Well Bill, what can I say?
Yer probably not the only one though....
Just a coupla things before I sign off for a bit....
The stones weren't buried very deep, with the H/P near the top of the bank and sticking out a bit.
It may have been left partly exposed.....and with some damage at the top center as well....by the power shovel and/or bulldozers that were used to make the cut for the roadway. There is a mention made somewhere in the collection of accounts, which says that long before the Tumlinsons found the stone maps out there, a highway construction crew found some carved stones (maps) while building that highway. My thought is that if additional maps were needed to complete the journey to it's final destination, these may have been what was required.
The two map stones were found a couple of feet down, with the red heart stone just below the big stones, so he wouldn't have had to dig as big a hole as the others we see out there a hundred yards or so further east.
Whoever dug all those deeper holes out there, they chose specific spots. And in two cases at least, went to a great deal of time and labour to dig down till they hit paydirt, or at least were satisfied that they had uncovered everything. It isn't solid rock, but it sure is solid enough to at least require a pick and shovel. That's why I argued with Jim Hatt that there was no way those stones fell off of a Peralta Mule after the massacre and simply sunk below the surface on their own.
Those folks who left the open holes behind wouldn't have had as tough a time digging up what had been already dug in order to bury the stones and whatever else was found out there. The "tailings" you were looking at tells the truth about that. None of that is fused together, like the "virgin" ground which surrounds those deeper holes.