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As you know, I don't know $#!t about rocks. Perhaps a form of Quartzsite.
On the other hand, so ter speak, those are gold & diamonds on a peach....for sure.
Take care,
joe..i can tell you all you need to know about rocks...if it has gold in it..put it in your pocket..if it doesnt...its called leverite...leave her right where you found it
I don't know if the Bigfoot thing was directed at me but before I became a Treasure Hunter I was famous Bigfoot Hunter.
It don't bother me I made peace with him and now we've moved on. He only comes when I call him. It wasn't me this time though someone else called him out!
I never had my question answered, what has the huge bronze or copper cross have to do with the Peralta Stone Maps? It's right there at one of the site's of the maps discovery and matches the cross on the back of the stones.
Could it be this is the place you start from? Has anyone ever heard of this Cross and what does it have to do with the PSM burials? I found two new holes dug nearby it may be yet another possible location of the discovery.
I was going to show it but I fear it may unleash a humanoid man beast!
The stones depict many references to the a cross of some sort and location. This one is hidden and very old!
Just got off the phone with Ryan. He is done with the video of the new episode on the stone maps. Detective Ryan is now working on the audio. He is putting together a timeline of the stone map events. He filmed all the reported locations. Included will be the various map photos and theories. I believe his conclusion will be one that is logical based on the maps history and of those involved. The whole ball of wax on one video. Depending on your personal theory I'm sure there will be things that match and things you don't agree on. But it will be all there. Cait wait to watch it.
Thank you Ryan for all of your diligence in what you are doing! Frank, your experience and narration as well as Ryan's really puts the facts in front of us that are being sponges out here to absorb through your chapters. Thank you to both of you! Can't wait to see the video!!! Go Ryan Gooooooo!
Thank you SH
Could not make out MEDULLA.
Thank you. It's surprising the things that pop up when you attempt something like this.
See anything interesting that matches up?( It's not the dutchman.) It's just "stuff."
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Frank, I can only imagine what a fresh set of eyes on something you have been studying for decades may unravel! Ryan seems very matter-fact in what he sees...and you...very matter a fact in what you have seen! Lol! I can only imagine the dynamics between you in many explosive conversations! This is (understandably) a very passionate subject, and, I really want you both to know that your candidness about what you are filming and commenting on (undisclosed is completely understood) is greatly appreciated! THIS is REALITY! and I LOVE IT! Thank you both!
Haven't seen it Bill, but if it's "huge" I would think some have. I'm surprised it hasn't been hauled away by scrap hunters....especially if it's copper or bronze.
Might have been part of an old sign, for a church or something. There's a few places down that way with "copper" in their name......Copper Basin, Copper Mine Road...maybe even a "Copper Cross Saloon" at one time![]()
It's hidden so well that you can't see it unless your lined up with it. It looks old and covered in green corrosion!
I couldn't believe it was real at first. It was off in the distance and I never had the chance to film it up close. This was after I dug that pile of crap that yielded nothing but awful smells from the Kudamundi's nest!
It sits on a stone altar similar to the altar on the PSM. No cement just stones cut and placed in a hard packed pattern.
I have to investigate further next week. I took no Video this week out of respect for Ryan's release that's delayed. I still have the Video of the hidden rock piles I never posted if your interested in a short clip?
How many times is a cross depicted as a measuring tool or point in the PSM's?
This may be the true area the stones were found. Near some religious cult that wore pointy hats and road Horses that sported elephant trunks for a leg.
Yes the cross seems to be the key at least to important parts of the stones provenance and history of that area in an unknown just go with what's in front of you.
This thing is jumping out like the corner of a rock map you keep tripping over while searching for arrow heads!
I'm filming it next week as part of the Stone Maps key hiding place. I could see this real easy just Travis wanted everyone to get off their butts and really look for his location. I would have filmed the grave site exploration but it was a bust. Funny thing though it was surrounded by holes dug a long time ago.
I get the feeling I'm following in the footsteps of TT.
Have you visited and dug the fence line where the break in the fence exists? That spot you can tell has been dug but he didn't do it well and missed some spots.
No Bar ever existed near this cross no saloon no restaurant no gas station no way. Not enough money for flood control in Queens Creek. To many cactus for any of those spots unless it was there before the cactus was grown!
All I can say is if you haven't really looked for the maps discovery location's if you haven't found this. To bad, it would have made a good ending and beginning to this Video and the next. Finding a cross near where the maps were dug up by old Travis that old Rascal he wanted people to look all over for his holes of glory and the clues were right there all along waiting for whomever found the cross!