, and the rest of us that are truly hoping and waiting for Garrett's next big announcement LOL
Let me ask you something. If there is a local mom and pop store in town that has been selling whatever for generations and then a Walmart gets built in the town and the mom and pop store loses customers to Walmart and then mom and pop store closes. Who put the mom and mom store out of business? Walmart or the no longer spending money ex customers that used to shop at the mom and pop store?

Walmart didn't, because they didn't buy from the mom and pop store to begin with. It was all the customers that used to shop at the mom and pop store, that no longer spend their money to keep the mom and pop store open. They are the ones who helped close the doors.
It is not only our fault, COVID, lack of supplies, Chinese knock offs and stiff competition, and lack of innovation from whites. Innovation isn't everything though. We live in a world where a damn cell phone (iPhone, Samsung, Google)is outdated the following year, people always need something new, with the latest tech, now,now,now. It is even in my other hobby of 3d printing.

Let me ask you something. If there is a local mom and pop store in town that has been selling whatever for generations and then a Walmart gets built in the town and the mom and pop store loses customers to Walmart and then mom and pop store closes. Who put the mom and mom store out of business? Walmart or the no longer spending money ex customers that used to shop at the mom and pop store?

Walmart didn't, because they didn't buy from the mom and pop store to begin with. It was all the customers that used to shop at the mom and pop store, that no longer spend their money to keep the mom and pop store open. They are the ones who helped close the doors.
It is not only our fault, COVID, lack of supplies, Chinese knock offs and stiff competition, and lack of innovation from whites. Innovation isn't everything though. We live in a world where a damn cell phone (iPhone, Samsung, Google)is outdated the following year, people always need something new, with the latest tech, now,now,now. It is even in my other hobby of 3d printing.
I will agree with you, it is sad to see all the small business's go out of business, but yes I would blame it on both the consumers that elected to no longer purchase from that mom and pop establishment and I would also blame it on the big corporation for having come in and built a store that the mom and pop could not compete against, its just sad days when that happens, its called progress, the progression of the way things were to the way things have now become, i will agree with you on tech look at Mine Lab and also Nokta both put out 3-4 detectors really quick this past year, did those new detectors that each produced mean the end of the ones that came before them or as Mine Lab stated when the Nox came out did those new detectors that was released just recently OBSOLETE any of the detectors that came before those newly released detector (NOPE), it is called progress you either deal with it and come out with something that has never been done or you get buried by progress and that is what happened to Whites and Tesoro as sad as it is it is a fact, i will even go as far as saying I would rather have those two companies here still building detectors as to not, because the more companies that are around the more competition there is and that is what keeps prices in check and in reality

Right now I can't afford a deus 2, and the coils are what $399 for one
If I remember correctly in your first post, DEUS machines would not qualify for multiple reasons, notwithstanding the fact that they have internal rechargeable batteries, and wireless technology and they have a black and white screen, not color, but for me, the DEUS I with elliptical is pretty great for playgrounds, and the DEUS II for relic and coin hunting elsewhere, I have just been STUNNED at what the DEUS II gets even when my friend is using the Minelab 800.

And for sure, these machines are expensive but they have been out long enough to be had second hand for your price range... I think..

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If you are happy with your beep and dig machines, that's all that counts. This a hobby, it's supposed to be enjoyable. I started with Whites machines. Loved my DFX and made a lot of great finds. But to be honest, if Whites was still in business and they were giving away free brand new DFXs, I wouldn't take one. There are just so many better options on the market these days. And you don't have to pay through the nose either to buy a machine that will outperfom the DFX.

I like color screens. If done right. A color screen can have more info in the form of a quick glance. Lets say you are metal detecting with something say Stereo mixed mode where it detects the ALL Metal part and the discriminated part. The all metal part that has been discriminated out in the discrimination, would show up as Red Numbers,(the possible color if it isnt sure would be red and maybe orange or close to red, maybe a different shade of red. and in the sections that are not discriminated out(good Targets) could be different colors, green is good target, blue is gold/aluminum. The colors could be changed and based on the frequency, they could be changed based on frequency.
Whites V3i was ahead of its time for years after.
Ergonomics? I am 5'10, 170 lbs, and arms as small as a soda can. Swinging my V3i for 6+ hours isn't a problem. Sure it was a little heavy, but easily manageable. If the balance is good, then swinging 6-9 lbs. shouldn't be a big issue, as it will enlarge those shoulder muscles and forearms and make them stronger.
I am older now, and a lighter detector may be handy, but too light has its draw backs.

Steel Tonka Truck or Plastic Tonka Toy? Which one would you choose? Steel old school Lunchbox or Plastic old school look lunch box? Steel and glass Thermos(old school) or new school plastic and steel Thermos?
I have used my dads old ML Explorer XS and though it was lighter and the sounds were nice, there was something about it that I didn't like. maybe it was b/c of it being mostly plastic.
I did say I am picky.
Oh man... Steel and glass Thermos(old school) or new school plastic and steel Thermos?
You'd drop the oldy and hear chinkle tink, there goes the glass and my coffee. Psst.... Stanley, outer steel, inner steel 🤗 Drop shmop, no breaks👍
How do you like the Garrett 24k? Is it good for coins, jewelry and relics?
I have a 24k and its the best VLF iv used in our bad Aussie ground on gold, but, I also own an XTerra 705 and for coins and relics its chalk and cheese. 24k goes deeper for sure but can't compete sorting through junk.

Oh man... Steel and glass Thermos(old school) or new school plastic and steel Thermos?
You'd drop the oldy and hear chinkle tink, there goes the glass and my coffee. Psst.... Stanley, outer steel, inner steel 🤗 Drop shmop, no breaks👍

I have a 24k and its the best VLF iv used in our bad Aussie ground on gold, but, I also own an XTerra 705 and for coins and relics its chalk and cheese. 24k goes deeper for sure but can't compete sorting through junk.
You sound like me I also still have my Xterra 705, I will never part with my 705

If I remember correctly in your first post, DEUS machines would not qualify for multiple reasons, notwithstanding the fact that they have internal rechargeable batteries, and wireless technology and they have a black and white screen, not color, but for me, the DEUS I with elliptical is pretty great for playgrounds, and the DEUS II for relic and coin hunting elsewhere, I have just been STUNNED at what the DEUS II gets even when my friend is using the Minelab 800.

And for sure, these machines are expensive but they have been out long enough to be had second hand for your price range... I think..
There's a Deus l for sale for $300.


Will sun Ray pro golds plug into that machine? Also where is the control box? Those headphones are uncomfortable. I have used ones for music like that.
I believe that is the Deus lite everything is controlled through the wireless headphones, the main controller for the Deus 1 does not come with that I believe but I may be wrong, i only have the ORX so maybe someone that has the Deus 1 can shed more light on the one you are asking about

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