Treasure Trove Permits

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Write when you have proof.

Gentlemen ????:

Small side note, most treasure stories are 99% confirmed BS, but that doesn't hinder my enjoyment of them nor most of the adventure novels.

As for the TV, yech, I get the wrigglies everytime I see the so called pro holding a pistol sideways as if it showed superior competence, or see a 9mm blowing a guy backwards 12 ft and possibly out of a window sheesh. but I watch them with the necessary tolerance.

So it is with BB, while he may, or may not, be in accordance with my views or thinking, I would rather see him posting his views in here than to just see a blank site on the LDM.

Who among you will now keep the LDM thread going with proven accurate data & theories?

Don Jose de La Mancha

I will certainly agree with you there, BB may have had some wild theories but I always enjoyed reading them no matter how bizarre I may have thought they were. For better worse he always managed to get people talking in this forum and isn't that a good thing?



I also agree with you. BB is entertaining to say the least. He does keep the conversation going. Problem with that, is that a good deal of it is incredulous exclamations. Unless he is completely brain-dead, he should expect that results from his, often historically correct, flights of fantasy.

What are we to think of his changing story? I tune in to find out who his treasure belongs to....this week. Gallons of Nitro, deep in the Superstitions, Moctazuma's Treasure, Tayopa,
The Templar's Treasure from six or seven hundred years ago......etc, etc. ::)

Some of us are trying to discuss the LDM in this section of the Forum. BB should get himself a good proofreader and publish a book. Something along the lines of Indiana Jones/Harry Potter would be perfect. Indiana Jones for the treasure side and Harry Potter for the Occult side of his personalities.

He should develop a thicker skin if he is going to float these stories to a knowledgeable audience. They would be perfect for the uninformed masses....basically, a good read.

Joe Ribaudo

attacking me personially is wrong and the rules of this site states that clearly ...

i will post my findings may 1st of 2008 .. stay safe stay free

Ps ......if you all are so fucking smart why did you not figer out what ruth did ...
... thats two old men that out smarted all of you

not me .....

=the blindbowman ...

i will post my findings may 1st of 2008 .. stay safe stay free
Sheehs, I will be 151 by then sniffff.

Ps ......if you all are so #@!$%#@!ing smart why did you not figer out what ruth did ...
... thats two old men that out smarted all of you not me .....

Nor me either since I have never read their data or notes. If this keeps up I may JUST HAVE TO GO GET THE LDM TO SETTLE THNGS. (sorry CJ, Djui--.)

Don Jose de La Mancha



Here is the main problem, IMHO.

Many of us have read your posts on the Occult Forum, as well as the Pot Head's Forum. :o
Your deletions there, as well as the posts you deleted here, were not done fast enough to hide your true thought patterns and personally held beliefs.

Like many potheads, as well as ex-potheads who were heavy users over a long period, you believe no one has a clue......but you. To those of us who have been working right next to you, for many years, the signs are bright and flashing.

You believe that if you delete your posts, no one will have a clue as to who you really are, the kind of person you are. We all know! Some of us are willing to call a spade a spade, while others have a more genteel spirit.

If you are going to reveal your lifestyle on public forums, you should expect "normal" folks to have a less than favorible opinion of you. One of the offshoots of that, is a reluctance to believe anything you say.

You say you don't care what anyone thinks of you (normal statement for drug users) but it seems obvious that you do care what we think. That shows there is still a bit of hope for you. Give up on the personal denial, grow a thicker skin and keep posting. While many are giving you a bad time, they all read your posts. I am very familiar with that kind of treatment.

Take care,



I assume someone told you the definition of "occult", which is why you changed your last post. Perhaps they also informed you that dumb is not spelled d-u-m :D

I have not called you any names. Your own words have named you "pothead" and your own constantly changing story and obvious untruths.....have also (self) labeled you. Being a (self proclaimed) "witch" has also placed you among the occult/fringe crowd.

Your problem, as I see it, is that you are not really angry at having a mirror held up to your past and probable current life style, but is strictly due to the fact that no one holds you in high esteem for it.

As to what I have or have not found.......I manage to live very well without having to lie or fabricate some kind of success that was destroyed in......whatever.

Why don't we just go back to talking about the LDM and the Superstition Mountains. When you find the treasure, after removing all that Nitro', that will be the very best statement of how we were all clueless. I will be the first to say I was mistaken. ;)

I have never spent a second worrying about you. ::)

Take care,


do you think the dutchman shot the nephew and then smiled ?
was the dutchman a drunk old desert rat ...?

its hard to hide 49 lbs of gold ,,, so where is this so called dutchman gold and who has it

i think the old rat died and had not a dime to his name and left julia hope and dick holmes a path to hell .. smart old desert rat i guess

so many thin skinned people on here, seems like if you are spending time out in the sun an weather people would have a tougher skin.
I guess when you think you are the center of the universe you think ever thing is aimed at you.BF


The evidence that Dick Holmes took the Waltz gold, is pretty compelling. Those who have researched the story throughly, know that Dick showed a substantial (for those days) increase in worth, shortly after Waltz's death.

Except for a few pieces of "jewelry" gold, the rest was sold to a local buyer.....just like everybody else's gold.

You assume that the Dick/Brownie Holmes "nephew" story is true. It is as far fetched as the Dutchman being a "drunk". Those type of stories are what kept the LDM hidden for so many years. The story has been added to on a regular basis and changed one word at a time. Those slight changes are being continued.....even as we speak. No one really cares anymore.

As you know, it's not hard to find some horse bones miles away from where the nephew was supposed to be killed, and making the location fit the story. Happens every day. When you no longer care if your "facts" are accurate, the real truth is the first casualty. "it makes no difference". That may or may not be an exact quote.

Take care,


where picture of the dick holmes skull with a chain around its neck i want to see that ,anyone got a true picture of it...

IMHO he never found it . and if the clues are true of where he was hunting , then i know danm well he never found it ...

lets set the facts of dick holmes in place .we know julia was lost from the start ....
but IMHO her clues are as sound as the Boy's ...

we dick holmes was there from the acounts of the dutchmans death ...
if we are to beleive dick holmes related the clues as we herd them from my insight the true clues are hiden in his acount . but crambled . even if dick holmes crambled them him self because he could not find the location yet did not want anyone else to find it ... ether way from my insight the clues are there to the location i found

IMHo the dutchman had try to defind where the tunnel had come from and knew the past of the tunnel and the pit...even if what he had found out was not the truth he could only defind what evidence was around at the time he was researching the tunnel and mine ...

he refers to it as a chruch grant if we are to beleive that acount . but note he never says what chruch or by who it could be indain or jesuit or fransican ,or yes even templar .. but as we know the templar did in fact invent loans & grants ...they were known as the frist bankers..

so lets say i was right and the templars could have put the treasure there. did they have the chance to put the treasure in the tunnel the out right fact is yes ,... they had the means and the ships and the time line could prove it if the treasure is templar . we can say the priest stone is of a templar priest by his defind robes .. and sword .and even the the event being seen at ahand ...
adding the fact a few templar math figers are seen that were used by the templars . IMHO the theory of the treasure tunnel being templar is not that far out there ....

note there was no clam in the studies of the stones of where they had came from . only a study if they were fakes and at that piont in time we had no idea of the location of where and how those stones became where they were found ..

any good researcher can tell you that before you can ID a sample you need a sample to compair it to ,... IMHO we now have a sample ...

imho if the leader of the templar told his knights to take the treasure as far away as they could and hide it so it would never be found , is this not the best place for that to take place ... it has not been found till now . and imho the stones were made but if the indains killed off the templar and put their bodys back in the caves like they later did the same to the spainish and jesuit IMHO . this would give us not only where the templars went but a way in wich the stones ended up on the trail out of the mts...

IMHO it is very similar turn of events , no matter if it was jesuit or templar knights or spainish running from the indains .. but if the templar had gone into the indains secert place then this could have been the out come of those events they were in the massacre site acount ...

IMHO we could be looking at a chain of events and not broken data . the templar , jesuit ,and spainish could have all been killed by the same conditions for the same reasons ..the frist for puting treasure in the secert place and they others for trying to take it out ...

not saying i am right about any of this .. but could this explan the turn of events .. and the answer is yes ...

look at one fact if these events took place all 3 , templar , jesuit and spainish would have been related to the tunnel and not the pit it self ...

if i am right there should have been other signs of a masscre of the templars where the stones were found ...

i dont beleive anyone could have hiden the templar priest on the stones as fakes . this IMHO would make the stones templar and real ...

another clue is what was found with the stones ..we were told only the stones were found , how long did they lay in the desert and were they the only things found at the time ...? we may never know the truth of that event and in those days we may have hide aside a gold bar or templar sword our selfs under the condition the man found them under ...

even his reactions to the find IMHO piont that there was something else found ,,...he went all the way home and waited years to report the find of some old stone tablets .. see my piont . if he had found something else of value would he have logically waited ,,, yes ...IMHO

in fact the location of where the stones were found could leed to more recoveries ...

much the way of the location of the other masscre sites .

but the facts are as they are at this piont in time , we have a set of stone tablets , two of those stones show IMHO templar past. yet others have templar signs as well ...

we see a horse map with out two riders . the riders are gone , and the horse is without riders and free ...

is this another simbolic templar stone tablet , as the frist showing us the templar vanished here within the mts ...

was this the resting place of the templars ...

did they know this when they hide the treasure there .. if that is the turn of events ...

if true the two stones are simbolic and show events that took place at or around the time of the events . we have a time line for the templar's vanishing act in 1307 , so we make a sound judgement if that date holds true the event had to take place just before those years , IMHO no more then 15 years before the events ....

so lets look at the events IMHO that could have taken place , in a time line to each other ..

templar know the times are changeing and they are loseing the holly lands . they send the treasure as far away as they can and hide it , they had ships and had a way to move the treasure . we find signs of them on the stone teblets ...and in their simbolic pictures on the stone tablets . we see the masscre sites as stages of the indains definding their secert place .. yet each group that enters the secert place is killed off in the same type of events . drive them away wait till they are over come by the mts roughness and then kill them off hide the bodies back in the tunnel and recover the tunnel ..

makeing sure those being droven away are as far from the site as they can get without getting away ...

iMHO this could event be sign as a indain tracking trait . run the game till it cant go any more and then go in for the kill ...

just my thoeries ...and we know the events of the massacre site acount were just in this order as my thoeries are ..

we see the same order to the events that took place in that acount , the indains got free and run the jesuits & spainish as far away as they could run and then killed them for what they had done to their secert place ...yet in the acount they do return the bodies to the tunnel ...

is this what happend at the site where the stone tablets were found . we dont know because no one wrote the acount of what took place in this event .. but it dose not stop me from makeing a sound judgement of what could have taken place from the other events that profile the people doing this type of events .. and we are given a clear picture of one of the events that take place ....

the indains did nothing wrong .IMHO they only did what we would do if it was our secert place ...

but is there a profile that is seen threw out these events IMHO YES!

not only is the sound reasoning but logic as well as some of the facts when put in these chain of events do fit the path of data and the time line ,even if we do not have all the story and history , we have more then we had before i started IMHO ...

am i right , we can only hope i am and the legend is true and the recovery fills the life of many and fills the holes in history with great treasures of a time long forgotten ...some times we over look what we do not beleive could take place .. yet the evidence well defind the truth . i can only wait and defind this path of reaserch and hope to prove what i see is fact buy the evidence recoverd ...

we have a 116 years of what is evidence and where is the proff , and IMHO .. where is the treasure and where is the facts to the events .. i beleive the facts are here and they have been misunder stood and mis labled ... IMHO ...what was once a beautfull stone tablet of the temple mount treasure became a templar map made in a time were their end was in sight and knights gave there lifes to give one of them the time to hide those stones ... i want to let them rest in peace...

what happend to these knights was wrong and IMHO they knew what was happening at the time of there massacre ....

they stood and held their ground tell the last knight's death ...

no one told their story . i want to . i will if i can prove it with evidence ...

IMHO the indains and templars ,jesuits and fransican are all victums of the times & history of mankind ,,..

these spirits need to be set free . they need mercy ... they need the truth to be found ...

IMHO the treasure is not what is valueable in this legend .....

i guess the talking is over you guys can draw your own conclutions ,, i got a lot of things to do these days ..,

No offense intended, but that story would make a great plot for a Clive Cussler book.... ;)


I am a big fan of Cussler, and would have to agree with you. That would be much better than my Indiana Jones/Harry Potter suggestion.

Joe Ribaudo

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