x-rays, ground penetrating radar, micro waves, molecular analysis, as well as other technologies exist. Why not implement these?
It is 2017 and metal detectors are still using 1970's tech. there are many different technologies out there can be applied to change the design and functionality of a detector. The bottom line is saving money, I understand that, but there would be many applications for a metal detector that can get a bead of what is in the ground.
You obviously weren't using metal detectors in the 1970s in order to make such a ridiculous claim. Even the cheapest, entry level detector today is a vast improvement over the top of the line technology from the 1970s.
I don't think you understand the basic principles of technology you seem to think should be combined with metal detectors.
X-Rays? First, beyond the extreme danger of such things, there MUST be a receiver on the opposite side to receive and create the image, so that makes this impossible to incorporate.
GPR has been around for decades and while it has made great improvements (just like our current metal detectors) they are large, heavy, VERY expensive, yet still don't have the resolution to see anything as small as a coin or ring. They are used to find building foundations, graves, and other ground disturbances measuring FEET in size.
Microwaves? Do you understand the term? If radio frequencies like that were useful in detecting, they would already be using them. Metal detecting technology is about power (which requires exponential increases for calculable returns), and we have been at that power threshold for a very long time. Want more power and depth? You better be carting around car batteries for the energy requirements.
Molecular analysis?!?!! Seriously, wtf? first, you have to HAVE THE OBJECT to perform such anaylsis and second, those already exist and are hella expensive. How is this going to improve metal detectors?
Face it folks, we made the last great advancements in detecting tech long ago when VLF discriminators were introduced. Minelab made the last great leap with multifreq machines and changing the signal analysis from a frequency domain to a time domain. Everything in the last few years is making baby step improvements, although they are still improvements. Sadly, tech research is extremely expensive and most companies do ZERO research. They are happy to continue re-boxing the same old tech with new decals and many people are happy to keep buying it.
A true discriminating PI will be a huge next step and if it's true that Whites is about to release one, that will be a game changer and Whites will dominate the market very quickly. IF, IF it's true. I'm always hesitant to believe the hype until I see it for sale.