Bronze Member
Pretty much how I see it as well. But I do think Ruth thought he was looking for the mine in Bick's article (a Peralta mine which was later mined by Waltz, which became generally known as the LDM). So I would say Waltz was probably a little more than a distant footnote, but a minor point. For one, Ruth carried the Julia/Bick directions with him on his fatal trip. They were important enough for him to update them with Veni, Vidi, Vici at some point, possibly in the field when he saw what he was looking for.
He was also reported to have written "about 200ft from the cave" (which I don't see on what I believe to be the original note found on Adoplh's body, the one in the Sims Ely collection that he got from the Ruth family...but then again the photostat may not contain the entire note). This wasalso a reference to Bick's article. Then, Erwin also makes reference to the Bick article in a note he writes. This note is on pg.134 of Dr. Glover's "Treasure Tales" and I've never really known what to think of it. It appears this reference by Erwin was made regarding the Borrego hunt, possibly in 1929, prior to Adolph making his trip to AZ in 1931. But it's definitely from Bick's article...just another one those things that make you wonder and not something I've followed up on. Here's what Erwin wrote for those that don't have the book:
"In its weird loneliness it seems an index finger marking the location of some hidden mystery. Owing to its resemblance, from one point of view, to a high-crowned pointed sombrero, the Mexicans call it El Sombrero. This hill or really a mountain of some 2000 feet is flanked on either side by lesser hills which from a certain viewpoint appears like the turned up brim of the well-known Mexican hat."
Almost word for word, taken from Bick's 1895 article. I've often wondered if the directions were "planted" on Ruth's body, but the handwriting on the photostat (which is a dead-ringer for Adolph's handwriting, unlike other handwritten copies of the note I've seen) and Erwin's quoting of the article, makes me believe the 1895 Bick article is a genuine piece of the Ruth's treasure hunting activities.
A minor point, perhaps. I just don't see conclusive proof to justify any belief that Ruth treated the Waltz angle as something substantial or that he was looking for the LDM in particular.
Without diving into the rabbit hole of figuring out what Ruth really was doing or what he really had as far as clues/directions/maps- my conclusion is that from looking at the entire picture that was his life, he just didn't appear to be a competent individual, whether being a father to his family, or being responsible at his job (having his pay be cut, and eventually being forced to retire). It therefore follows that he also was not a competent treasure hunter. This is supported by a variety of anecdotes, including his shooting his mouth off as soon as he got to the Quarter circle U ranch (at the time, the center of all Dutch-hunting activity), boasting but refusing to reveal his "maps."
With all this in mind, I believe that he just took whatever he deemed to be "clues" and conflated them into his vision of a lost Peralta mine bonanza, whether it be from Bicknell's article, Julia's directions, or the "old Spanish map" or a combination of all of them. I believe that this led some people to believe he was after the LDM because those particular clues were found on his body. But what's equally as important is what was not found on his body.
I believe he did have at least one map that was very unusual and something that no other dutch hunters had, and it was this map that caused his demise. I think Detective Jones actually was doing a great job zeroing in on it, but as Edwin Ruth had no way of identifying it (to set it apart from the many false maps floating around), the investigation fell apart.
The supreme irony in all this is that it was Ruth, himself (or rather, his demise), who single-handedly launched the LDM/Waltz legend into the national spotlight when all the Eastern papers picked up the story of his skull being found.
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