Treasure Trove Permits

Seems I missed a great deal of discussion here, and there is too much to address in a single post. I will try to be brief.

For a Templar treasure in the Superstitions theory to work, a great deal of evidence is going to be necessary to prove it up. Were the Templars even aware that the Americas existed, a huge stumbling block of a question?

If we look at the time-line, we see that most of Europe was indeed un-aware of the Americas. The Templars did have contact with the Pope in Rome, and the Pope had received tithes from a relatively secret land known to the Vikings as "Vinland". Add in the fact that the last resorts of the Templars were in north Scotland and the islands north of the British isles, areas also well in contact with the Norse, and it is possible that the Templars did learn of the location of Vinland. This would tend to support the theory of Templars under Henry Sinclair visiting Nova Scotia and burying something in Oak Island, far from the crowned heads of Europe and relatively safe from them.

A knowledge that there were lands on the other side of the Atlantic does not equate with intimate knowledge of what is today southern Arizona. Intimate knowledge would have been required in order to know of such a secret place in the Superstitions, and it seems unlikely that the Templars, even knowing the Americas existed, even if they made a single visit to the continent, had enough knowledge of the geography to be able to utilize southern Arizona as the final hiding place for...some kind of great treasure.

The fact that European explorers encountered Amerindians with copper bells, copper tools, or copper weapons is no proof of any prior contact with Templars or any other Old World culture - for many Amerindian cultures were mining and using copper, even smelting it. So a report of seeing Amerindians with copper bells only proves that they had copper, not that they had a historic encounter with Templars or anyone else.

The stones found under the Temple Mount were inscribed in ancient Hebrew, which is very similar to ancient Phoenician and Punic. Virtually all of the known Templar stone inscriptions are written in Latin, not Hebrew nor any other Semitic alphabet or language. BB has identified the "priest/witch" on the so-called Peralta stones as a Templar priest, which does not work for me - of the stone inscriptions and statues left by the Templars that I have seen, none resemble the "priest" on the Peralta stones.

I do wish you luck in your quest, but would suggest that you follow your own advice friend Blindbowman - you mentioned that you remove all labels - well remove the labels you are using in the trail you are following out, and put all the pieces together first BEFORE you conclude that it had to be the Templars, or the Jesuits, or Franciscans, or Spaniards, or Peraltas, or Aztecs, or French, or of any other source until all the evidence is in and examined. Perhaps it will prove to be the Templars, or perhaps it will prove to be something NO ONE has yet even thought of! It might be helpful to compare evidence with other examples like Templars or Aztecs etc but until you have ALL of the pieces in hand, it is not helpful to try to make a theory fit with the evidence.

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Roy ~ Oroblanco

Oroblanco said:
Seems I missed a great deal of discussion here, and there is too much to address in a single post. I will try to be brief.

For a Templar treasure in the Superstitions theory to work, a great deal of evidence is going to be necessary to prove it up. Were the Templars even aware that the Americas existed, a huge stumbling block of a question?

If we look at the time-line, we see that most of Europe was indeed un-aware of the Americas. The Templars did have contact with the Pope in Rome, and the Pope had received tithes from a relatively secret land known to the Vikings as "Vinland". Add in the fact that the last resorts of the Templars were in north Scotland and the islands north of the British isles, areas also well in contact with the Norse, and it is possible that the Templars did learn of the location of Vinland. This would tend to support the theory of Templars under Henry Sinclair visiting Nova Scotia and burying something in Oak Island, far from the crowned heads of Europe and relatively safe from them.

A knowledge that there were lands on the other side of the Atlantic does not equate with intimate knowledge of what is today southern Arizona. Intimate knowledge would have been required in order to know of such a secret place in the Superstitions, and it seems unlikely that the Templars, even knowing the Americas existed, even if they made a single visit to the continent, had enough knowledge of the geography to be able to utilize southern Arizona as the final hiding place for...some kind of great treasure.

The fact that European explorers encountered Amerindians with copper bells, copper tools, or copper weapons is no proof of any prior contact with Templars or any other Old World culture - for many Amerindian cultures were mining and using copper, even smelting it. So a report of seeing Amerindians with copper bells only proves that they had copper, not that they had a historic encounter with Templars or anyone else.

The stones found under the Temple Mount were inscribed in ancient Hebrew, which is very similar to ancient Phoenician and Punic. Virtually all of the known Templar stone inscriptions are written in Latin, not Hebrew nor any other Semitic alphabet or language. BB has identified the "priest/witch" on the so-called Peralta stones as a Templar priest, which does not work for me - of the stone inscriptions and statues left by the Templars that I have seen, none resemble the "priest" on the Peralta stones.

I do wish you luck in your quest, but would suggest that you follow your own advice friend Blindbowman - you mentioned that you remove all labels - well remove the labels you are using in the trail you are following out, and put all the pieces together first BEFORE you conclude that it had to be the Templars, or the Jesuits, or Franciscans, or Spaniards, or Peraltas, or Aztecs, or French, or of any other source until all the evidence is in and examined. Perhaps it will prove to be the Templars, or perhaps it will prove to be something NO ONE has yet even thought of! It might be helpful to compare evidence with other examples like Templars or Aztecs etc but until you have ALL of the pieces in hand, it is not helpful to try to make a theory fit with the evidence.

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Roy ~ Oroblanco

that is out right not true , it only takes finding the templar treasure in the seven caves system to prove this , the fact remains the temple mount treasure vanished just before 1307 and has not been seen or had any clues as of yet beleive the templars put a treasure here in the cave is no more unbeleiveable then tousands of people looking for the LDM here in the mts ...mislableing the prealta stone , misleeding and fakeing clues ...

there is no more evidence in the LDM case that is fact then there is of the templars puting the treasure of christ in this cave system . IMHO...

so i am no more nuts then the rest of you by that standerd ...

OH. don't put yourself down like that. You are definitely more nuts than the rest of us! In that, you can rest easy.



Blindbowman wrote:
that is out right not true , it only takes finding the templar treasure in the seven caves system to prove this , the fact remains the temple mount treasure vanished just before 1307 and has not been seen or had any clues as of yet beleive the templars put a treasure here in the cave is no more unbeleiveable then tousands of people looking for the LDM here in the mts ...mislableing the prealta stone , misleeding and fakeing clues ...

there is no more evidence in the LDM case that is fact then there is of the templars puting the treasure of christ in this cave system . IMHO...

Hmm, you have taken a leap there my friend Blindbowman - for even if you did indeed find a lost Templar treasure in the Superstitions, this would NOT prove that the Templars put it there! That would require proving up a chain of evidence from the Old World to the Superstitions.

I have to disagree very earnestly on your point that there is no more evidence of Jacob Waltz's mine than of Templars - there is a great deal of verifiable proof that Waltz existed, came to America, applied for citizenship, won citizenship, filed mining claims in Arizona (not in the Supers however) even a petition to get the government to protect miners from Apache attacks, plus filing a homestead application etc. You can also (with some effort!) find records of his shipments of gold ore (try Wells Fargo, and be nice, also Union Pacific railroad if you are interested) and even see a piece of the ore from his mine, which was in the museum at Goldfield the last I knew. Can you find such evidence of Templars present in Arizona? That is what you will need, to prove that the Templars came to Arizona and buried a treasure here.

I also am hesitant at your saying a "Temple Mount treasure" when all I could find in researching the activities of the Templars in Jerusalem was that they did find a skull, which was later used against them when they were accused of heresies. Why do you refer to this treasure as a "Temple Mount treasure" when, even if it exists in Arizona, it could more likely be the accumulated treasures of the Templars, from their activities as protectors of pilgrims to the Holy Land and their banking activities, without any need of some recovered treasure from the Temple Mount?

BTW in my humble opinion, all treasure hunters are at least a little bit loonie, including myself! ;D :D

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Roy ~ Oroblanco

i agree it will be hard to prove but i beleive the evidence will be there ...if i am right about the last table setting and the tablets the prove is already there just no one saw it for what it is ...

and i do agree the templar had a vast teasure collected and it may be there as well , we dont know what is in this treasure untill we look at it ...but if we can theory who put the treasure there can we not try to guess what could be in this treasure ...

who knows maybe the milkman put the treasure there ...


Why are you having to guess what is in the cave/pit? Why don't you just take a "third eye" trip into the darkness and tell us what you see? Did I miss something here???



"i already have many times but no one wants to here the truth lol"

Not true at all. I have read the truth in your posts from the very first one. I would think,
by now, that it should be obvious to everyone.

I do admire the way you keep, doggedly, playing your game. Takes a special kind of person to keep up this kind of a clown act.....for so long. :) All that's needed to complete the picture, is a jesters cap.

We know you have been to the that one signpost picture, but just how many trips did it take for you to find all that.....stuff?


cactusjumper said:

"i already have many times but no one wants to here the truth lol"

Not true at all. I have read the truth in your posts from the very first one. I would think,
by now, that it should be obvious to everyone.

I do admire the way you keep, doggedly, playing your game. Takes a special kind of person to keep up this kind of a clown act.....for so long. :) All that's needed to complete the picture, is a jesters cap.

We know you have been to the that one signpost picture, but just how many trips did it take for you to find all that.....stuff?


Well Joe,

It depends on what kind of trip you are referring to!

As whacky as most of his assumptions are, I think there could very well be a hallucinogenic factor to them. ;D ;D ;D




Lot's of simple questions that bowman just can't find the answers to. ::)


cactusjumper said:

Lot's of simple questions that bowman just can't find the answers to. ::)


No Joe,

That's not true! He can find the answers to ALL those finnicky questions. He just invents an elaborate scenario involving some inappropriate people.



I was referring to questions that are a little more basic, like..... How many times have you been in the Superstition Mountains? No need to dream up an elaborate answer, just come up with a number.

Those kind of questions usually precipitate the donning of bowman's jestor's cap and the start of some kind of jig....hopping first on one foot and then the other. :) No Shaman's dance, as one foot must always remain in contact with Mother Earth.

Sometimes I ask the questions, just to see him dance. Sad commentary on the paucity of meaningful entertainment today. ::)


I realize that Joe. He just doesn't actually need to set foot in the Supers! He saw The LDM from a plane in the 1970s! WOW! What great vision he must have to see such a small thing from altitude! Unless of couse it was his Third Eye Inner Vision.


Hello All


I'm not hear to tell any one there right or wrong. just to add my "2 cents", if its worth that much..

Mr Wood, Sir you have a Hard and Thankless job in dealing with the public. I have met and talked to several of the Forest Service People in Mesa in the past. " All fine people and willing to help the Small Miners and Treasure Hunters. AS LONG as they follow the rules and laws, and as lone as you respect them and the job they do, they will do the same for you. After all your doing a job and you have to follow the laws yourself,s.
Dont wanna get to long winded on anything. "SO"

A QUOTE FROM SOMEONE HERE, "Opinions are like bungholes, Everyone has one.
" Yep your right there and what i say here is (((MINE.)))

So Guys and Gals,

This is about the Stone Maps. "Real or Fake" Who made them, "I dont know and dont care" They ARE VERL REAL. They deal with more then one mining area, I think.....
The Priest Map tells us "I go 18 places," 18 mines," I dont think so" 18 Mining Areas. "I think"
teehee Right now Mr Wood is thinking. "OH God another Crazy"

I have found where they fit Two areas one in the Superstition Mountains. The trail map on two stones leads you to the areas of the Heart insert, and the Horse and PriestMaps.
The trail Map is read as any map would be A person can find and follow it anytime of the year. The Horse and Priest Maps are shadow Markers. only made to be seen 4 times a year durring March, june, september and december. I have seen both of them. "Thank you Lord."

Enough for now.

bye all

I don't think Mr. Wood has visited this site in some time now, I might be wrong!

Thanks Eugene,

I guess your right. He hasn't made a post in some time now.

Tracker 1

WELCOME TO TREASURENET Tracker1! I believe our friend Scott Wood likely has now retired from the Forest Service and may not have time to spend here, so it may be a while before he can catch up with us again.

I would suggest that you start a new thread based on your posts, put it under the Lost Dutchman forum and it will surely generate plenty of replies. Thank you for posting the interesting info, I look forward to seeing more from you! :thumbsup:
your friend,

Hello Oroblanco
Thank you for your kind words. I really was hoping to talk to Mr Wood about some of my finds.
Do you know who is taking his place as chief?

I'll be around for a while in hopes of talking to some of you and making new friends...

See you all soon .


I may be mistaken, but I believe Mr. Wood's job position is as Tonto National Forest Archaeologist. As far as whether he is retired or not, I can't answer, but I know a number of folks who frequent this forum stay in touch with him via phone and e-mail, so I suspect someone may be able to point you in a direction to contact him.

If I were going to do it, I'd just contact the Tonto National Forest Service and ask for his phone# or e-mail if he is still employed there.

Tracker 1,

Last time I talked to him, Scott was the Chief Archaeologist for Tonto National Forest. He was also in charge of the Heritage Foundation.

If you are interested in finding out information about a treasure trove permit in the Tonto National Forest, Superstition Wilderness area, you could contact the USDA National Forest Service, Tonto National Forest at 2324 E. McDowell Road in Phoenix at
(602) 225-5200 or the Mesa Ranger District #3 office at 5140 E. Ingram Street Mesa (480) 610-3300. Or e-mail them at They will give you the straight story.

Scott is a really good guy. He is friendly, informative and always ready to help......if he can. His phone is still being picked up by his answering machine, so I assume he is still working. Haven't talked to him in quite a while.

Joe Ribaudo

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