After 15th Episode of Season 12.... Still any believers...?

I am of the belief that almost every treasure legend stems from some form of truth(s)... based on multiple logical reasoning's.
Therefore... and personally.... I do believe something was buried there at one time...
BUT... like i stated before... it was long ago recovered... and long ago spent.

The recovery was done by those who took it under the noses of those who could jeopardize or thwart or cost said recovery... and quietly split off to retire with the mindset of "loose lips sink ships".

Too many stories / legends to not have had some validity.
Stories get twisted.
For all we know the story could have originally been ..." hey did your ever hear about that treasure Joe Blow found on Oak Island"... TO....
"I heard it wasn't Joe Blow found a treasure but the Treasure is still there and it was Aztecs"
"It wasn't Aztec treasure... It was a Templar treasure".... And so on.... and so on.... and so on.

No matter... a treasure probably WAS on OI... and again... long ago found by some lucky individuals who secretly made off with it and the remnants of such activity and subsequent activities are what are being found throughout the times.

Its called "Chinese Whispers"...
“Inaccurately transmitted gossip. 'Chinese whispers' refers to a sequence of repetitions of a story, each one differing slightly from the original, so that the final telling bears only a scant resemblance to the original.”

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I am of the belief that almost every treasure legend stems from some form of truth(s)... based on multiple logical reasoning's.
Therefore... and personally.... I do believe something was buried there at one time...
BUT... like i stated before... it was long ago recovered... and long ago spent.

The recovery was done by those who took it under the noses of those who could jeopardize or thwart or cost said recovery... and quietly split off to retire with the mindset of "loose lips sink ships".

Too many stories / legends to not have had some validity.
Stories get twisted.
For all we know the story could have originally been ..." hey did your ever hear about that treasure Joe Blow found on Oak Island"... TO....
"I heard it wasn't Joe Blow found a treasure but the Treasure is still there and it was Aztecs"
"It wasn't Aztec treasure... It was a Templar treasure".... And so on.... and so on.... and so on.

No matter... a treasure probably WAS on OI... and again... long ago found by some lucky individuals who secretly made off with it and the remnants of such activity and subsequent activities are what are being found throughout the times.

Its called "Chinese Whispers"...
“Inaccurately transmitted gossip. 'Chinese whispers' refers to a sequence of repetitions of a story, each one differing slightly from the original, so that the final telling bears only a scant resemblance to the original.”
Now that I can wrap my head wrapped around whether true or not...! But not these maps, theories and old artifacts said to somehow be possibly related to anything of value buried or all the wild new theories.

Now that I can wrap my head wrapped around whether true or not...! But not these maps, theories and old artifacts said to somehow be possibly related to anything of value buried or all the wild new theories.
"people"... of all types and periods have frequented all reaches of earth...
Some places more than others... and some people more than others.
The more frequented the place by the more the people... the more the traces of trash and lost items are left for us to find.
We know this best as metal detectorists...
as we may something like a 1945 dime next to a melted red bull can.... in that case we can narrow down a timeframe.
In the case of OI...
That Island has probably been footprint beaten by who knows how many people by who knows how many eons of the days gone by.
IT may have been used by countless individuals for countless reasons over... each time leaving even a small trace / clue to some form of activity...
Which combined... these things... along with the vast imaginations of countless bystander stories and interpretations can lead to what we now only really know AS A ..... TV SHOW. heh

What we really do know is... People were there before us... of varying types and times.
Some left a trace...
And most probably did not.
One could pick almost any Island with any long standing history and begin digging and end up in twisted deductions.

Treasure or no treasure....
It is IMO long gone.
By someone WHO.... was there at one time.

Dig ?

(my / this post can / could be the dialog / script for the "final season.... finally")
(You have my permission Laginas.)(heh)

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The definition of crazy...
Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

I am afraid that this may be the Laginas legacy.

BUT.... least we may not forget... many a treasure hunter continued through over and over failure to a finality of success....
Mel Fisher and the final locating of the Nuestra Señora de Atocha is the at first deemed crazy person to come to my mind.

From episode one, it was designed to capture the attention of a certain audience. Monster Quest did the same thing. Make no promises, but create the illusion that something new was recently discovered. Monster Quest almost found a: bigfoot, chupa cabra, nessie, etc. many times.
The Laginas are TV personalities, much like Benny Hill, Tim Conway and Roseanne Barr. They acted to earn sponsorship, which turned into a Brand, and steady income.
For anyone over the age of 12, who ever believed this show: well bless your heart!”

Hmmm.... now that would be a show to watch....
"Benny Hill, Tim Conway and Roseanne Barr." all in the same room.

From episode one, it was designed to capture the attention of a certain audience. Monster Quest did the same thing. Make no promises, but create the illusion that something new was recently discovered. Monster Quest almost found a: bigfoot, chupa cabra, nessie, etc. many times.
The Laginas are TV personalities, much like Benny Hill, Tim Conway and Roseanne Barr. They acted to earn sponsorship, which turned into a Brand, and steady income.
For anyone over the age of 12, who ever believed this show: well bless your heart!”
The Laginas and the other couple of investors spent supposedly 15 million of their own money to by the rights to be able to search from the different land owners, 3-5 years before the show ever aired season one.. TV might have been the plan all along but there was no guarantee of that I'd imagine until they filmed some hours to see if they could turn it into a show.. How many other tv reality shows has the "actors" put up their own money years before any possible return on it.. Even once the show started it could get canceled at any moment. Lucky for them and ALL THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS it has last as long as it has and if they invested their income well will never have to work again...

The Laginas and the other couple of investors spent supposedly 15 million of their own money to by the rights to be able to search from the different land owners, 3-5 years before the show ever aired season one.. TV might have been the plan all along but there was no guarantee of that I'd imagine until they filmed some hours to see if they could turn it into a show.. How many other tv reality shows has the "actors" put up their own money years before any possible return on it.. Even once the show started it could get canceled at any moment. Lucky for them and ALL THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS it has last as long as it has and if they invested their income well will never have to work again...
A mere drop in the bucket as they say...

Errr or in this case... "the money pit". heh

Maybe the treasure of oak island was the friends we made along the way?

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Maybe the treasure of oak island was the friends we made along the way?
Friends >?
Hmmm i wouldnt call the LAginas my friends...

They never returned my call when i left a msg stating that they were digging 2 feet left of where i thought they should dig.

If I was certain of a treasure, the last thing I’d want is TV coverage. But, if I needed the $$, because I wasted mine, I’d love to have the TV income for as long as I could milk it. 🥛🐄= 💰💰💰

If I was certain of a treasure, the last thing I’d want is TV coverage. But, if I needed the $$, because I wasted mine, I’d love to have the TV income for as long as I could milk it. 🥛🐄= 💰💰💰
That's exactly what I was thinking also... who would want it if you truly believed you were actually going to find something of value...?

It just turned into a income stream for the brothers and cast and when it did all the silly themes started.

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Perhaps there was something there which eluded all priors and the L's found it early on and kept it their secret and own value. Then they had a futile show anyway. Best of both worlds. Cake and eat it too.

Was there anything that says they can't keep it all? Good reason to not disclose a discovery.

Think you are finding something? Tell the TV crew and everyone else to take the day off.

The only thing that could or have been there is described in the earliest credible evidence of deposit. Any thing else is poo. So how wonderful is this which we seek?

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