You'll have to get some photos/video of this cross and the base it's mounted on Bill, and post it for us to have a look see.
I haven't done anything more than a brief scouting of the other places folks say the stones were found, simply because I don't find those claims credible.
As Gary said, we shouldn't assume the Tumlinsons were lying, and both Travis and Robert said the stones were found at the QC bridge on US 60.
Those that chose to believe the stories of Mexican post hole diggers, cowboy jokesters et al , or made them up, have obviously been out to the other bridge and Black Point, to do a little digging themselves.....maybe even to add a little realism to their claims. All part of the "hell, I was there syndrome" I guess.
I would think that if someone wanted to mark the beginning of a "treasure trail" with something like a huge copper cross on a pedestal, then the rest of the trail must also be marked in the same way. This will certainly make it easy for you to follow the copper cross road right to the end of the story. Sounds like you are on your way.
The Whitlow Flood Control dam on Queen Creek was completed in 1960. Don't know if that will affect your theory though.
For me, the stone crosses have helped, at least the two same-size original crosses some of us have photos of. The copies are a bit larger ( Jim Hatts and the ones somebody else made and posed on a blue terry cloth) There are slight differences noticeable, aside from size, as is the case with the stone map copies.
The cross deeply chiseled into the back of the upper TS, matches the size and asymmetric profile of the "map cross",and IMHO that original cross was used to trace the outline before it was chiseled.....maybe even traced with the same pencil used for the heart on the PS.
Three other crosses are shown on the SM's, all at various angles. The small leaning cross out front of the horse, the cross between the two line on the priest's sleeve, and the larger cross held out in front. I believe all act as pointers, arranged as they should be used. Bilbrey mentioned....I think it was in the article from the Apache Sentinel, that the two crosses he found at his claim were different sizes, with one being larger and broken. Yet the photos in the article show two of the same size....chipped but not "broken". One of Bilbrey's friends, who had been out searching with Bilbrey and Ed Farr, had mentioned in a post on DUSA a third cross that Bilbrey had seen, but needed climbing gear to reach.( down, I would assume )
Could this have been the "larger and broken cross" Bilbrey spoke of in the news article ? Is that cross the one shown in the grasp of the priest ?