I want to get a 2nd Detector


Full Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Golden Thread
Bath ,NY
Detector(s) used
Spectra V3i
I want to get a 2nd detector. I am kind of picky on what I want and don't want.
I want a full color HD LCD Display, Removeable battery Pack, Wireless headphones, headphone jack, rechargeable Battery Packs, AA Battery Pack, I would be detecting in the woods for relics, coins, jewelry. maybe waterproof, multiple coils available
I don't want- non replaceable battery pack, proprietary headphone/ without a headphone plug, battery powered coils, wireless coils, wireless control box, plastic control box. I don't want expensive coils(Over $200).
I'd rather have something Made in the USA. and priced in the $800.00 range or less
I would go with Garret, but I don't like the all plastic cases and lack of a Full color Display. The Apex seems cool, but I don't like the color or the non replaceable battery pack. AT Max looks okay, but it is all plastic no color display
I Like the way the VDI's are on my V3i and that I can knock out any number from -95 to 95, and not a group of 5 that the garrets seem to do. I like the way that I can change the sound of every VDI on my V3i, but that doesn't seem to be the case with any other detectors. I like stereo mixed mod.
I used to own and use the DFX,XLT,MXT Pro,V3i, 2 coinmasters(old and new one)(Didn't like the plastic case of the coinmaster, Classic 5 ID,BH 300 and another but I forget what it was.
I have considered Fisher Research, Garrett, Minelab, XP, Nokta... XP, MInelab, and Nokta are either too much money, no color LCD(most of them), proprietary hardware, coils that are in the $300-400+ range, too much plastic, too lightweight, don't seem to be sturdy. Fisher and Garret haven't updated or made a new detector in 12 years or more. White's are out of business due to people not buying made in USA Brand(buying the other detectors), and the fakes.
I did like my DFX and MXT Pro a lot. Support is almost non existent for Whites Detectors. Garret isn't doing anything with the White's Company they bought and from what I was told at one of their live streams, they do not plan to do anything with the White's Brand(patents,etc.) Garret is coming out with a new detector, but that could be 6 months or 3 years from now. Will it carry any Patents or software or hardware from the Whites side? I have considered the Minelab CTX3030 for its color LCD, but at $2000+ and mostly all plastic :-( Plus ML is one of the brands that helped push Whites out of business(Stiff Competition)
I am not one of these guys that will go for the latest and greatest shiniest, lightest newest machine just because, nor one that will use any brand even if it is or could be faster and deeper than the old. I don't need the latest tech. I am open to new machines with these things but I wont jump right on them. I am still upset that people who bought the other brands helped put Whites out of business, I am upset that Covid and lack of supplies helped put whites out of business, I am upset that the Chinese knock offs helped put whites out of business, I am upset that people are no longer for the American people and their products that bought other brands and the Chinese knock off that helped put Whites out of business. Sure Whites business model could of been better. Sure they could of Advertised their prices and sold more openly. Why did I have to look for a dealer, and call a dealer up to ask about the Whites product that I was interested in?
I was going to go for a XP Dues 2 but with its $1,600 price, $400 coils and no color display and more. I cant. I was going to go for the ML CTX 3030 with the color display, but $2,000+ it is way over priced and it came out, what 2012? I was thinking the Manticore, but still overpriced, not made in the USA as the other ML and XP aren't either.
Some of you might say quit whining, or buy a ML or XP or Nokta, or save your money. Some might say buy a garret if you want made in USA, or a Fisher F75, I would but they aren't Whites and they don't have a color display. and some will say buy another V3i or even an MXT Pro or MX Sport.
I want to try another brand but I don't at the same time. I am pretty upset that Whites is out of business and this is the first time that I can whine and complain about it.

Upvote 2
If I might suggest something

Pick you up a harness and bungee system and use them with your detectors I have back issues also and was at the point it was either try something new or give up this great hobby
i picked up a Docs Ultra Swingy Thingy which came with what Doc calls a Quipple or Qweegle
(Cant figure out what Doc is calling it) it is a Bungee system, but I also took it a bit further and added a Hip Stick which I built myself because there was no hip stick available for purchase in the U.S, those three thing took me from only being able to detect for 45 minutes to an hour to where i can now detect for several hours with no pain at all, it would surprise you what that system would do to help if you suffer from back pains

I now use that system on every detector I swing with out hesitation, it makes your detectors to feel like you are swinging a feather in the air, i do not know if I can attach links of the Docs Ultra Swingy Thingy and Quipple Bungee System or not, on my Axiom and Garrett 24K I also went a little further by adding a Docs Saga Swing Arm which also helps
will check this out because I have found many things but the gold still illudes me.

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