Treasure Trove Permits

Oroblanco said:
Greetings Blindbowman and everyone,

Tropical Tramp, as I mentioned in another thread, my condolences on the loss of your friend. There is a bright side to his passing, however - at least he died doing something he loved. (I presume he loved treasure hunting or he would not have been there by your side.) So many people die without ever having known the reward of pursuing a dream.

Blindbowman - now you have a very different theory as to what you found from your earlier posts. A few points (among many) are in order, for one, it seems very unlikely that the original Tayopa was found or worked by any Templars, since the discovery of Tayopa post-dates the destruction of the Templars organization by nearly two centuries. Time-line problem with that possibility.

Then there is the problem of proving that Templars were even aware that the American continents existed, much less had a fleet of treasure ships to send across the Atlantic. As you well know, the period during which the Templars were operating is known as the "Dark Ages" or Medeival period - and most Europeans were not even aware that the world was a sphere. Seafaring abilities were not on a par even with the late Romans, (excepting the Norse) and most sailing was done along coastlines within sight of shore. This led to historians of today claiming that this coast-hugging was always the case prior to the late 1400s, which is false - but during the period you are claiming that the Templars sailed to America with the table settings of the Last Supper is not a time period when European navigation was skilled, nor ships being notably seaworthy. Arab ships of the period were quite capable of reaching America however.

Then there is the problem of the Last Supper table setting. Do you believe that Jesus and his followers, men and women who very much held money in disdain and were not wealthy by any means - would even OWN a gold cup among them? Remember Jesus of Nazareth was a carpenter by trade, not some wealthy person or royalty. "Render unto Caesar the things which are of Caesar,..." so the idea that a set of incredibly valuable gold and silver place settings would have been the utensils used at the famous Last Supper seems extremely unlikely and illogical. I am rather surprised that you arrived at this conclusion.

Is it impossible that the Templars could have known of the Americas, and have sailed here? Of course not - in fact there is a distinct possibility that something was in fact spirited away from Europe and possibly buried in the now-infamous site known as the Money Pit (Oak Island) by none other than Henry Sinclair, in or about 1321. However it is quite another matter for a medeival European ship to have carried a cargo up the Salt river to the Superstitions. For the Templars to have chosen that site to hide some treasure, they must have had knowledge of the place prior to that moment - so exactly how did the Templars gain knowledge of the Superstitions?

I wish you luck in pursuing your theories and in attempting to prove them, and look forward to reading the account of your adventures when you have completed your next expedition. I hope you will keep us posted, and as always - remember everything I have said here is just my own opinion - no offense was intended.

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

"it seems very unlikely that the original Tayopa was found or worked by any Templars, since the discovery of Tayopa post-dates the destruction of the Templars organization by nearly two centuries. Time-line problem with that possibility. "

i agree 100% i do not beleive the templars had anything what so ever to do with the tayopa . the maps ,stones ,and dirrection have nothing to do with tayopa .. let me explan .
the events take place in around 1307 . the templars send the treasure to the caost where it is put on ships to send away .. many of the templars were never killed they vanished .. i beleive they sent a few ships to oak island to miss leed everyone and then the main fleet went south to the Azores

"The Azores may have been known to the ancients and were included on a map in 1351 " i could beleive the templars did not leave any signs and if they did they were very few ...but if we are to beleive my thoeries to work we must also look at what little evidence oak land has given up .. the goat hair parchment with writeing . was it posable at the time the templars vanished ,, the answer is yes .. we can only judge this time line by those of the last crusade that date from between 1271 and 1348 the true dates are unknown ,, this would fit the time line of the templars vanishing act ....

if in 1519 geronimo de Agilar saw copper bells they must have been contacted before that date ...

it may thoery that the templars knew just what they had and they secreted it to theis holly cave , how they found out about this location we never know , but i could guess the Aztec , knew about it in the time span...

we know the temple mount treasure was taken by the templar and we know they vanished ,,, they had to go somewhere . and here in the stones we see the simbolic end of the templar knights .. i think this is just why no one could under stand the clues . we were all trying to see how the jesuits and the fransicans fit the treasure . ,they dont .. how the tayopa becomes part of this site i do not know .. but the fact remains . this is the templar site . now if the tayopa list is listing part of the temple mount treasure then there is no dout they found some record of it some where ...but the jesuit came much later then the templar ...

and yes i do agree with you oro . if the templars were there frist then the rest is all here say and the jesuits had little if anything to do with this treasure in the tunnel would be some real wild odds for this type of relegious treasure to show up in that area from two diffrent scores ,.. when the stones picture the templars ..i have to side with the logical . the date of when the treasure it self got there could be as late as 1500's but i beleive it got there way earler like 1305-1310....

"hen there is the problem of proving that Templars were even aware that the American continents existed, much less had a fleet of treasure ships to send across the Atlantic. As you well know, the period during which the Templars were operating is known as the "Dark Ages" or Medeival period - and most Europeans were not even aware that the world was a sphere.
lol i agree if this was not the templars .. they had vast wealth , and wisdom and at one piont controlled almost all of the known europe at the time .

and if the stone dose in fact show a templar priest then we have evidence they did in fact reach this site .. this could even explan why there is lemited to no records of the actives of this site anywhere after they had been betrayed they wanted to vanish . i think we are looking at what happend to them ...but one thing is fact the templar where years ahead of any one else in math and construction ... there is just to little known about them , this is the only evidence i have herd of after they were stated to vanish from europe...

i think logic tells us if this is a templar site then it would have to be from those years ...
not those of the jesuits from 1592 to the later 1646 of the dateing of the treasure list ,, if we agree the treasure list is even real what do we have to judge it by . in this case we have the relationship between history of the tunnel location and the recorded events that evidence subports has happend in the area around this site ... much like that of the massacre site area ...

i can only ask how many other stone tablets have been found ...just the fact know one knows where they came from or where they were made . yet look at what i stated . if the stone tablets were very old and then broken over bigger tablets and made in to the stones . they could very well look fake a look like reproductions ...just in the way they were made by the templar ...

my piont is look at this stone tablet found at the temple mount .. if you dont beleive it looks very much like the priest stone tablet then , what can i say ? ...


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the templar would have made their own writeing and cut the stones to shape . but for color and type of stone i do beleive they are the same .. if you have not researched the temple mount tablets of tabots you will not know that there was a few type of stone used .. but as i stated if the peralta stones are from the temple mount that would no dout stand out in a test of where and what type of stone they are made of . yet as i stated it is almost imposable to defind where a stone came from with out a sample to match it to ... we now have a location to try to match the peralta stone to ...

this is my piont ...if the templar were trying to hide the fact the stones were from the temple mount they would have no markings of other languages on them ...

but this type of reuse of the tablets can maker them look faked but can not hide the fact they are still tablets from the temple mount area ...

even the idea that they were tested as fakes to see if they were fakes would make the later reuse apear as the stone could be fake when in fact they were nether fake or refakes ... they are just tablets of a far older time then the reuse was ..

and none of the stones are of any larger size then peice would most likely be made of tablets in full ...

if you look at the priest stone and the horse stone you can see the top edge looks to have been broke off and then refinished where the bottom edges are much smother and do not look the same as the top edges ,, yet when you look at some of the sides of the stones some sides have the broke edges and some do not . thus we can see the peices placement with in the tablets they were broken from ...if this is the case and the templar made the heart stone yet the heart inner inserts were made by the templar they would must likely be diffrent all togather and they in fact do look diffrent ...

if this is the case what stones are the real peralta stones and what are remade or fakes would stand out very easy ...

for one , i was working with the templar code and they use that code on the stones . and if i was to guess the priest stone and the horse stone are the real tablets . not remade just reused tablet peice ...i think under a close magnafication you may see signs of older writeing faded away under the reused writeing , remember they were not looking for hebrew writeing from the days of the temple mount , they could have very well gone unnoticed ...

and if the stone tablets had shaper edges they could have rubed those edges off some to make the reuse of the stones not reflect their past frist use ....

this is what i see in the stones , stone speaks if you are willing to under stand its languages...

let me show you another stone found at the temple mount ...note in this case the stone is darker from age or water damge and this given stone has a board where the other did not

and note the two cross stones have the same pited face like the priest stone and the horse stone show ...that would make me guess the heart stone and inner inserts and the trail stone are remakes if not fakes or made at a later date then the others were ...

we can only guess as to how much variesion is in the type of stones tablets that were used from the temple mount tablets .. and the conditions they were came in ...may also be reflected in the coditions they are in now ...

i can only guess that stone tablets were used far more often in the days of the tempple mount and here we find stone tablets .. logic reflects the path ...


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HIO mi buddy BB: Interesting. Incidentally why would the templars cross thousands of miles of nice hiding country to go to the Superstitions to hide something? Just curious, since it defies basic logic. The longer travel invites the increased risk of discovery and possible attack, no?.

However, keep on with your theory, since no-one else has knowingly found anything so far using conventional data, you may be the one, frankly, I sincerely hope that you do.

It would make two of us that defied conventional theories and data to succeed.

p.s. err how about a long term, no interest loan for me when you succeed ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ladies, Gentlemen: I thank you for your kind words on my lost associate. I agree with your Oro, those were my exact words also.

it happened because he did not follow my orders. I told him specificlly not to go down into the canyon complex until I had arranged for a mule to bring him back up, he had had a previous heart problem.

So, Oro remember this when you are up at Tayopa, and you will be, follow orders! (Your job Beth) heheehh.

Same goes for you Djuicy, I am the PIC!

Don Jose de La Mancha

i have been a recluse for many years and some of the time i have been here debeating the data is welcome even if it is confuseing at time chanceing these clues .. yes i would try to help others if i make this find ,,,to legal clam ...

you can find a treasure but once a treasure hunter you are for life ...

the blindbowman said:
let me show you another stone found at the temple mount ...note in this case the stone is darker from age or water damge and this given stone has a board where the other did not

and note the two cross stones have the same pited face like the priest stone and the horse stone show ...that would make me guess the heart stone and inner inserts and the trail stone are remakes if not fakes or made at a later date then the others were ...

we can only guess as to how much variesion is in the type of stones tablets that were used from the temple mount tablets .. and the conditions they were came in ...may also be reflected in the coditions they are in now ...

i can only guess that stone tablets were used far more often in the days of the tempple mount and here we find stone tablets .. logic reflects the path ...


The Joash Tablet you show has been conclusively proven to be a modern forgery. The same teams of eminent people investigated both this tablet and the James Ossuary. The inscriptions on both are modern forgeries (the ossuary itself is authentic but from Syria, but the inscription is modern).




"To insinuate they are similar is absurd".

This is how pissing matches get started. You see how easy it is? Your statement approaches "ridicule". ::)

I can see how bowman could honestly believe he is giving us all some important clues and evidence. He is living in his own world and deserves to find some peace and comfort in there.

Joe Ribaudo

I seeeee. So that's all you have to do. :o Kind of like saying...."With all due respect", and then telling someone they're an idiot.


my piont was not if the josha stone was real or fake the piont ids there are so many fakes and greedy basterds out there i must have proff/ evidence ...! i dont want to missleed any with evidence i find or share , ...

if the josha stone was faked it can only tell the peralta stone could have been fakes as well the only diffrence at this piont that i can see is the stone and the legend fit the sites i found and if the priest stone is in fact showing the templar priest then the game is changeing dirrections from what has been the known path .. i for one will see this path to the end , no matter what out come . its better then where the legend has taken all of you ! IMHO ....

the legend has stalled . i out right confess i am a thinker and a seer and my gifts guide me in ways few under stand ... but thats the good part .. i need not explan the workings of the human mind . i need only uncover new clues and find new dirrections and define if those new paths of dirrection define where the legend s old path vanished to ... .

i well explan this theory to you so you are not confused . logic tells us there was once a path of this legend if it was fact . just like DNA at a crime location . that path of Dna is a never ending path, the foot prints left by the killer are still being made by the killer days late or in this case years after ... but in time environments and weather take controll of how much evidence can still be recoverd .... and at so pionts of the path of evidence the trail has gone cold . thus we must find where the trail is hot . we my never find those parts of the path that vanished or are to faded to see or find for there lack of evidence at this piont , but if we can define a dirrection much as one dose by tracking blood trails in hunting deer . it is the same basics ...

the piont is i have found dirrection . is it the right dirrection . it has taken me to some real wild events and locations . i remember hanging up side down with my brother holding my feet so i could look in the tunnel opening ,... what evidence is out there may be vanishing every day , we must define these paths and dirrection or the true path may never be found again ...

in many ways i have widen the research and search area well beyond the 10 mile mark ... the fact remains . in tracking a deer blood trail one holds true to his past dirrection and if the trail vanishes for a few yards he contenues onward till the trail is relocated . this is what i am doing .. it is what i am good at .. finding what can not be seen at frist sight ...

you can call that any thing you want . you can call me crazy if that makes you feel better .. but the fact remains IMHO i have picked up the trail and i am not still out there walking around saying to my self where the hell did the trail go ! ... even if i dont recover the treasure . it will not mean i cant go back to the last blood . and start again looking for the missing trail . . i always would take my arrows and mark the last blood and than mark the trail before the last blood and then start the hunt for new blood trail beyond the last blood marker ... i am a master of blood trails .... crazy or not lol ...

now if some of you under stand the theories of why i do what i do . then you must be able to under stand .. if the prealta stones were fake , and you tryed to place them in the blood trail , after you had gone some yards along the trail and came back to where those stones would fit , if they were fakes they would stand out as fakes to the rest of the blood trail . their placement would not fit and they would look out of place on the true trail ...

i widen my research and refound many trails and the right trail become seen and the others vanish under research if the person defines eveything to a full observation ...

when the trail vanishes you widen the research area and then refocus if a trail is found .. you may find dozens of lost trails yet where do they go and after you defind a clear trail again dose the past clues relate and could they have vanished and be refound where you started the new trail you are on ... the piont is we may never defind what happend in the missing part of the trail or years . the fact is dont set around wondering ... relocate the trail and find the deer ..

i once walked 300 yards and found one drop of blood and then walked a nother 140 yards befor finding the deer down ...

you are all standing where the blood trail has vanished and are confused that the trails ican not be seen . i am on the trail up ahead and looking back wondering why your still standing there looking around ...

dont try to under stand everything i do i have done this all my life and i am very good at it .. even to the piont of gifted ...

as i hope i have pionted out why the fake stones are not of interest to the over all lost trail .. but as of now i can not rule ouyt the templars the fact remains . the templar stone could be just that . and not the priest stone . this is a very common out come when people mis lable evidence of clues in this case .. what was a templar tablet became a jesuit map or a prealta stone in all the confusion only missleeding everyone to go in a dirrection that vanishes a ways down the trail and never goes beyond that piont .

i like to remove all the lables and this dose confuse almost everyone that trys to under stand what i do .. but if i am to find dirrection i do not want to keep tracking miss labled evidence .. you can if you what .. but i would much rather not lable anything if it lets me define the path and the dirrection it has gone ...

dose it matter if i lable anything .no if i find the deer and recover it .. this is the reason you have a hard tiime under standing me . even words and spelling are lables to me . i am artistic with autiums tendences i dont need lables to under stand dirrections . thats why i was a navagtor ...

if you see me as crazy thats ok if you can live with that . i can .. becuase i know the out come before it happens is the savant in me that knows the path and the answer before most know the question...

I am a little confused, is this still all part of the BIG JOKE??

djui5 See, I'm saying that it is my opinion, and like bumholes, we all have one and they all stink!


HIO Djuicy, not mine, I use soap and bathe.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Just what is so complex on your thinking? Isn't that just normal reasoning and deductive ability?

I am lost as to why you assume that we cannot follow your line of thinking, it is relatively simple logic..

Don Jose de La Mancha


"I am lost as to why you assume that we cannot follow your line of thinking, it is relatively simple logic.."

You have stated the obvious here. I believe the operative word is......"simple". ::)


djui5 said:
Real de Tayopa said:
HIO Djuicy, not mine, I use soap and bathe.

Don Jose de La Mancha

How do you know I'm juicy?

:D ;D

He saw the picture of you wearing those Daisy Dukes with the word "JUICY" across the butt! ;D ;D ;D


Real de Tayopa said:
Just what is so complex on your thinking? Isn't that just normal reasoning and deductive ability?

I am lost as to why you assume that we cannot follow your line of thinking, it is relatively simple logic..

Don Jose de La Mancha


if you are standing on the bottom step !

i have 10's of thousand of pages of data related to the sites ....simple ...OK

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