Great question that you asked.I ask these past few questions on a few posts because it just seems illogical to debate this and that and the what now without understanding if any of it is warranted...?
If you could just get 10 logical folks at a table and start from the beginning and leave authors, treasure hunters, reporters and hearsay out of it I bet a single conclusion would come forth. But that would ruin everything about Oak Island.
What has actually ever been found supporting evidence that a big treasure awaits some finder?
And I'm NOT talking about old relics found all over proving folks lived there. Or, proof sailing ships arrived at island. Got it..! I'd bet that's true all up and down that coastal area. After all that digging with filled in holes.... What was really actually EVER found...?
"What was really actually Ever found...?"
My guess: A lot of folks that sit glued to an idiot box week after week, year after year, thinking about all the endless fictional treasures.
The advertisers are loving it, so are the cast members.