"I fully agree that the Laginas are operating on "A" above but, if there is indeed documented evidence of a deposit,...."
You have been asked multiple times, "what treasure?" And there's the entire problem, no answer because there isn't, and never was, any.
It should be obvious to you, but surprisingly isn't, that until a treasure is recovered, if there is one, it's unknown exactly what it might be. As nobody knows what it is, rather than what it might be, nobody can say what form it might take.
It should also be obvious to you, but again clearly isn't, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. That nobody has yet found a treasure doesn't necessarily mean that there's none there.
The fact is that nobody knows whether there's a treasure on Oak Island and nobody, including you, can effectively prove that there isn't. We don't know either way.
What I'm saying is that there appears to be evidence of a planned deposit, but I can't say what was actually planned or whether anything was eventually deposited. Whether there's support for what I've discovered depends on the Laginas' willingness to check it out on the ground not what you
think might be the case.
You're declaring that you know for a fact that such a test must prove negative because you've decided that you know all the answers without even bothering to look. That's prejudging.
You've declared that there isn't and never was a deposit (a 'treasure') and, as I've explained above, you may be right because while I believe there may well be evidence of a planned deposit I don't know if that deposit ever took place.
Furthermore, as you've declared there cannot possibly be evidence of a deposit then there's no point in my trying to convince you because you're declaring that what I've found must be nonsense without even knowing what it is.
Thus, everyone here knows exactly what your response will be, because you've telegraphed it.