Doesn't the Equinox 800 have a choice of 5 frequencies, or all a t once? Rumor has it that its a hot seller.
It seems to me that most of the new stuff is banking on features as the sell point. Manufacturers are FINALLY getting it thru their heads that water protection is a must for these ever more expensive machines. There are just too many scenarios where they can get ruined. Who wants to drop hundreds, even thousands and stay home when it rains? Or can cancel a long planned hunting trip for rain?
I also like wireless headphones, GPS, and one item that's ignored. Telescoping shafts with internal coil wire.
Personally, the current shafts are so obsolete. It looks homemade, out of someone's garage. Its a pain to set up or change, while all that wire adds unnecessary weight on your arm, and even a slight movement can cause falsing. I wonder how many newbies have quit in frustration because they were ignorant of this? Ever read the reviews and always see one or two where they couldn't get the detector to function? Not only that, but most of those old style shafts have very limited adjustment. Its a rare one that will adjust down to comfort for short men, women or kids. Attention Manufacturers! Its not just NBA players who use detectors! Using a detector that's too long is agony, and has probably driven a lot of hobbyists out. Nor are we thrilled about buying junk models for our kids to introduce them to the hobby. If anything, those cheap kids detectors work so poorly they drive kids out from frustration. And seriously, why should we be forced to buy them when we already dropped $1000 or more on one of your models?
Think outside the box. Put your customers first.